Efa, daughter of Rhys Ddu was the son of Llewelyn ap Kydwgan (or
Cadwgan), of Carog, Llanddeiniol (by Gladys, daughter of Mareydd
Vychan, of Blaen Trean, in the parish of Llan y Beddair,
Carmarthenshire), ap Kydwgan ap Kydwgan Vawr ap Richard ap Rhys,
of Pont y Chan, ap Rhys (Rys) ap Rhydderch, of Castle Howel,
descended from Kydivor (Kydifor) ap Dyfnwal, of Castle Howel,
Cardinganshire, an officer under the "Lord Rhys", and who took
by escalade the castle of Cardigan for that prince, subsequently
marrying his daughter, Katherine. The wife of Kydwgan Vawr was
Efa, daughter of Einion Saia, by Peredar his wife, descended
from Rhys Gryg, son of the Lord Rhys.
(Welsh Founders of Pennsylvania, Thomas Allen Glenn,p 127 - 130)
Iuean ap Einion, of Efionydd, father of Gwenllian, wife of Rhys
Ddu, was party to a deed dated, at Wheeloc, on the next Friday
after Easter, 12 Rich. II. [23 April, 1389], and her brother,
Madog, was party to a deed dated 10 Hen. V. (1415).
This Ieuan ap Einion was of Bron y Foel, in the parish of St.
Catherine, in Efionydd, and is mentioned in Symond's Switzerland
as a valiant Welshman who had defended Henry of Transtamare and
the Throne Castile against the Black Prince, in the 39th and
40th years of Edw. III. (1366), and who afterwards accompanied
Enguerrad de Coucy (son-in-law of the English King) in his
expedition against the Duke of Austria, under pretence of
demanding the dower due him (Enguerrad) in right of his mother.
[MS. Pedigree of Nannau; note by Meyrick to Dwnn, ii., 93-4,
Ieuan had a brother, Howel, called Sir Howel y fwyall, or of the
battle axe, who was distinquished for his prowess in the wars in
France, in the time of Edward III. His countrymen have ever
competed for him, with Denis de Morbeque, the honour of taking
the French king prisoner. "This Howel." observes John Wynn in
his "History of the Gwydir Family", was knighted at the field of
Poyctiers, and by our countrymen is reported to have taken the
French King; but, however it was, he did such service there
that the Prince bestowed a messe of meate, to be served up dayly
during his life, before his battle axe, which after was bestowed
on the poor, whereof he was called Sir Howel y fwyall."
Einion ap Gruffydd, of Bron y Foel, the father of these
brothers, is named as
one of the heirs of "Wele Gogan in the villes of Whyloc"
(Chwilog), Glasvryn,
in the extent of the commot of Eivionydd, taken at Cricciaeth,
and was High
Sheriff of the Counties of Carnarvon and Merioneth. For the
former he appears
to have held the office in the 29th year of Edw. III, and for
life. [Note of
Meyrick to Dwnn, ii, 93, n. 6] Eionion ap Gwgan ap Maredydd ap
Collwyn ap
Tango, lord of Lleyn.
The wife of Einion ap Gruffydd was Nest, daughter and heiress of
Gruffydd ap
Adda, of Dolgoch, Merionethshire, Raglor (governor) of the
commot of
Estimaner, 3 and 7 Edw. III., whose tomb, on which is his effigy
in armour, remains in
the church of Towyn.*1. He was the owner of Ynys y Maengwyn and
other great
estates in Estimaner and Ardudwy.
The wife of Ieuen ap Einion was Gwenhwyfar, daughter of Meuric
Llwyd (or
Lloyd) ap Meuric ap Ynyr ap Ynyr, of Nannau, Merionetshire,
descended from Bleddyn
ap Cynfyn, Prince of Powys. [Dwnn, ii, 93] This Ynyr ap Ynyr
(or Ynyr
Vychan), lord of Nannau, presented a petition to Edward, Prince
of Wales, at
Kensington, 33 Edw. I. (1304 - 5), for the office of Raglor of
the commot of
Talybont, Merionetshire, stating that the king had given it to
him for taking Madog ap
Lllewelyn, who, in the last war, had made himself Prince of
Wales. The
petition, however, was not granted, as no charter could be
shown, and in the
Parliment of 15 and 16 Edw. II. (1322 - 3), he and others were
charged with
attacking, on the next Wednesday after the Feast of St. Gregory,
in the 15th of Edward
II., the castle of John Grey, at Ruthin, setting fire to the
town, and
killing two men. ["Records of Caernarvon", 220; Rolls of
Parlt., vol. i, p. 397]
*1 She was also wife to Llewelyn ap Cynric, of Cors y Gedol.
