He left Va. early 1800 and arrived in the Ms territory,
Tombigbee River settlement about 1802 . 1812 moved to Jackson
County Ms. Appointed Depuly U.S. Surveyor Feb 7, 1812 as major.
17 Ms Regement served 2 terms in state legislative. Moved to
Lake Charles. La in 1833.
Thomas was given a horse, saddle and bridle by his father when
he left home to seek his living. He was still in Mecklenburg
County, Virginia in 1799 as he witnessed the will of his uncle
James Bilbo. Thomas may have gone to Georgia with his father for
a few years,
Thomas Bilbo left for the Mississippi Territory and is found
there in early 1800 as a surveyer. He married in 1804. During
the year 1812 Jackson County was formed and the County seat was
established at Thomas Bilbo's house.
Thomas served as a Judge for the county. The War of 1812 had
started, and the 17th Regiment was formed with Bilbo elected as
Major. The unit fought the Creek indians and served with Andrew
Jackson at New Orleans.
Bilbo is found to have signed numerous petitions to Congress
requesting assistance for the Territory. Thomas Bilbo was
elected to represent Jackson County at a Constitutional
Convention and was an origional drafter of the Constitution for
the State of Mississippi.
The first school in the Mississippi Territory was established at
the home of Thomas Bilbo . He was elected as Justice to the
Quorum Court, the highest court in the Territory for 1812 ,
1819, and 1823. Thomas served in the Mississippi House as a
Legislator in 1821, 1823, 1825 , and 1829.
Thomas Bilbo left Mississippi and settled in St. Landry Parish,
Louisiana in 1832. He moved into Contonement Atkinson which was
formerly used as a Fort for Army troops. He was the second
settler on the lakefront at LakeCharles, Louisiana.
Bilbo helped to form Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana and served on
the first Police Jury {County Court}. He engaged Thomas
Rigmaiden as the first teacher in the Parish and paid him from
Parish funds.
Thomas Bilbo had numerous people stop at his place as he was
located on"The Old Spanish Trail". The Texas Revolution was in
March 1836 with General Santa Anna of the Mexican Army having
been captured. Santa was released on November 26, 1836, and was
escorted to Washingto by threeTexas Army officers. They stopped
for the night at Bilbo's a few days later. Thomas Rigmaiden, the
school teacher kept a diary which read:"Heard Santa Anna at Mr.
Bilbo's last night . " The diary also had an entry that Thomas
Bilbo died September 20, 1846.
WFT Vol. 61, Ed. 1, Tree #0528
1799 - Thomas is found in the Virginia tax assessment records.
1799 - Thomas witnessed a will of his uncle, James Bilbo in
1801 - Thomas is found in the Virginia tax assessment records.
1802 - 1804 - Thomas was living in the Tombigbee River
settlement in the Mississippi Territory .
On July 13, 1804, Thomas married Ann Lawrence. The wedding took
place at McIntosh Bluff in Washington County. The county was a
part of theMississippi Territory but today is located in the
state of Alabama.
Washington County
Deed Book A, Page 79
July 13, 1804 - This may certify that I have celebrated the
wrights of matrimony between Thomas Bilbo and Ann Lawrence both
of County of Washington, this 13th July 1804.
/s/ John Callier, B. P.
There are many accounts of Thomas Bilbo, surveyor, where he
surveyed land claims for the early settlers of the Mississippi
In 1812, Thomas moved to Jackson County, Mississippi. He
received two land grants on the Pascagoula just south of the
present town of Benndale now in George County. Thomas received
land in Section 43,Township 2N, Range 8W on the east side of the
river and in Section 41,Township 2N, Range 8W on the west side
of the river. Land in this area was not divided into the
tradition al 36 section townships of 640 acres per section
because of the irregular Spanish and English land grants in this
area before it became a part of the U.S.
Thomas built his home on the west side of the river near
Benndale.According to A.C. Ramsey in his autobiography "Major
Bilbo's place was on a high, beautiful elevated bluff and a
ferry kept at the river, about one quarter of a mile from the
house; sufficiently near to hear the signal of persons wishing
to cross over. The house consisted of two rooms with a passage
between ." The first election held in Jackson County was held on
May 24 and 25, 1813 at the "House of Bilbo" and remained there
for several years.
Thomas served as Chief Justice of the Quorum Court in 1812, 1819
and 1823. In 1817 Thomas was selected to serve as a member of
the Mississippi Constitutional Convention and was one of the
signers of the finished document. Thomas also served as a member
of the Mississippi State Legislature in the years 1821, 1822,
1824, 1825 and 1829.
Thomas served as a Major in the Jackson County State Militia in
the War of 1812. While living in Jackson County, Thomas helped
build one of the first schools. The school was built in 1818.
Mr. A.C. Ramsey wrote:"This school was taught by Mr. Neill
Little, a brother-in-law of Peter Fairley, Esq. and but recently
from North Carolina, a Scotchman.""Here were thrown together, as
pupils all sizes and ages, from little boys and girls to grown
young men and women ; and of course as different in temperaments
and dispositions as in their ages and sizes; and many who had
probably never been in school before."
