Mother: Adeline M. BLOCKER |
_Abraham BUCKHOLTS II_+ | (1729 - 1812) m 1754 _Jacob BUCKHOLTS ____| | (1755 - 1826) m 1785| | |_Elizabeth WOODARD ___ | (1738 - ....) m 1754 _John G. BUCKHOLTS __| | (1800 - 1830) m 1821| | | _Elias HODGES ________+ | | | (1730 - 1792) m 1750 | |_Sarah HODGES _______| | (1760 - 1828) m 1785| | |_Phoebe_______________ | (1730 - ....) m 1750 | |--John Abel BUCKHOLTS | (1825 - 1898) | ______________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |______________________ | | |_Adeline M. BLOCKER _| (1800 - 1860) m 1821| | ______________________ | | |_____________________| | |______________________
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Mother: Mary CHERRY? |
_Robert HODGES Jr.___+ | (1669 - 1742) m 1690 _Richard R. HODGES ____________| | (1694 - 1747) | | |_Ann BRANCH _________+ | (1670 - 1752) m 1690 _Henry HODGES _______| | (1730 - 1802) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Sarah_________________________| | (1710 - 1751) | | |_____________________ | | |--Rachel HODGES | (1750 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _(RESEARCH QUERY) CHERRY NC SC_| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Mary CHERRY? _______| (1730 - ....) | | _____________________ | | |_______________________________| | |_____________________
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Mother: Elizabeth RODHAM |
Will...Rodham Kenner...Parish of St Stevens, Co. of
daughter, of Westmoreland...
dau. in this Co near Yeocomoco 100
pounds sterling and 4,000 lbs of tobacco, each when they arrive
at age of 18...
Exors: bro., Capt. Francis Kenner, cousin, Capt Christopher each of them 3,000 lbs. of tobacco for 1st yr and for
every year after the sum of 2,000 lbs of tobacco each...
brother, John Kenner 1,000 pounds of tobacco...
brother, Mathew Kenner 1,000 lbs, tobacco...
All rest of estate to my son, Richard Kenner..
s/ 26 July 1706 Rodham Kenner (seal).
Wit: Wm. Harcum, Danl McCarthy, Elizabeth Kenner, Hannah Neale.
p. 21 Aug 1706, Northumberland Co., VA. 15 Aug 1711.
Court approved the original (record being burnt).
The Kenner Family History, compiled by Lois Colleen Hindman
CURRY DESCENDANTS by Judge Noble K. Littell pp27 ref#1704.
The Wickenkamp-Thorn(e) Connection by Floyd W. Wickenkamp.
The FOX Family Bible.
Col. Rodham served as a member of the House of Burgesses in the
year 1697 from
the County of Northumberland. The following letter shows that he
was a
Burgess early in the year 1697: The letter is dated 26 Apr 1697
Worthy Sir,
This Pms I take to inform you that I have had bread on the side
of my neck a Verry grate impostn and it is lately break'd, so
that now is a Hole in my Neck that a man may put in three of his
fingers. The docter tells me that it will be verry daingerous to
goe soe much as about the plantation, soe I am affraide I shall
not be able to appeare on the day perfixt, at towne; I therefore
humbly request that you will please to inform the house of
Burgesses of the occasion of my absence from ye sd House, and
that they may ashuredly Conclude that as soone as Ever shall
please God to make me able, shall give my true attendance on the
House, the Contrary I hope will neither by you nor them be
supposed. Sr, ye ffavour herein will oblige Sr. yr Humble Svt,
To Mr Robt Carter, Speaker of the House of Burgesses att James
City, these.
He was Sheriff of County in 1692 and 1699 also Justice in 1699.
He died in Aug 1706 (Another Death Date is 26 Jul 1706). His
will was proved Aug 1706 and was as follows:
In the name of God AMEN: I Rodham Kenner of the Parish of St.
Stephens in the county of Northumberland. Gentl Being sick and
weak in body but of perfect sense and memory praised be the
almighty God therefore and calling to rememberance the uncertain
Estase of this Transitory life and that all flesh must yeild
undo death when it shall please God to call, do make Ordain and
declare this to be my last will and testament in manner of form
and following hereby revoking all other amd former will and
wills testement and testements by me made this and only to be
taken for mt last will and testement. First I bequeath my soul
to Almighty God my maker in sure and certaine hope of an ever
blessed and immortal Salvation throught the merritts of my
blessed Savior Christ Jesus, my body to the earth to be decently
buried at the discretion of my Exors here after named, and for
what Estate God in his great Mercy hath been pleased to bestowe
on me. I give and dispose there as the followeth.
