Mother: Elizabeth COOKE |
_(RESEARCH QUERY) BUCKNER of Old Virginia & Kentuck_ | _John BUCKNER I "the Immigrant"_| | (1630 - 1695) m 1661 | | |____________________________________________________ | _Richard BUCKNER I___| | (1662 - 1731) m 1689| | | ____________________________________________________ | | | | |_Debra FERRERS _________________| | (1642 - 1698) m 1661 | | |____________________________________________________ | | |--Susanne BUCKNER | (1711 - 1739) | _Mordecai COOKE I "the Immigrant"___________________ | | (1610 - 1661) | _Mordecai COOKE II______________| | | (1649 - 1718) m 1670 | | | |____________________________________________________ | | |_Elizabeth COOKE ____| (1671 - 1748) m 1689| | _William IRONMONGER "The Immigrant"_________________+ | | (1629 - 1695) m 1651 |_Frances IRONMONGER ____________| (1654 - ....) m 1670 | |_Elizabeth JONES ___________________________________+ (1622 - ....) m 1651
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Mother: Elizabeth GAINES |
_John "Ye Younger" CATLETT II______ | (1600 - 1625) m 1623 _John CATLETT II "the Immigrant"_| | (1624 - 1670) m 1663 | | |_Sarah HAWKINS ____________________ | (1600 - 1642) m 1623 _John CATLETT III____| | (1665 - 1724) | | | _William UNDERWOOD "the Immigrant"_ | | | (1595 - 1645) m 1620 | |_Elizabeth UNDERWOOD ____________| | (1632 - 1673) m 1663 | | |_Margaret__________________________ | (1600 - 1673) m 1620 | |--Thomas CATLETT | (1669 - 1739) | _Thomas GAINES Sr. "the Immigrant"_+ | | (1584 - 1685) m 1608 | _Daniel GAINES __________________| | | (1614 - 1682) m 1643 | | | |_Blanche KEMIS ____________________ | | (1590 - ....) m 1608 |_Elizabeth GAINES ___| (1659 - ....) | | _FRANCIS BERNARD Jr._______________+ | | (1558 - 1630) |_Margaret BERNARD _______________| (1625 - 1686) m 1643 | |_Mary WOOLHOUSE ___________________+ (1580 - ....)
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"In 1652 John Smith assigned this patent to Hugh Dowding. By the
power of attorney annexed to his deed it appears this John Smith
left a widow named Behethland, who afterwards married Maj.
Andrew Gibson (Lib. A. 183-4). A patent of 600 acres on
Mahodock, to John Smith, dated 1662, and an assignment of part
of that patent by Francis Dade to John Harvey, the said Francis
Dade acknowledging that the said Smith was Francis Dade and that
he had assumed the name of Smith. (Maid Lib. D. 341)."--A
History of Chapman and Alexander Families." From
Children of Francis Dade and Beheathland Bernard:
i. Frances Dade Jr., was born 1652; died young or unmarried
ii. Anne Dade, was born 1654, she married William Lane.
iii. Mary Dade, was born 1656 and died 1699. She married twice,
firstly, about 1677, Capt. Robert Massey (d. 1689); and,
secondly, 1692, Col. Rice Hooe (d. 1726). Col. Rice Hooe
married seconly, Frances (Townshend) Dade Withers (d. 1726)
iv. Elizabeth Dade, was born 1658. She married Major Edward
Griffith of Warwick County.
Major John Smith Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography, Volume I
IV--Burgesses and Other Prominent Persons. came to Virginia
about 1650, and resided first in Warwick county; was speaker of
the house of burgesses in 1658; removed to Westmoreland county,
where he was known as Major Francis Dade. He died in 1662.
Ancestor of the Dade family of Virginia.
