Mother: Catherine SIMCOCK |
3.Benjamin Berry was born on Oct. 16, 1758 (1724?), and his
birth is recorded in the parish records. Benjamin married
Elizabeth Thornley, the daughter of John Thornley and wife Ann
Woffendale, and had the following chilfren;
Benjamin, who married Jane Bell,
John Berry who married Elizabeth,
Reuben Berry, who married Dinah,
William Berry,
Thomas Berry,
Dullabella, who married James Benson and
Sarah Berry who married John Humphreys.
Benjamin was a lieutenant in the Frederick co militia, in 1758
through at least 1761. He also shopped at the same store in
Winchester, as did his brother, and his purchases are recorded
for the christmas season of 1761. His name appears in many land
deals of the area, in personal property tax lists, and in 1792,
Benjamin was sworn in as Deputy Sheriff .
Benjamin laid out the town of Berryville, in Frederick (now
Clarke) county, Virginia with a land purchase on 1798, and laid
out a town covering 20 acres, lying on both sides of the great
road leading from Snicker Gap to Winchester, and originally
surveyed by George Washington. His town was established by an
Act of the General Assembly of Virginia, on January 1. 1798, and
there is still one building in Berryville that was built by
_Henry BERRY _________________+ | (1635 - 1677) m 1649 _William BERRY ______| | (1650 - 1721) m 1685| | |_Ann SAUNDERS? _______________ | (1635 - 1670) m 1649 _Joseph BERRY _______| | (1691 - 1749) m 1720| | | _Enoch DOUGHTY _______________+ | | | (1638 - 1677) | |_Margaret DOUGHTY ___| | (1670 - 1719) m 1685| | |______________________________ | | |--Benjamin BERRY | (1724 - 1820) | _John SIMCOCK "the Immigrant"_ | | (1626 - 1703) | _Jacob SIMCOCK ______| | | (1660 - 1708) m 1684| | | |______________________________ | | |_Catherine SIMCOCK __| (1695 - 1750) m 1720| | ______________________________ | | |_Alice MARIS ________| (1660 - ....) m 1684| |______________________________
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Mother: Catherine WILLIAMS |
The Twentieth Century Biographical Dictionary of Notable
Americans: Volume I
BOUDINOT, Elias, philanthropist, was born in Philadelphia, Pa.,
May 2, 1740; son of Elias and Catherine (Williams) Boudinot. He
received an excellent education, and, after studying law with
his brother-in-law, Richard Stockton, a signer of the
Declaration of Independence, he was admitted to practice in New
Jersey, Nov. 9, 1760. On Sept. 11, 1770, he was licensed as
sergeant-at-law, and in 1790 Yale college conferred upon him the
honorary degree of LL.D. On June 11, 1774, he was made a member
of the committee of correspondence for Essex county, N.J. In
1775 he was one of the deputies who attended the provincial
congress of New Jersey. In 1777 he was elected
commissary-general of prisoners, and while holding this office,
failing to receive sufficient money from Congress to satisfy the
pressing necessities of the prisoners, he drew generously from
his own resources and borrowed from his friends. In December,
1777, he was elected a delegate to the Continental Congress, and
in the spring of 1778 was appointed by General Washington to
meet a British commissioner and arrange an exchange of
prisoners. He also effected an exchange of General Lee, who had
been taken prisoner in December. 1776. He retained the office of
commissary-general of prisoners until 1779, and his term in
Congress having ended in 1778, he was again elected in 1781,
holding his seat until 1784. In November, 1782, he was chosen
president of Congress, and in this official capacity signed the
treaty of peace with England.
In 1788 he was elected a representative to the 1st U.S.
Congress, serving by re-election in the 2d and 3d congresses. In
1795 President Washington appointed him director of the U.S.
mint; in 1805 he resigned the office, and retired from all
public duties, and devoted himself to the study of biblical
literature at his home in Burlington, N.J. He was one of the
founders of the American Bible society in 1816, and its first
president. 'He left many generous bequests for benevolent
objects, in which he was interested. During his lifetime he gave
to the American Bible society the sum of $10,000; to Princeton
college, of which he was a trustee, a natural history cabinet
worth $3,000, and generous sums to various missions. Among his
published works are: "The Age of Revelation" (1790); "The Age of
Reason" (1793); "Second Advent of the Messiah" (1815); "A Star
in the West" (1815), and "A Life of the Rev. William Tennent"
(1806). (See "Life of Elias Boudinot," by J. J. Boudinot, 1896.)
He died Oct. 24, 1821.
Alphabetical List of Officers of the Continental Army
Fifteenth Virginia page 111
Boudinot, Elias (N. J.). Colonel Commissary-General of
Prisoners, 15th May, 1777; resigned 11th May, 1778. (Died 24th
October, 1821.)
