I28552: CARTER (ABT 1670 - ____)

My Southern Family


ABT 1670 - ____

ID Number: I28552

  • RESIDENCE: Essex Co. VA
  • BIRTH: ABT 1670
  • RESOURCES: See: [S1517]

Family 1 :
  1. +Katherine CARTER
  2.  Richard CARTER
  3. +Martha CARTER

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© 1995, 1997, 1998, 2000. Josephine Lindsay Bass and Becky Bonner.   All rights reserved.

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This person is presumed living.


Elizabeth HOSKINS

ABT 1770 - 22 Nov 1825

ID Number: I92452

  • RESIDENCE: Henrico Co. VA
  • BIRTH: ABT 1770
  • DEATH: 22 Nov 1825
  • RESOURCES: See: [S2791]

Family 1 : Spencer ROANE Judge
  1.  Eliza ROANE




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© 1995, 1997, 1998, 2000. Josephine Lindsay Bass and Becky Bonner.   All rights reserved.

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1331 - ____

ID Number: I57077

  • BIRTH: 1331
  • RESOURCES: See: [S2091]
Father: DAVID LINDSAY 7th Lord of Crawford

                                                                                  _DAVID de LINDSAY 5th Lord Of Luffness______+
                                                                                 | (1235 - ....) m 1266                       
                                      _ALEXANDER de LINDSAY 6th Lord of Crawford_|
                                     | (1267 - 1308) m 1290                      |
                                     |                                           |_MARGARET LINDSAY Lady of Lamberton_________+
                                     |                                             (1249 - ....) m 1266                       
 _DAVID LINDSAY 7th Lord of Crawford_|
| (1299 - ....) m 1324               |
|                                    |                                            _ALEXANDER STEWART High Steward of Scotland_+
|                                    |                                           | (1210 - 1283)                              
|                                    |_BEATRIX STEWART Countess of Crawford______|
|                                      (1268 - ....) m 1290                      |
|                                                                                |_JEAN MACRORY of Bute_______________________
|                                                                                  (1215 - ....)                              
|  (1331 - ....)
|                                                                                 _ORM de FIFE-ABERNATHY of Fife______________+
|                                                                                |                                            
|                                     _ALEXANDER de ABERNATHY ___________________|
|                                    | (1270 - ....)                             |
|                                    |                                           |____________________________________________
|                                    |                                                                                        
|_MARIA de ABERNATHY ________________|
  (1295 - ....) m 1324               |
                                     |                                            ____________________________________________
                                     |                                           |                                            




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© 1995, 1997, 1998, 2000. Josephine Lindsay Bass and Becky Bonner.   All rights reserved.

HTML created by GED2HTML v3.6-WIN95 (Jan 18 2000) on 05/29/2005 09:03:10 PM Central Standard Time.

Alexander MAGRUDER

1716 - 1799

ID Number: I76531

  • RESIDENCE: Charles Co. MD
  • BIRTH: 1716, Charles Co. Maryland
  • DEATH: 1799
  • RESOURCES: See: [S1580] [S2921]
Father: Alexander MAGRUDER
Mother: Susannah BUSSEY

Family 1 : Elizabeth HOWARD
  1. +Alexander Howard MAGRUDER

                                                            _ALEXANDER MAGRUDER _+
                                                           | (1569 - 1617) m 1605
                       _Alexander MAGRUDER "the Immigrant"_|
                      | (1610 - 1677) m 1672               |
                      |                                    |_MARGARET CAMPBELL __+
                      |                                      (1571 - 1631) m 1605
 _Alexander MAGRUDER _|
| (1673 - ....) m 1710|
|                     |                                     _____________________
|                     |                                    |                     
|                     |_Elizabeth HAWKINS _________________|
|                       (1634 - ....) m 1672               |
|                                                          |_____________________
|--Alexander MAGRUDER 
|  (1716 - 1799)
|                                                           _____________________
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|                     |                                    |_____________________
|                     |                                                          
|_Susannah BUSSEY ____|
  (1675 - ....) m 1710|
                      |                                     _____________________
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© 1995, 1997, 1998, 2000. Josephine Lindsay Bass and Becky Bonner.   All rights reserved.

HTML created by GED2HTML v3.6-WIN95 (Jan 18 2000) on 05/29/2005 09:03:10 PM Central Standard Time.

Vincent VASS Sr.

ABT 1660 - 1727

ID Number: I53756

  • RESIDENCE: King and Queen and Essex Cos. VA
  • BIRTH: ABT 1660, Lancashire Co. VA
  • DEATH: 1727, South Farnum Parish, Essex Co. VA
  • RESOURCES: See: [S747] [S1615] [S2185]

Family 1 : Ann SHARP
  1. +John VASS Sr.
  2.  Anne VASS
  3.  Katherine VASS
  4.  Vincent VASS Jr.
  5.  Daughter of Vincent VASS


Vincent Vass, will dtd 18 Dec 1726 pr 19 Sep 1727 Essex Co. VA, Wills, Bonds, & Inv, Etc. 1722-30).