_WILLIAM DADE Gent. of WHITTON_ | (1530 - 1597) m 1556 _THOMAS DADE Gent. of TANNINGTON_| | (1556 - 1619) m 1575 | | |_MARGERY GODBOLD ______________+ | (1534 - 1624) m 1556 _WILLIAM DADE Esq. of TANNINGTON_| | (1579 - 1659) m 1612 | | | _RICHARD CORNWALLIS ___________ | | | (1520 - ....) | |_ANNE CORNWALLIS ________________| | (1558 - 1612) m 1575 | | |_MARGARET LOUTHE ______________+ | (1529 - 1603) | |--Francis DADE I "the Immigrant" | (1621 - 1663) | _______________________________ | | | _HENRY WINGFIELD ________________| | | (1560 - ....) | | | |_______________________________ | | |_MARY WINGFIELD _________________| (1583 - 1624) m 1612 | | _THOMAS RISBY _________________ | | (1550 - ....) |_ELIZABETH RISBY ________________| (1570 - ....) | |_______________________________
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Father: Nathaniel DREW Mother: Mary BARR |
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Nathaniel DREW _____| | (1700 - 1750) | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Mary DREW | (1730 - ....) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_Mary BARR __________| (1700 - 1762) | | __ | | |__| | |__
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Mother: Jemima PENDLETON |
_Richard GAINES I___________+ | (1686 - 1755) m 1704 _William Henry GAINES _| | (1705 - 1796) m 1727 | | |_Catherine Madison RAWLING _ | (1680 - 1755) m 1704 _Richard GAINES _____| | (1728 - 1804) m 1758| | | _Henry PENDLETON ___________+ | | | (1683 - 1721) m 1701 | |_Isabella PENDLETON ___| | (1712 - 1781) m 1727 | | |_Mary Bishop TAYLOR ________+ | (1688 - 1770) m 1701 | |--Ann (Nancy Ann) GAINES | (1774 - ....) | _Philip PENDLETON Jr._______+ | | (1689 - 1753) m 1710 | _Philip PENDLETON _____| | | (1728 - 1778) | | | |_Elizabeth POLLARD _________+ | | (1693 - 1751) m 1710 |_Jemima PENDLETON ___| (1750 - 1805) m 1758| | ____________________________ | | |_Martha________________| (1732 - 1750) | |____________________________
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Mother: Jane Rachel HUGHES |
_Joseph Thomas GRAVES I_____+ | (1726 - 1785) _Joseph Thomas GRAVES II_| | (1769 - 1826) m 1790 | | |_Frances "Frankey" COLEMAN _+ | (1744 - 1844) _Robert Benjamin GRAVES _| | (1813 - 1887) m 1844 | | | _Robert GOODWIN ____________+ | | | (1739 - 1789) m 1766 | |_Mary GOODWIN ___________| | (1772 - 1815) m 1790 | | |_Jane TULLOCH ______________ | (1750 - 1822) m 1766 | |--Elnora Burnley GRAVES | (1853 - 1892) | ____________________________ | | | _Jacob HUGHES ___________| | | (1795 - ....) | | | |____________________________ | | |_Jane Rachel HUGHES _____| (1821 - 1903) m 1844 | | ____________________________ | | |_________________________| | |____________________________
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Mother: Susanna |
"This Harmon Harrison is believed to be the immigrant ancestor
of Robert Harrison. From Henning's Statutes Vol. 1 P. 84, we
learn that the Second Charter to the Treasures & Co. for
Virginia erected them into a Corporation and Body Politic and
for the futher enlargement and explanation of the privileges of
the said company and the First Colony of Virginia. Dated May 23,
1609. Signed 7th of June, 1609. Harmon Harrison was one of the
signers." - Page 12 of Christine South Gee's Daniel Family Book.
( This can be crossed referenced on the internet at The
Jamestown Society's web page)
"From the Virginia Mag. of Hist. and Biog. P 160 (Swem's Index
can furnish the volume number) . According to Capt. John Smith,
Haron Harrison came to Virginia in 1609 on Christopher Newports
third voyage. He arrived in time to witness Capt. Newport
present to Powhatan the red robe and crown sent him by the
Virginia Co. of London in 1609 with the subscription of $25,
which would have entitled him (Harrison) to some 900 acres of
land if he had lived to claim them. There is no proof he ever
returned to England. It is mere conjecture that he died in an
epicemic of malaria or yellow fever." - Page 12 of Christine
South Gee's Daniel Family Book
"From the Virginia Mag. of History and Biog. Vol. 54 P 46, we
get the following: 'On his return to the colony the new Governor
(Gov. Yardley) found the usual shortage of food and almost his
first official act was to send Capt. John Martin in the shallop
to trade for corn with the Indians on the Eastern shore. On this
expedition, Martin took with him Ensign Harmon Harrison and
Ensign Edmund Rossingham, the first of whom may have been his
kinsman, while the latter (whose surname was originally Van
Rassegham) was Lady Yardley's nephew.' The date of this action
is dated 1619 in an article on Capt. John Martin of Brandon on
the James by James P. C. Southall. Jan 1946" - Page 12 of
Christine South Gee's Daniel Family Book (An investigation is
available on the internet detailing a complaint against Capt.