_____________________________ | _Elie BOUDINOT "the Immigrant"_| | (1674 - 1719) m 1699 | | |_____________________________ | _Elias BOUDINOT _____| | (1706 - 1770) m 1733| | | _Louis CARRE "the Immigrant"_ | | | (1659 - 1748) | |_Marie-Catherine CARRE ________| | (1683 - 1757) m 1699 | | |_Pregeante FLEURIAU _________ | (1659 - ....) | |--Elias BOUDINOT L.L.D. | (1740 - 1821) | _____________________________ | | | _Arthur WILLIAMS ______________| | | (1690 - ....) | | | |_____________________________ | | |_Catherine WILLIAMS _| (1714 - 1765) m 1733| | _____________________________ | | |_Ann RICHARDS _________________| (1690 - ....) | |_____________________________
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Mother: Winifred Jones GUERRANT |
_(RESEARCH QUERY) BRANCH of Virginia__________________ | _Samuel BRANCH II__________| | (1750 - ....) | | |______________________________________________________ | _Samuel III BRANCH _______| | (1783 - 1847) m 1807 | | | _(RESEARCH QUERY) MARTIN (MARTAIN) of Manakintown, VA_ | | | | |_Jane MARTIN ______________| | (1750 - ....) | | |______________________________________________________ | | |--Sarah Elizabeth BRANCH | (1811 - ....) | _Jean (John) GUERRANT (GUERIN) Sr_____________________+ | | (1733 - 1812) m 1760 | _John GUERRANT of Virginia_| | | (1760 - 1813) m 1782 | | | |_Elizabeth PORTER ____________________________________+ | | (1732 - 1791) m 1760 |_Winifred Jones GUERRANT _| (1787 - 1828) m 1807 | | _Robert POVALL III____________________________________+ | | (1732 - 1767) m 1755 |_Mary Heath POVALL ________| (1762 - ....) m 1782 | |_Winifred Jones MILLER _______________________________+ (1743 - ....) m 1755
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Mother: HILDEGARDE of Swabia of The West |
_CHARLES MARTEL "The Hammer"___+ | (0676 - 0741) _PEPIN III "The Short" CAROLING of The Franks_| | (0715 - 0768) m 0740 | | |_ROTRUDE of Alemania___________+ | (0690 - 0724) _CHARLEMAGNE "Charles The Great" CAROLING of The West_| | (0742 - 0814) m 0771 | | | _CHARIBERT de LAON of Laon_____+ | | | (0690 - 0747) | |_BERTRADA "Broadfoot" de LAON of The Franks___| | (0720 - 0783) m 0740 | | |_BERTRADA MÉROVINGIENS of Laon_+ | (0690 - 0721) | |--CHARLES "The Younger" CAROLING of Neustria | (0772 - 0811) | _GEROLD of Mayence_____________ | | (0690 - ....) | _GEROLD I Duke of Swabia______________________| | | (0726 - 0779) | | | |_______________________________ | | |_HILDEGARDE of Swabia of The West_____________________| (0758 - 0783) m 0771 | | _HNABI Duke of Alamanni________+ | | (0697 - 0724) |_EMMA van ALAMIN of Alamannia and Swabia______| (0720 - 0790) | |_______________________________
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Mother: Elizabeth Pendleton TUTT |
ii. William Edwin Colston. William died 1864.
_James COLSTON III____________+ | (1720 - 1773) m 1743 _Jeremiah COLSTON _____________________| | (1757 - 1800) | | |_Alice OREM __________________+ | (1725 - 1814) m 1743 _Josiah COLSTON ___________| | (1795 - 1870) | | | ______________________________ | | | | |_______________________________________| | | | |______________________________ | | |--William Edward (Edwin) COLSTON C.S.A. | (1839 - 1864) | _Benjamin TUTT _______________+ | | (1750 - 1817) | _Charles Pendleton TUTT of Locust Hill_| | | (1780 - 1832) m 1806 | | | |_Elizabeth Clayton PENDLETON _+ | | (1754 - ....) |_Elizabeth Pendleton TUTT _| (1809 - 1879) | | _Richard McCarty CHICHESTER __+ | | (1769 - 1817) |_Ann Mason CHICHESTER _________________| (1789 - 1882) m 1806 | |_Ann Thomson MASON ___________+ (1769 - 1817)
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Mother: Sarah Martha "Sallie" MCCANTS |
____________________________ | ____________________________| | | | |____________________________ | _Tom ELLIS _____________________| | (1880 - ....) | | | ____________________________ | | | | |____________________________| | | | |____________________________ | | |--Joe ELLIS | (1900 - ....) | _Alexander Daniel MCCANTS __+ | | (1807 - 1852) m 1841 | _Samuel John MCCANTS C.S.A._| | | (1842 - 1918) m 1869 | | | |_Martha Elizabeth GERALD ___+ | | (1820 - 1855) m 1841 |_Sarah Martha "Sallie" MCCANTS _| (1884 - 1961) | | _John James SIMMONS ________+ | | (1778 - 1847) |_Eliza E. Holt SIMMONS _____| (1845 - 1887) m 1869 | |_Mary Catherine WILLIAMSON _+ (1805 - 1887)
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_JOHN HEREFORD of Sufton_+ | (1558 - 1614) m 1578 _RICHARD HEREFORD Esq.of Sufton_| | (1579 - 1636) m 1610 | | |_CATHERINE LEE __________+ | (1558 - 1579) m 1578 _ROGER HEREFORD Esq. of Sufton_| | (1612 - 1659) m 1628 | | | _________________________ | | | | |_MARGARET PERSHALL _____________| | (1581 - ....) m 1610 | | |_________________________ | | |--William HEREFORD | (1643 - ....) | _________________________ | | | ________________________________| | | | | | |_________________________ | | |_FRANCES RODD _________________| (1610 - 1689) m 1628 | | _________________________ | | |________________________________| | |_________________________