About 1831, Thomas Bilbo and family moved to Lake Charles,
Louisiana. Why Thomas Bilbo a man of considerable wealth and
political power would move is simply speculation. One
explanation could be the severe weather in Jackson County
between 1813 and 1833. In 1813 there was a terri ble hurricane
followed by a "year without summer" in 1816. In 1816 there was a
freeze as late a s April 16 and a killing frost on June 3. The
year 1817 brought constant rain followed in 1819 by another
hurricane. In 1823 there was another cold winter with
temperatures dripping to five degrees. This was followed in 1825
by a very dry summer.
Whatever the cause, Thomas purchased 640 acres of land for
$500.00.This land included all the land from the present day
Hodges Street to the lake and from Pujo Street to the Calcasieu
R iver. He took up residence in old Fort Atkinson located on the
shore of Lake Charles.
As in Mississippi, Thomas became involved in community affairs.
He served as election commissioner, assessor and served on the
school board of the Imperial Calcasieu Parish School. Thomas
long and active life came to an end on September 20, 1846 and he
was buried in the family cemetery on the shores of Lake Charles.
There is little to remind you of Thomas' stay in Lake Charles.
Outside of the small cemetery, there are a few streets named
after members of the family. The most significant being Bilbo
Street, one of the main streets in the older part of Lake
Dated April 24, 1844. Probated October 3, 1846. Calcasieu
First, I Now have a wife Ann, and the following children - John,
Nancy, Jane, Joseph Lawrence , William, Rebecca Gaines and Ann
Moore, all of majority and Laura Easter, a minor.
Second, I have given to my son, John, money, negroes, etc. about
to Nancy about th e same amount;
to Jane about $800;
to Joseph Lawrence about $500;
to William about $400;
to Rebecca Gaines, $600;
to Ann Moore about $400.
Third, Immediately after my death that an estimative inventory
be made and such children as shall then be over the age of
majority shall receive their portion in property as there are
children of age and they shall take said lots as they agree
upon, and if they shall not agree upon the respective lots to be
taken by them severally then their said lots shall be given to
them by casting of lots each one paying to the other the
proportion as their lots may be more or less value.
Fourth, that such of my children to whom I have made advancest
donations as aforesaid and those to whom I may here after make
advances shall at my death account to my estate for such
advances and shall collat them by taking less.
Fifth, after paying off all of my children that shall be of the
majority at my decease that the balance of my estate shall be
kept by my executors in common for the use and benefit of my
minor daughter and when she shall arrive at the age of majority
or get married shall receive her part or portion in property at
an estimative value.
Sixth, all the property I now have in my possession is my own
seperate property having been mostly brought by me from
Mississippi and such as I have acquired in this state has been
purchased with the proceeds of property and money brought into
this state by me. And there is yet no community of property
between me and my wife. It is my will that my said wife do take
at my death one negro man by the name of Ben and his wife
Harriet and one of the negro women named Phillis and one girl
named Milly about four years of age, with the land that I now
live on with all the buildings, household furniture, and farming
tools, with all the horses, cows, and sheep belonging to the
farm and at her death to be equally divided between all my
surviving children.
Seventh, I Appoint my wife Ann Bilbo, executrix and my sons
Joseph Lawrence and William L Bilbo, and my son in law Columbus
Gillett executors, without giving bond.
Bilbo Cemetery site: An Attakapas Indian village which had about
180 residents originally inhabited the site.
The U.S. Army built a military cantonment, called Fort Atkinson,
when Southwest Louisiana was still part of the disputed
territory between Spain and the United States. When the Army
abandoned the post in 1830, the property was purchased by
pioneer settler Thomas Bilbo. Bilbo's daughter, Margaret, was
the first person to be buried in the cemetery in 1840 .
Bilbo turned the fort into a 15 room home and bricks from the
old fort were used in some of the early tombs in the cemetery.
The Bilbo Inn that once housed Santa Ana, has been replaced by
modern hotels that collect money from gambling Texans. Another
form of Santa Ana's revenge.
The cemetery is now guarded by a large sculpture of Jesus, cast
in bronze, by Jane Susan "Ja nie" Stine LaCroix, a descendant of
Thomas Bilbo, and John Jacob Ryan, Sr. and Jr.
Jesus has his back to the gambling next door."