Imprimis, I give to my daughter Elizabeth all my land situated
in the county of Westmoreland between lower Machodig River and
Nomaine River in the neck commonly called Machodig neck, To her
and the heirs of her body, lawfully begotten forever, and for
want of such issue to the heirs att law of said Elizabeth
Item. I give and devise all my lands situated in this county
near the head of the Yocomoco River to my daughter Hannah and
the heirs of her body lawfully begotten and for want of such to
the next heirs at law the said Hannah forever.
Item. I give and devise to each of my said daughters Elizabeth
and Hannah the sum of one hundred pounds of sterl money and four
thousand pounds of tobacco. To be paid to each of the
respectively upon demand after they and each of them arrive to
the age of eighteen years (that is to say) so much to be paid to
my daughter Elizabeth upon demand after she arrives to the
aforesaid and so much to my daughter Hannah upon demand after
she arrived to the foresaid.
Item. I appoint and ordain my loving brother Capt. Francis
Kenner amd my loving cozen Capt. Christopher Neale my whole and
sole exors of this my last will and testement to recieve and pay
my debts and to manage what Estate my children shall have to the
best advantage for my said children and to see my children well
educated end brought up. And in condideration of this care and
trouble aforesaid.
From VA Genealogies (Hayden) H414, p118 b: per Wm & Mary Qtly,
vol 18, p131
Member, House of Burgesses from Northumberland Co. in 1697 He
was also Justice
& Sherrif of Northumberland Co.
w: wp 21 Aug 1706; Genealogies of VA Families, vol III, He->M,
(Wm & Mary
Qtly), G326, p253, p262
Rodham was member of the House of Burgess in 1696. (Genealogies
of Virginia Families", pge 256.
Rodham's will was probated 21 Aug 1706; Colonial Abstracts,
Collectanea, 1645-1720, A-L, pg 559.
To dau Elizabeth land in Westmoreland, Co betw Lower Machotig
River and Nomaine River in the Neck called Matchotig Neck. She
under 18.
To dau Hannah. She under 18. Brother Capt Francis Kenner and
'Couzen' Christopher Neale,
exors. To Brother John Kenner. To Brother Matthew Kenner. To son
Richd Kenner.
Wit: Wm Harcum, Danl McCarty, Elizabeth Kenner, Hannah Neale.
Proven by Capt Christopher Meale and Capt Francis Kenner,
exeors, 15 Aug 1711.
Colonel Rodham Kenner (Richard2, Richard1) was born in St
Stephen's Parish, Northumberland, VA 23 MAR 1671. Colonel died
before 21 AUG 1706 in Northumberland, VA, at approximately 35
years of age.
He married Hannah Fox in Lancaster, VA, 1690. Hannah was born 25
JUL 1671.
Hannah was the daughter of David Fox and Hannah Ball. Cottrell:
cource for Family of Rodham and Hannah "Fox" Kenner is: T R
Peterson, Houston, TX.
Colonel Rodham Kenner and Hannah Fox had the following children:
i. Richard4 Kenner I so Col Rodham & Hannah Fox was born CA
ii. Elizabeth Kenner do Col Rodham & Hannah Fox was born CA
1693. She
married three times. She married Richard Bushrod. Richard was
born CA 1688.
Richard was the son of Thomas Bushrod. She married Robert Vaulz.
Robert was
born CA 1688. She married Rev Lawrence De Butts. Lawrence was
born CA 1688.
iii. Hannah Kenner do Col Rodham & Hannah Fox was born 31 AUG
1695. She
married four times. She married Richard Hull. Richard was born
CA 1690. She
married John Harris. John was born CA 1690. She married Thomas
Cralle. Thomas
was born CA 1690. She married John Cralle. John was born CA
Richard4 Kenner I so Col Rodham & Hannah Fox (Colonel Rodham3,
Richard1) was born CA 1691. Richard died 02 FEB 1725 in St
Stephen's Parish,
Northumberland, VA, at 33 years of age.