Martin is is available to members in the Virginia
Colonial Records datatbase by searching for Harmon Harrison
within that database. This record only uses the name 'Ensign
In his book "The Lost Tribes of North Carolina", Worth, Ray
quotes General Francis Burton Harrison's article in the Virigina
Magazine of History and Biography "Ensign James Harrison lived
in Viginia from the time of his arrival in 1618 until his death
on March 22, 1682. He first entered Virginia as one of Capt.
John Martins 'people' and was sent out by Martin with Ensign
Rossingham to trade for corn with the Indians of the Eastern
Shore. His wife was Anne Cliff, and after the death of Ensigh
James Harrison, his widow Anne (Cliff) Harrison became the wife
of the famous Justinian Cooper." Hugh Blair Grisby believed
Harmon may have been the father to Benjamin Harrison of the
Council. Futher researh is needed to confirm Harmon's survival
past 1609. Worth Ray also believed Harmon survived and left
children - one of which was Andrew, age 23, who was living in
Norfolk in 1638. This would mean Harmon must have been married
and had a child in 1615.
" Gen. Fancis Burton Harriosn, Gov. General of the Philippines
in the adminstration of Woodrow Wilson, in an article in Vol. 51
P 160 of the Va. Mag. of History and Biog. makes public for the
first time in 1942 and abstract of the will of Jeffrey Harrison,
proved in London, Dec 17, 1605 in which he mentions his mother,
Susanna, and several brothers and sisters. This will of
Galfriden (Jeffery) Harrison of London, mariner, proved in
London Dec. 17, 1605 says ' To my mother, Susanna Harrison all
the money I left in her hands at my departure out of England. To
my brothers William, Robert, and Harmon Harrison all my parts of
the good ship 'The Guift of God' equally between them. To my
brothers Robert and Harmon my clothers, etc.' He mentioins
sisters Ann Reynolds and Thomasine Clere". - Page 12 of
Christine South Gee's Daniel Family Book
The ship 'The Guift of God' can be cross referenced on the web
at "" and will list
many voyages she made.
The 'Guift of God is mentioned in Ivor Noel Hume's book
"Martin's Hundred" on page 5, 205, and 257. Here we learn the
Guift of God left England in 1618 carrying 220 settlers "to
populate a 20,000 acre tract, a hundred acres for each share
purchased by the London investors. Following the latters
instructions, the new Virginians began to build themselves an
administrative center to be named Wolstenholme Towne, after the
Society's most prominent shareholder." This puts The Guift of
God, which Harmon owned a portion, in Virginia in 1618.
The ship 'The Gift of God' is mentioned in Ivor Noel Hume's book
"The Virginia Adventure" as well on pages 113, 118, and 381.
Here we learn that the 'Guif of God' was commanded by George
Popham was in voyage with the 'Mary and John' and together they
carried 120 persons - 65 were to remain in the New World.
Because of rumors of an attack by the French from Canada, the
'Gift of God' stayed in Kennebec (the New World settlement)
while the "Mary and John sailed to Plymouth, England. She stayed
longer than was good for her, leaving on Dec 16 with 50 men and
boys. and arriving in Plymoth, England on Feb 7, 1608. The
return voyage was commaned by John Elliott [Eliot] who was to be
allowed to sell the cargo of the ship when the reached the
Azores because the ship could not be fully supplied in Kennebec
for the unexpected large number of returning passengers. Any
attempt to do so would endanger the remaining settlers - ( one
of which was George Popham who did not live until the next ship
arrived in the summer of 1608.
On page 380 and 381, we learn that The Virginia Company sent "
no fewer than ten ships in April and May 1622. The 130-ton 'Gift
of God' arrived in James Towne and was one of only two ships
that have been verified as making it across the Atlantic. The
50-ton 'Bonaventure' carrying only 10 passengers was the other.
"Worth, Ray (Worth) in his book 'Colonial Granville County and
Its People' on page 258 says 'It is the writers deliberate
opinion after working for some years on this Harrison family
that Harmon Harrison, son of Susanna, who came to Jamestown on
Christopher Newport's third voyage in 1608-1609 did not die of
disease, but that he surrvived the Indian troubles, perhaps form
being absent from the colony at the time, that he married, left
children and was the ancestor of a large number of the Harrison
families who have been so much trouble to the genealogist for
the past hundred years or so'" - Page 12 of Christine South
Gee's Daniel Family Book
"From the Robert above (Harmon's brother), Worth Ray, who did a
vast amount of work on the Harrison family, says is descended
the Richard and Robert Harrison of Queen's Creek in York Co.