Inventory in the Essex County court for the estate of Richard Daniel, brother of William Daniel who married Constance Vause. This inventory was returned to court on 19 Sep 1727.
Appraisers listed on this inventory include John Vass, William Brooke and Hugh Williams. This John Vass was almost certainly the son of Vincent Vass who died in Essex in 1727.

This will mentioned son John Vass; daughter Katherine Hudson (wife of Henry Hudson); Ann Cauthorn, wife of Richard Cauthorn; grandchildren Thomas and John Blatt (sons of Thomas Blatt); and grandson Vincent Vass s/o John.

suggest some close connection among John Vause of Middlesex, John Vass of Essex and Thomas Vaux, possibly of York County.

Submitter: Mike Marshall Subject: Vass: Message: "Vincent Vass of Essex County, VA left a will dated 18 Dec 1726 and proved 19 Sep 1727. This will mentioned son John Vass; daughter Katherine Hudson (wife of Henry Hudson); Ann Cauthorn, wife of Richard Cauthorn; grandchildren Thomas and John Blatt (sons of Thomas Blatt); and grandson Vincent Vass s/o John.

This Vincent Vass was probably son of John Vause/Vass who appears in the records of old Rappahannock County, VA (Essex carved from old Rappahannock in 1692)as early as the 1650s.

John Vass, s/o Vincent, married Rachel Pendleton d/o Philip Pendleton who married Isabella Hurt. John Vass left a will in Essex County, VA dated 13 Jan 1753 and proved 15 Apr 1755. This will mentioned eldest son Philip Vincent Vass, sons John, Henry and Reuben; daughter Ann Broocks (Brooks); deceased daughter Catherine Jones: children Martha and Ann Jones.

There was also a Vaus(e) family in Middlesex County, VA which is the country just south of Essex. The records there mention the will of a John Vaus who died 26 Feb 1679/80. His wife was buried 25 Dec 1679/80. His will was dated 22 Feb 1679/80, proved 1 Mar 1679/80. His children included son John Vaus who married Elizabeth Weekes, widow of Francis Weekes s/o Abraham Weekes of Middlesex County (Elizabeth m(2) by 1 Jun 1692 Caleb Welling); dau. Constance who m. William Daniel; dau. Elizabeth who m. James Curtis; dau. Catherine; and dau. Diana.

The will of John Vaus (son of John who d. 26 Feb 1679/80) left a will dated 8 Sep 1691. The will names daughter Agatha (she was b. 28 Feb 1685); wife Elizabeth; William Daniel the son of my sister Constance (by William Daniel); and James and Averilla Curtis (by James Curtis); nephew Christopher Robinson.

The elder John Vaus appears to have married twice at least. One of them appears to have been a daughter of Bertram Obert; James Curtis married another daughter of Bertram Obert.

The Vaus family of Middlesex was closely associated with the Christopher Robinson family and the Cuthbert Potter family.

Is there a family relationship between the John Vause/Vass who appears in the records of old Rappahannock County, VA from the 1650s onward, and the John Vaus family of Middlesex?

Vincent Vass who left a will in Essex County, VA in 1727 was quite possibly a son of one of the 5 sons of Thomas Vaulx who came to VA from England. These sons were Thomas Jr., Robert, James, John, and Humphrey. The sons patented large tracts of land in several Virginia counties including York, Lancaster, old Rappahannock, Westmoreland, Essex and Middlesex."

"1688, Jun 6-At court in Rappahannock County, administration granted to Vincent Vass as marrying the relict of Thomas Gillett, deceased.

1688, Oct 4-At Rappahannock County court, Ref. Granted between Edward Jones, as assignee of William Thornbury plaintiff and Vincent Vass as administrator of Mrs. Jane Jones and Vincent Vass defendant as administrator of Thomas Gillett."


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|--Vincent VASS Sr.
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© 1995, 1997, 1998, 2000. Josephine Lindsay Bass and Becky Bonner.   All rights reserved.

HTML created by GED2HTML v3.6-WIN95 (Jan 18 2000) on 05/29/2005 09:03:10 PM Central Standard Time.

Robert WADE

ABT 1710 - BEF 1736

ID Number: I97819

  • RESIDENCE: Halifax Co. VA
  • BIRTH: ABT 1710
  • DEATH: BEF 1736, Halifax Co. Virginia

Family 1 :
  1. +Mary or Polly WADE


Wife's Name Elizabeth (AFN:FBB6-9J) Born: Abt 1714 Married: Bef 1736 Place: Halifax Co., Virginia



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© 1995, 1997, 1998, 2000. Josephine Lindsay Bass and Becky Bonner.   All rights reserved.

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