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Mother: Nancy BLANKENSHIP |
_John? HIGGINBOTHAM _________________+ | (1694 - 1744) _Moses HIGGINBOTHAM ___________| | (1715 - 1790) m 1753 | | |_WIDOW Higginbotham Frances? RILEY? _+ | (1696 - 1751) _Robert HIGGINBOTHAM _| | (1754 - 1825) m 1782 | | | _Robert KYLE "the Immigrant"_________ | | | (1702 - 1775) m 1728 | |_Mary Frances KYLE ____________| | (1734 - 1825) m 1753 | | |_Elizabeth "Betty" Anne CAMPBELL ____ | (1704 - 1779) m 1728 | |--Mary Ann HIGGINBOTHAM | (1793 - 1822) | _____________________________________ | | | _(RESEARCH QUERY) BLANKENSHIP _| | | | | | |_____________________________________ | | |_Nancy BLANKENSHIP ___| (1765 - 1836) m 1782 | | _____________________________________ | | |_______________________________| | |_____________________________________
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Mother: Ella Kimbrough PENDLETON |
_________________________________ | _________________________________________| | | | |_________________________________ | _Daniel L. (Stephens?) MCCARTHY _| | (1860 - ....) m 1881 | | | _________________________________ | | | | |_________________________________________| | | | |_________________________________ | | |--Ella MCCARTHY | (1885 - ....) | _Edmund PENDLETON of Cuckooville_+ | | (1786 - 1838) m 1808 | _Philip Barbour PENDLETON Sr.____________| | | (1819 - 1907) m 1847 | | | |_Unity Yancey KIMBROUGH _________+ | | (1787 - 1866) m 1808 |_Ella Kimbrough PENDLETON _______| (1860 - ....) m 1881 | | _Waller (HOLLIDAY) HOLLADAY _____+ | | (1802 - ....) m 1820 |_Jane Waller "Kate" (HOLLIDAY) HOLLADAY _| (1829 - 1915) m 1847 | |_Sarah Smith "Sally" KIMBROUGH __+ (1800 - ....) m 1820
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Mother: Mary COCHRAN |
_____________________________________________ | _James PETTIGREW I____________| | (1690 - ....) | | |_____________________________________________ | _James PETTIGREW "the Immigrant"_| | (1713 - 1784) m 1731 | | | _____________________________________________ | | | | |_Martha A. MOORE _____________| | (1690 - ....) | | |_____________________________________________ | | |--Mary Cochran PETTIGREW | (1738 - 1798) | _____________________________________________ | | | _George COCHRAN of the Grange_| | | (1690 - ....) | | | |_____________________________________________ | | |_Mary COCHRAN ___________________| (1713 - 1786) m 1731 | | _(RESEARCH QUERY FAMILY GROUP) HIGGINBOTHAM _ | | |_Rachel HIGGINBOTHAM _________| (1690 - ....) | |_____________________________________________
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Mother: Hanna HONOR |
_Ambrose Levi RUCKER _____+ | (1640 - 1681) m 1660 _Peter RUCKER Sr. "the Immigrant"_| | (1661 - 1743) m 1679 | | |_Elizabeth Ann BEAUCHAMP _ | (1642 - 1666) m 1660 _William RUCKER Sr.__| | (.... - 1794) m 1721| | | __________________________ | | | | |_Elizabeth FIELDING? _____________| | (1660 - 1752) m 1679 | | |__________________________ | | |--Mordecai RUCKER | (1755 - 1845) | __________________________ | | | __________________________________| | | | | | |__________________________ | | |_Hanna HONOR ________| (1705 - ....) m 1721| | __________________________ | | |__________________________________| | |__________________________
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Mother: Hannah FORREST |
__ | _Jeremiah UPSHAW ____| | (1640 - ....) | | |__ | _William UPSHAW Gent._| | (1668 - 1720) m 1702 | | | __ | | | | |_Cordelia____________| | (1640 - ....) | | |__ | | |--Sarah UPSHAW | (1713 - 1760) | __ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |__ | | |_Hannah FORREST ______| (1670 - 1763) m 1702 | | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
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