He married Elizabeth ?. Elizabeth was born CA 1696.
Richard Kenner I so Col Rodham & Hannah Fox and Elizabeth ? had
following children:
i. Hannah5 Kenner do Richard was born CA 1715. She married
William Ball
10 JAN 1742. William was born CA 1710.
ii. Rodham Kenner so Richard I so Col Rodham was born 02 JAN
iii. Richard Kenner II gso Col Rodham & Hannah Fox was born CA
Richard died 12 FEB 1729 at 9 years of age.
_______________________________ | _Richard KENNER "the Immigrant"_| | (1600 - 1648) | | |_______________________________ | _Richard KENNER _____| | (1637 - 1692) m 1664| | | _______________________________ | | | | |________________________________| | | | |_______________________________ | | |--Rodham KENNER Sr. | (1670 - 1706) | _EDMUND RODHAM ________________ | | (1589 - ....) m 1613 | _Matthew RODHAM "the Immigrant"_| | | (1620 - 1665) m 1648 | | | |_MARGARET GREY ________________+ | | (.... - 1647) m 1613 |_Elizabeth RODHAM ___| (1652 - 1709) m 1664| | _Robert HEWITT "the Immigrant"_ | | (1600 - 1644) m 1626 |_Elizabeth Lee HEWITT __________| (1633 - 1674) m 1648 | |_Hannah HEWETT ________________ (1612 - 1675) m 1626
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Mother: Zillah Octavia PARKS |
_David James MOTLEY __+ | (1760 - 1826) m 1785 _David Pendleton MOTLEY __| | (1796 - 1873) m 1820 | | |_Elizabeth PENDLETON _+ | (1766 - 1804) m 1785 _Pendleton Arbery MOTLEY _| | (1823 - 1900) m 1863 | | | ______________________ | | | | |_Elizabeth Giddy NICHOLS _| | (1800 - 1876) m 1820 | | |______________________ | | |--Bessie MOTLEY | (1870 - ....) | ______________________ | | | _(RESEARCH QUERY) PARKS __| | | | | | |______________________ | | |_Zillah Octavia PARKS ____| (1848 - 1901) m 1863 | | ______________________ | | |__________________________| | |______________________
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Mother: Judith WORMELEY |
_John PAGE "the Immigrant"_________+ | (1628 - 1691) m 1656 _Mathew PAGE of Rosewell______| | (1659 - 1703) | | |_Alice LUCKIN _____________________+ | (1625 - 1698) m 1656 _Mann I PAGE of "Rosewell"_| | (1691 - 1730) | | | _John MANN of Timberneck___________ | | | (1650 - ....) | |_Mary MANN of "Timberneck"____| | (1672 - 1707) | | |___________________________________ | | |--Maria Judith PAGE | (1715 - ....) | _Ralph WORMELEY Esq. of "Rosegill"_ | | (1620 - 1665) | _Ralph WORMELEY of "Rosegill"_| | | (1650 - 1703) m 1687 | | | |_Agatha ELTONHEAD _________________+ | | (1612 - ....) |_Judith WORMELEY __________| (1695 - 1716) | | _John A. ARMISTEAD Esq. of "Hesse"_+ | | (1641 - 1693) m 1665 |_Elizabeth ARMISTEAD _________| (1667 - 1716) m 1687 | |_Judith____________________________ (1640 - 1700) m 1665
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Mother: Margaret BUNCH |
_Benjamin SINGLETARY Sr._+ | (1725 - 1807) m 1760 _Benjamin SINGLETARY Jr._| | (1759 - 1812) | | |_Elizabeth JINKS ________ | (1740 - ....) m 1760 _Benjamin S. SINGLETARY _| | (1780 - 1840) m 1800 | | | _________________________ | | | | |_________________________| | | | |_________________________ | | |--Benjamin SINGLETARY | (1802 - ....) | _________________________ | | | _Lewis BUNCH ____________| | | (1760 - ....) | | | |_________________________ | | |_Margaret BUNCH _________| (1780 - ....) m 1800 | | _________________________ | | |_________________________| | |_________________________
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Mother: Harriet E. BRANT |
Melissa was his 2nd wife and he was near 60 when the marriage
took place.