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iii. NATHANIEL COCKRELL, JR., m. N/A.Fact 1: Died young
iv. WILLIAM COCKRELL8, b. 1794; d. March 20, 1839, Nouxbee Co.,
MS. Burial: Soul Chapel Church Cemetery, Noxubee Co., MS
v. SUSAN COCKRELL, b. Abt. 1796; m. JOHN PRINCE.
vi. BURR COCKRELL9,10,11, b. February 28, 1799, Fairfield Co.,
So. Carolina; d. March 11, 1861, Lee Co., Misissipppi; m. MARY
JANE ROSBOROUGH12,13, September 30, 1824, Fairfield Co., So.
Carolina; b. 1805, So. Carolina; d. January 08, 1848, Fairfield,
More About BURR COCKRELL: Burial: Union Cemetery, Lee Co., MS
More About MARY JANE ROSBOROUGH: Burial: Gladney Cemetery,
Fairfield Co., SC
vii. MOSES COCKRELL14,15,16,17, b. February 28, 1799, Fairfield
Co., So. Carolina; d. April 09, 1867, Noxubee Co., MS.; m.
CHARLOTTE HILL, 1824, So. Carolima; b. August 08, 1809, So.
Carolina; d. October 28, 1864, Noxubee Co., MS..
More About MOSES COCKRELL: Burial: Soul Chapel Church Cemetery,
Noxubee Co., MS
More About CHARLOTTE HILL: Burial: Soul Chapel Church Cemetery,
Noxubee Co., MS
viii. SOPHIA COCKRELL18,19, b. 1800, So. Carolina; d. Aft. 1860,
Chester Co. So. Carolina; m. WILLIAM PRATT20,21, Abt. 1828,
South Carolina; b. 1790, South Carolina; d. Aft. 1860, Chester
Co., SC.
ix. MARY COCKRELL, b. Bet. 1800 - 1810, South Carolina; d. Abt.
1838, Noxubee Co., MS; m. CALEB CONNER JOINER22,23,24, Abt.
1827, Fairfied Dist., SC; b. Bet. 1800 - 1810, Fairfield Dist.,
SC; d. Bet. 1861 - 1870, Probably Texas.
x. REBECCA COCKRELL25,26, b. March 04, 1803, Chester Dist SC.;
d. March 11, 1868, Noxubee Co., MS; m. REV. ELISHA
CALLAWAY26,27, January 27, 1825; b. January 08, 1792, Delaware;
d. June 21, 1870, Macon, Noxubee Co., MS.
xi. JAMES COCKRELL28,29,30, b. 1815, SC; d. May 1861, Macon,
Noxubee, MS; m. MARTHA HAYES31, April 28, 1835, Nouxbee Co.,
MS; b. 1816, Georgia; d. Bef. 1861, MS.
xii. ANN M. COCKRELL32,33, b. 1815, South Carolina; m. RICHARD
D. BARKER, April 20, 1836, Noxubee Co., MS34; d. Bef. 1850.
1. South Carolina Ct. Minute Book for 1806, Case of the State
vs. Nathaniel Cockrell and his son Burr Cockrell, a minor, for
interfering with a constable in the execution of his
duties......No bill.
2. South Carolina Ct. Minute Book for 1806, Case of the State
vs. Nathaniel Cockrell and Burr Cockrell, his son, a minor, (and
others) for assualt and battery .....Case dismissed. Note:
(Burr born 1789 - 1806 = 17yrs old).
3. John P. Adcock, "Five Generations of the Family of Burr
Harrison of Virginia", (Heritage Books, Inc. ISBN
4. http://binger.ouhsc.edu/~rbonner/harrison/surnames.html,
Harrison Respository.
5. Deed of Gift - Old Deed Book L, p. 220, Fairfield Co., SC.,
Dated March 10, 1798: "Burr Harrison, for the natural love and
affection for my daughter, Rebecca Cockrel, gives her one negro
girl, Moriah."
6. Compiled by Bob Franks, Cockrell Tombstone Inscriptions of
Noxubee Co., MS, Rebecca Cockrell died Aug. 1850, aged 78 and is
buried in Soule Chapel Church Cemetery in Noxubee Co., MS.
(Noxubee Co. is located about 50 miles south of Itawamba Co.,
MS. and about 16 mile NW of Greene Co., Alabama. 1850 Census
records show her as age 88, born in 1762.
7. 1850 Census of Nouxbee Co., MS, Cockrell, Rebecca, age 88,
8. Cockrell Tombstone Inscriptions of Noxubee Co., MS compied
by Bob Franks.
