SCREVEN, Elisha will, MC CANTS and GOODWYN mentioned.
"Elisha SCREVEN, Craven County, planter. Wife: Hannah. Sons:
Joseph, 4 tracts of land; Elisha, land purchased of Arthur
FOSTER, 1/3 land purchased of Othniel BEALE on Pee Dee River and
on land of late James MICHIE, but now Archibald JOHNSON; Joshua,
land purchased of John GOODWIN and Martha his wife, land granted
20 June 1754, land purchased of Alexander SWINTON; Samuel, land
purchased of John MC CANTS, 1/3 of land purchased of Othniel
BEALE on Pee Dee River and of land of Andrew JOHNSON; William,
under 21 years, remaining part of land purchased of Othniel
BEALE and bounding on land of Elisha and Samuel; Benjamin, under
21 years, 3 town lots in Georgetown Nos. 185, 186, and 199.
Daus: Elizabeth, wife of James FOWLER; Hannah, under 18 years.
Mentions: son Joseph not to have possession of plantation during
his mother's widowhood; exors. To sell plantation near Little
Pee Dee River purchased of Edward HEXT and proceeds divided
between wife and children; residue of estate to wife and
children Joseph, William, Benjamin, and Hannah. Exors: wife
during widowhood; sons Elisha, Joshua, Samuel, and William when
18 years. Wit: John WALKER, James COMMANDER, George COMMANDER.
D: 18 Aug 1756. MEMORANDUM: To son Elisha, lot in George Town
No. 66 mentioned in indentures sold to Christopher GADSEN dated
2 July 1755 (for a burying ground), my father being buried
there. D: (same). CODICIL: Elisha SCREVEN, Prince Frederick's
Parish, planter. Mentions: surplus grant for land purchased of
Othniel BEALE. Wit: Thomas POTTS, Jr, Abigail SMITH; William
TULLFORD, his mark. D: 26 Nov 1757. P: nd. R: nd. P. 114"