2 John Rev Bilbo b: 8 MAY 1806 d: 22 MAY 1845 + Jane Ann
Stevenson b: 2 DEC 1811 d: BEF 1850
2 Nancy Ann BILBO b: 14 JAN 1808 d: 1908 + Isham REEVES b: 1813
d: 1865
2 Jane Bilbo b: 10 MAR 1810 + Wyatt Dupree b: ABT 1810 d: BET
1835 AND 1884
2 Joseph Lawrence Bilbo b: 12 MAR 1812 d: 1900 + Georgia Elmira
Hodges b: 1842 d: AFT 1880
2 William Lawrence Bilbo b: 25 MAR 1814 d: 18 JAN 1879 + Huldah
Cole b: 12 SEP 1820 d: 1908
2 Rebecca Gaines Bilbo b: 22 MAR 1818 d: 31 DEC 1871 + John
Jacob Jr Ryan b: 14 FEB 1816 d: 17 DEC 1899
2 Anna Marie Bilbo b: 12 Jun 1820 d: aft 1900 + Columbus Gillett
b: 1812 d: aft 1870
2 Laura Esther Bilbo b: Oct 1827 d: bet 1841 and 1921 + William
Thomas Bilbo b: 1808 d: bet 1850 and 1860 + James Glenn b: bet
1810 and 1830 d: bet 1844 and 1916 + Bennett Johnson b: bet 1810
and 1830 d: wft Est 1842-1901
2 Margaret Bilbo b: 9 MAR 1832 d: 8 APR 1840
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Mother: Elizabeth C. READ |
_Joseph Augustus BONDURANT _+ | (1718 - 1806) m 1745 _Edward BONDURANT Sr.____________________| | (1770 - ....) m 1791 | | |_Agnes Elizabeth RADFORD ___+ | (1720 - 1806) m 1745 _Jacob Mosely BONDURANT _| | (1795 - 1858) m 1824 | | | _Robert Peter MOSELEY ______+ | | | (1732 - 1804) m 1756 | |_Magdalene Verrueil MOSELEY _____________| | (1770 - 1840) m 1791 | | |_Mary Magdelene GUERRANT ___+ | (1740 - 1820) m 1756 | |--John BONDURANT | (1830 - ....) | ____________________________ | | | _(RESEARCH QUERY) READ OR READE OR REID _| | | | | | |____________________________ | | |_Elizabeth C. READ ______| (1800 - ....) m 1824 | | ____________________________ | | |_________________________________________| | |____________________________
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_WILLIAM of Normandy BOURCHIER Earl of d'Eu, Knt. M.P.______+ | (1374 - 1420) m 1405 _HENRY BOURCHIER 1st Earl of Essex__________| | (1406 - 1483) m 1426 | | |_ANNE PLANTAGENET of Woodstock______________________________+ | (1383 - 1438) m 1405 _WILLIAM BOURCHIER __| | (1430 - 1483) m 1463| | | _RICHARD of Conisburgh & York PLANTAGENET Earl of Cambridge_+ | | | (1375 - 1415) m 1406 | |_ISABEL OF YORK PLANTAGENET of Cambridge____| | (1409 - 1484) m 1426 | | |_ANNE de MORTIMER __________________________________________+ | (1388 - 1411) m 1406 | |--CECILY BOURCHIER | (1464 - 1492) | _RICHARD WYDEVILLE _________________________________________ | | (1385 - 1441) m 1403 | _RICHARD WYDEVILLE 1st Earl of Rivers, K.G._| | | (1405 - 1469) m 1435 | | | |_ELIZABETH (JOAN) BEDLISGATE (BODULGATE) ___________________+ | | (1390 - 1448) m 1403 |_ANNE WYDEVILLE _____| (1451 - 1489) m 1463| | _PETER de LUXEMBURG of St Pol_______________________________+ | | (1390 - 1433) m 1405 |_JACQUETTA de LUXEMBURG DE ST. POL _________| (1416 - 1472) m 1435 | |_MARGARET del BALSO ________________________________________+ (1394 - 1469) m 1405
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Father: THOMAS de FURNIVAL 1st Lord of Furnival Mother: JOAN le DESPENSER |
_THOMAS de FURNIVAL ____________+ | (.... - 1238) _THOMAS de FURNIVAL ___________________| | (.... - 1291) | | |________________________________ | _THOMAS de FURNIVAL 1st Lord of Furnival_| | (1270 - 1332) | | | ________________________________ | | | | |_______________________________________| | | | |________________________________ | | |--MAUD de FURNIVAL | (.... - 1348) | _HUGH le DESPENSER _____________+ | | (1197 - 1238) | _HUGH le DESPENSER Lord Falmouth, Knt._| | | (1223 - 1265) | | | |________________________________ | | |_JOAN le DESPENSER ______________________| (1259 - 1322) | | _PHILIP BASSETT Lord of Wycombe_+ | | (1211 - 1271) |_ALIVA BASSETT Countess of Nor_________| (1231 - 1281) | |_HAWISE de LOVAINE _____________+ (1215 - ....)
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Mother: Mary Jane COUCH |
Birth: FEB _ 1873
Birth: John Wallace diskette.
_Fielding Lewis MEADE _+ | (1782 - 1841) m 1809 _Richard Lewis MEADE __| | (1811 - 1880) | | |_Mary THACKER _________+ | (1785 - ....) m 1809 _Jefferson Jessee MEADE _| | (1847 - 1925) m 1869 | | | _Moses HICKINGBOTTOM __+ | | | (1780 - ....) m 1800 | |_Laticia HIGGINBOTHAM _| | (1811 - ....) | | |_Elizabeth FARRIS _____+ | (1780 - ....) m 1800 | |--Milburn MEADE | (1873 - ....) | _______________________ | | | _______________________| | | | | | |_______________________ | | |_Mary Jane COUCH ________| (1844 - 1921) m 1869 | | _______________________ | | |_______________________| | |_______________________
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