9. Cockrell Tombstone Inscriptions of Marion Counnty, AL.,
Itawamba Co. and Lee Co., MS. Compiled by Bob Franks, The
Cockrell Connection ISSN 0891-5296, Vol. 3, Issu 4, Burr
Cockrell died in the year 1861 and was buried in Union Cemetery
eight miles from Tupelo, Lee County, MS.
10. Probate Records- Rockwall Co., TX Oct. 1906, pp:
155-157;p. 159,; pg. 185,; pg. 220, J. R. Cockrell applies for
Letter of Adm. of the Estate of Burr Cockrell, dec'd. for an
order of sale of 12 shares of stock in the Charlotte Columbia &
Augusta Rail Road. Dated June 18, 1881.
11. 1850 Census of Fairfield Co., SC, 1850 Census of Fairfield
Co., SC,HH754/755Burr Cockrel, head.
12. Will of James Rosborough of the District of Fairfield, SC
located in Will Book #19, Page #177, Apt. #84 File 228, Will
Book #19, Page #177, Apt. #84 Files 228 of Fairfield SC, James
Rosborough names his daughter Mary Cockrell in his will.
13. Gladney Cemetery, Fairfield Co., SC, Cockrell, M.Y., b.1805
d. 1-24-1848, age 45 yrs.
14. Compiled by Bob Franks, Cockrell Tombstone Inscriptions of
Noxubee Co., MS, Moses gave the land for Soule Chapel Church and
Soule Chapel Church Cemetery.
15. The Cockrell Connection, ISSN 0891-5295, Vol. 3, Issue 4,
pg. 42.
16. 1850 Census of Noxubee Co., MS, 1850 Census, Noxubee
County, Mississippi (Oct. 7, 1850) Moses Cockrell was living in
the same house with:MORDECAI HARRISON, age 61, male planter;
real estate value $200; born in S. C.Susan Harrison, age 51,
female; born in S. C.Thomas Harrison, age 22; male; born in S.
C.Lucinda Harrison, age 19, female; born in S. C.Joseph
Harrison, age 16, male; born in S. C.Moses Cockrell, age 50,
male, planter, real estate value, $3000; born in S.C.Charlotte
Cockrell, age ?; female; born in S. C.William Cockrell, age 21,
male; born in S. C.Thomas Cockrell, age 15, male; born in S.
C.Moses Cockrell, age 12; male; born in S. C.Dent Cockrell, age
9, male; born in Mississippi..
17. 1840 Census of Nouxbee Co., MS., Moses
18. 1850 Census of Chester Co., SC, Pg. 94 AncestryHH
719/719William Pratt, head.
19. 1860 Census of Chester Co., SC, P. 63 ancestry.com HH
512/474William Pratt, head.
20. 1850 Census of Chester Co., SC, Pg. 94 AncestryHH
719/719William Pratt, head.
21. 1860 Census of Chester Co., SC, P. 63 ancestry.com HH
512/474William Pratt, head.
22. 1850 Colorado Co., tX, HH 53/57Joiner, Raleb, head.
23. Donna Schulte Loth [email protected],
24. 1860 Census of Fayette Co., TX, Lyonsville P.O., (pg. 320)
HH 912/1229Joiner, Caleb.
25. Holcomb, Brent, Death and Obituary Notices from the So.
Christian Advocate 1867-1878, Issue of April 3, 1868, "Mrs.
Rebecca Callaway (whose maiden names was Cockrell) was born
March 4, 1803, in Chester Dist., SC. and died March 11, 1868, in
Noxubee Co, MS., at the residence of her son-in-law, Judge J. J.
Beauchamp. She was married to the Rev. Elisha Callaway, now a
member of the Mobiile Conference, Jan. 27, 1825. In 1839 she
became a resident of Macon."
26. 1850 Census of Nouxbee Co., MS, Pg. 199, HH 58/58Callaway,
Elisha, head.
27. 1870 Census of Macon , Noxubee Co., MS, HH 125/156, p.
199Callaway, Elisha.
28. Letter from Annie Cockrell of Macon MS. dated May 12, 1861
to James Rosborough Cockrell which was found in his Bible
telling of the death of her father, James a brother to Burr
Cockrell, the father of James Rosborough Cockrell/
29. 1850 Census of Noxubee Co., MS, Household #398, James
Cockrell, age 35 Planter b. SCMartha Cockrell, age 34 b. GAAnn
Cockrell, age 14 b. MS; Laura Cockrell, age 13, b MS., William
Cockrell, age 11 b. MS; Harrison Cockrell, age 10, b. MS; Mary
Cockrell, age 7 b MS; Rebecca Cockrell, age 5 b. MS; John
Cockrell, age 3, b MS; B___, age 2 (male) b. MS.