File #392-Court House
_Baltas (Leobathasar) SWARTZ (SCHWARTZ) _+ | (1772 - 1820) _Henry SWARTZ (SCHWARTZ) _| | (1805 - 1895) m 1829 | | |_Margaret HUPPMAN (HOFFMAN) _____________ | (1770 - ....) _George Woodson SWARTZ Sr._| | (1837 - 1908) m 1856 | | | _Samuel MILLER Jr._______________________+ | | | (1767 - 1839) m 1789 | |_Melissa MILLER __________| | (1808 - 1881) m 1829 | | |_Susannah PHILLIPS ______________________+ | (1773 - 1849) m 1789 | |--Melissa Malvina SWARTZ | (1857 - 1939) | _________________________________________ | | | _Joseph BRANT ____________| | | (1742 - 1807) | | | |_________________________________________ | | |_Harriet E. BRANT _________| (1838 - ....) m 1856 | | _________________________________________ | | |__________________________| | |_________________________________________
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Mother: Lucinda Elizabeth "Lucy" HILL |
Reuben THORNTON b: 1783 d: 1863 married Katherine RICHARDSON and
Elizabeth WATERS b: 1790.
married Frances Richardson m: 1802; *2nd Wife of Reuben
Thornton: +Katherine Richards m: 1821.
13 Reuben Thornton, JR b: 1825 d: 1911 + Sarah Ann Edwards d:
_Mark THORNTON I_____+ | (1686 - ....) _Mark THORNTON II____| | (1712 - ....) m 1754| | |_Mary BRUCE _________+ | (1690 - ....) _Dozier THORNTON Sr.____________| | (1755 - 1843) m 1776 | | | _Leonard DOZIER III__+ | | | (1710 - 1785) m 1732 | |_Susannah B. DOZIER _| | (1739 - 1809) m 1754| | |_Anna GAYLE _________ | (1710 - ....) m 1732 | |--Reuben THORNTON | (1783 - 1863) | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Lucinda Elizabeth "Lucy" HILL _| (1760 - 1825) m 1776 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
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Father: Francis THORNTON Mother: Elizabeth |
_Francis THORNTON I_____+ | (1651 - 1727) m 1673 _Rowland THORNTON ___| | (1685 - 1748) | | |_Alice Stafford SAVAGE _+ | (1653 - 1695) m 1673 _Francis THORNTON ___| | (1710 - 1767) | | | _John CATLETT III_______+ | | | (1665 - 1724) | |_Elizabeth CATLETT __| | (1689 - 1751) | | |_ SMITH ________________+ | | |--William THORNTON | (1730 - 1779) | ________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |________________________ | | |_Elizabeth___________| (1710 - ....) | | ________________________ | | |_____________________| | |________________________
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(Identify doubtful) of wife.
Colonial Men & Times by Lillie DuPuy VanCulin Harper, page 302
states that Susanne LeVillain was born in 1663 and was probably
daughter of Charles and Rachel de Launay "as there is a record
of baptism of their daughter 'Suzanne'." In all probability,
unless there was an error in Susanne's surname, she was related
to Jean le Villain of Manakintown who was father of Jean Le
Villain, Jr. and Susanne, both of whom married children of
Bartholomew & Susanne. In his will, Jean describes himself as
being a native of Tessy in lower Normandy.
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Mother: Mildred THORNTON |
_John WALKER __________________+ | (1654 - 1713) _Thomas WALKER ______| | (1684 - 1715) m 1709| | |_Rachel CROSHAW OR CROSHER ____+ | (1655 - ....) _Thomas WALKER ______| | (1714 - 1794) m 1741| | | _______________________________ | | | | |_Susannah PEACHY ____| | (1688 - 1736) m 1709| | |_______________________________ | | |--Mildred "Milly" WALKER | (1750 - ....) | _Francis THORNTON I____________+ | | (1651 - 1727) m 1673 | _Francis THORNTON II_| | | (1682 - 1737) m 1703| | | |_Alice Stafford SAVAGE ________+ | | (1653 - 1695) m 1673 |_Mildred THORNTON ___| (1721 - 1778) m 1741| | _John "The Ranger" TALIAFERRO _+ | | (1656 - 1720) m 1682 |_Mary TALIAFERRO ____| (1686 - 1780) m 1703| |_Sarah SMITH __________________+ (1660 - 1720) m 1682
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