Virginia, known as the Skinins Harrisons in Burton's book of the
same." - Page 12 of Christine South Gee's Daniel Family Book.
Records of the Virginia Company of London, Volume I-IV • The
Records of the Virginia Company of London Vol. 3 • Harmon
Harrison index, p 84 and 327.
Name: Harmon Harrison
Year: 1607
Place: Jamestown, Virginia
Source Publication Code: 720
Primary Immigrant: Harrison, Harmon
Annotation: Contains passenger lists mentioned in Lancour, A
Bibliography of Ship Passenger Lists, 1538-1825 (1963), nos.
198E, 200-207, 208(1), 213, 215, 219, 220, 222, 225, 227,
229-231, 232A-233, 235-237, 240(1)-243. Boyer has indexed ship
names, place names, and about 12,000 personal names, with
variant surname spellings. Nos. 9120, 9135, 9143, 9144, and
9151, Tepper's works, have similar lists.
Source Bibliography: BOYER, CARL, 3RD, editor Ship Passenger
Lists, the South (1538-1825). Newhall, Calif.: the editor, 1979.
314p. 4th pr. 1986. Reprint. Family Line Publications,
Westminster, MD, 1992. Page: 41
Source Bibliography: TYLER, LYON GARDINER. "Census of
Inhabitants: Names of the First Settlers at Jamestown, 1607;
Names of Those Who Came in the First Supply; Names of Those Who
Came in the Second Supply; Names of Inhabitants of Jamestown in
1624." In The Cradle of the Republic: Jamestown and James River.
Richmond [Va.]: The Hermitage Press, 1906, pp. 100-104. Page:
According to page 257 of Worth Ray's book, Harmon possibly lived
in the York County area.
1607 Harmon or Herman Harrison was on the 2nd ship to Jamestown.
He could be father of Benjamin Harrison I instead of Gov. John
Harrison of Bermuda. Perhaps of the Yardly-Gobion Harrison
family... comment: Worth Ray makes considerable discussion of
Harmon and says there were several of them.
HH 4.1 - 113 Worth S. Ray's "Tennessee Cousins" gives the father
of Andrew Harrison of the 1718 Essex C., VA will as Richard, son
of Anthony; the same author's "Colonial Granville" has him son
of Harmon. Does anyone know which if either, is right?
Title Colonial Granville County and its people : loose leaves
from The lost tribes of North Carolina /
Author Ray, Worth Stickley, 1877-
Publisher Baltimore, MD : Genealogical Pub. Co., 1965.
Description 193-312 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Notes Reprint. Originally published, 1945.
Subjects Genealogy--Granville County.
Granville County (N.C.)--Genealogy.
Variant Title The Lost tribes of North Carolina.
Library Holdings
Location Call Number Status
Titusville GEN R 929.3756 RAY Non-Circ
_George HARRISON of Derbishire_+ | _Robert HARRISON ________| | (1520 - ....) | | |_______________________________ | _John HARRISON ______| | (1553 - ....) m 1574| | | _______________________________ | | | | |_Elizabeth FITZ-JEFFERY _| | (1530 - ....) | | |_______________________________ | | |--Harmon HARRISON "the Immigrant" | (1578 - 1675) | _______________________________ | | | _________________________| | | | | | |_______________________________ | | |_Susanna_____________| (1557 - ....) m 1574| | _______________________________ | | |_________________________| | |_______________________________
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Mother: Harriet Virginia WATKINS |
_____________________ | __________________________| | | | |_____________________ | _John Thomas THORNTON _____| | (1848 - ....) m 1875 | | | _____________________ | | | | |__________________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--John Henry THORNTON | (1882 - ....) | _Thomas WATKINS Jr.__+ | | (1748 - 1816) m 1775 | _Ptolomy Lefevre WATKINS _| | | (1793 - 1857) m 1825 | | | |_Magdalene DUPUY ____+ | | (1753 - 1815) m 1775 |_Harriet Virginia WATKINS _| (1846 - ....) m 1875 | | _Peter DUPUY ________+ | | (1768 - 1852) m 1789 |_Harriet Amasia DUPUY ____| (1807 - 1872) m 1825 | |_Margaret MARTIN ____ (1768 - 1852) m 1789
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