30. 1840 Census of Nouxbee Co., MS., James
31. 1850 Census of Nouxbee Co., MS, HH 398, p 220James
Cockrell, head.
32. 1850 Census of Nouxbee Co., MS, HH 59/59, p. 199Cockrell,
Rebecca, age 88, head,.
33. 1860 Census of Noxubee Co., MS, Macon p. 864 HH 87/74Mrs.
Ann Barker, head(Living next door to sister, Rebecca Callaway).
34. Noxubee County, MS. Marriages for 1834 through 1869, Book
A, pg 22.
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Mother: Rachel WINN |
or Bowman, Elbert, GA
_Frederick FORTSON ________________ | (1690 - ....) _Thomas FORTSON Sr.__| | (1715 - 1742) m 1739| | |___________________________________ | _Thomas FORTSON Jr.__| | (1742 - 1824) m 1762| | | _Michael GUINNEY WINN _____________ | | | (1680 - 1742) | |_Elizabeth WINN _____| | (1717 - 1800) m 1739| | |___________________________________ | | |--Richard FORTSON | (1778 - 1836) | _Michael GUINNEY WINN _____________ | | (1680 - 1742) | _Benjamin WINN Sr.___| | | (1700 - 1779) m 1725| | | |___________________________________ | | |_Rachel WINN ________| (1744 - ....) m 1762| | _John TAVERNER Jr._________________+ | | (1683 - ....) |_Ann TAVERNER _______| (1700 - ....) m 1725| |_Rebecca TRAVERS of "Exeter Lodge"_+ (1690 - 1740)
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_(RESEARCH QUERY) Beaufort, NC HODGES of Isle of Wight, VA & NC_+ | _Robert HODGES Sr.___| | (1650 - 1687) | | |________________________________________________________________ | _Benjamin HODGES ____| | (1670 - ....) | | | _Francis HIGGINS _______________________________________________ | | | (1620 - ....) | |_Elizabeth HIGGINS? _| | (1650 - ....) | | |________________________________________________________________ | | |--Benjamin HODGES | (.... - 1753) | ________________________________________________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |________________________________________________________________ | | |_____________________| | | ________________________________________________________________ | | |_____________________| | |________________________________________________________________
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__ | __| | | | |__ | _(RESEARCH QUERY) MOSS of Old Virginia_| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |-- MOSS | (1780 - ....) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_______________________________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
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Mother: JOANNA "Jone" JENNINGS |
__________________________________ | _______________________________| | | | |__________________________________ | _Bartholomew Robert OWEN "the Immigrant"_| | (1619 - 1677) m 1665 | | | __________________________________ | | | | |_______________________________| | | | |__________________________________ | | |--Robert OWEN | (1668 - 1717) | _JONATHAN JENNINGS of Ripon_______ | | (1600 - ....) | _EDMUND JENNINGS Knt. of Ripon_| | | (1626 - 1691) | | | |_ELIZABETH PARKER ________________+ | | (1600 - ....) |_JOANNA "Jone" JENNINGS _________________| (1652 - 1704) m 1665 | | _EDWARD BARKHAM Knt. of Tottenham_+ | | (1595 - 1667) m 1622 |_MARGARET BARKHAM _____________| (1627 - ....) | |_FRANCES BERNEY __________________+ (1600 - 1667) m 1622
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Mother: Mary or Ann WILLIAMSON |
2 Mary PLACE b: 1641/1664 d: 1685/1736 + Thomas POWELL b:
1632/1661 d: 1684/1724
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Francis PLACE "the immigrant"_| | (1610 - 1655) m 1637 | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Mary PLACE | (1648 - 1710) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_Mary or Ann WILLIAMSON _______| (1617 - ....) m 1637 | | __ | | |__| | |__
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Mother: Susan Morris DABNEY |
_John TAYLOR of Caroline____________+ | (1753 - 1824) m 1783 _John TAYLOR Jr.________| | (1810 - ....) | | |_Lucy M. PENN ______________________+ | (1764 - 1831) m 1783 _Edmund Pendleton TAYLOR C.S.A._| | (1822 - 1880) m 1845 | | | _John Thornton WOODFORD ____________+ | | | (1763 - 1845) m 1786 | |_Lucy Gregory WOODFORD _| | (1800 - ....) | | |_Mary Turner TALIAFERRO ____________+ | (1772 - 1828) m 1786 | |--Agatha TAYLOR | (1860 - ....) | _(RESERCH QUERY) DABNEY of Virginia_ | | | _John Blair DABNEY _____| | | (1800 - ....) | | | |____________________________________ | | |_Susan Morris DABNEY ___________| (1827 - 1918) m 1845 | | ____________________________________ | | |________________________| | |____________________________________
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