Mother: Verlinda COTTON |
STONE, KATHRINE, 31 Oct 1750
4 Feb 1750
To David Stone, Jr, Mary Stone and Anne Stone, children of
David Stone, 2 Negro women, Reader and Kate,
To Anne Fooks, cattle.
To Anne Hanson, dau. of William and Mary Hanson, cattle.
To Kathrine Fooks, dau, of Gerrat Fooks, a silver tankard,
silver spoons, cattle.
To Richd. Reeder, 20 s.
To Gerrat Fooks, furniture, Negro Jack, 500 A. of "Aguinhocks
Hills" near Permunkey, That my two Negro men Fortune and
Falmouth shall remain free from the day of my decease* William
Hanson, Gerrat Fooks, exs.
Wit: John Blackwood, Margret Smith, Joseph (?) Allforde 28.26.
Burdett, Parthenia, of Nanjemy, Chas. Co., 17th Feb., 1697;
13th Mch., 1697,
To John Hamilton, son of testatrix' sister, all lands.
to sister Catherine Boughton and her assignees., all personal
Ex. not given.
Test: Wm. Dent, Sam'l Boughton, Gerard Fowke 6.75.
Mrs. Parthenia Burditt 16.18 I CH £65.19.10 Apr 4 1698-
Appraisers: John Barker, John Bannester,
my best guess at who was Catherine is Catherine Burdett. Has all
the right names.
The inventory of the personal estate of "Thomas Stone Sr." was
filed on November 23, 1728, by Catherine Stone as the executrix,
with Matthew Stone and William Stone as the kinsmen.
Catherine Stone, whose will was proved in Charles County on
February 1, 1750, by John Blackwood and Margaret Smith, is
believed to be his widow. She named William Hanson and Gerret
Fowke as executors and the following of no stated relationship
as her heirs--Anne Fowke; Mary Hanson, the wife of William
Hanson; Catherine Fowke, the daughter of Gerret Fowke; Richard
Reeder; Gerret Fowke who received 500 acres of "Aqunkeck's
Hills" near Permunkey; and David Stone, Mary Stone, and Anne
Stone, children of David Stone.
Archives, vol. 30.
__________________________________ | ________________________________| | | | |__________________________________ | _Thomas BURDETT _____| | (1630 - 1687) m 1658| | | __________________________________ | | | | |________________________________| | | | |__________________________________ | | |--Catherine BURDETT | (1675 - 1749) | _Andrew COTTON ___________________ | | (1570 - ....) | _William COTTON "the Immigrant"_| | | (1600 - 1640) m 1637 | | | |__________________________________ | | |_Verlinda COTTON ____| (1638 - ....) m 1658| | _Thomas II GRAVES "the Immigrant"_+ | | (1584 - 1635) m 1610 |_Ann GRAVES ____________________| (1620 - 1683) m 1637 | |_Katherine CROSHER _______________+ (1586 - 1636) m 1610
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Mother: Althea Jane HIGGINBOTHAM |
_Aaron HIGGINBOTHAM III_________+ | (1789 - 1852) m 1817 _Alexander Brown HIGGINBOTHAM _________| | (1818 - 1888) m 1840 | | |_Elizabeth Stewart SANDIDGE ____+ | (1796 - 1850) m 1817 _Cyrus Aaron HIGGINBOTHAM _| | (1852 - 1896) m 1874 | | | _Willis Rucker PLUNKETT ________+ | | | (1796 - 1883) m 1818 | |_Eliza Frances PLUNKETT _______________| | (1821 - 1909) m 1840 | | |_Margaret Finley SHIELDS _______+ | (1800 - ....) m 1818 | |--Ida Rice HIGGINBOTHAM | (1892 - 1892) | _Joseph Cabell HIGGINBOTHAM Sr._+ | | (1782 - 1842) m 1803 | _Joseph Cabell HIGGINBOTHAM Jr. C.S.A._| | | (1821 - 1894) m 1849 | | | |_Lucy Neville WILLS ____________+ | | (1780 - 1854) m 1803 |_Althea Jane HIGGINBOTHAM _| (1852 - 1921) m 1874 | | _Willis Rucker PLUNKETT ________+ | | (1796 - 1883) m 1818 |_Angelina Elizabeth PLUNKETT __________| (1819 - 1898) m 1849 | |_Margaret Finley SHIELDS _______+ (1800 - ....) m 1818
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Mother: Sarah Dabney CARR |
_Doodes MINOR Jr.___________________+ | (1640 - 1694) m 1663 _Garrett MINOR ______| | (1679 - 1720) m 1706| | |_Elizabeth COCKE ___________________+ | (1638 - 1708) m 1663 _John Vivion MINOR __| | (1707 - 1754) m 1732| | | _John VIVION I______________________+ | | | (1655 - 1705) m 1675 | |_Diana VIVION _______| | (1685 - 1718) m 1706| | |_Margaret SMITH ____________________+ | (1662 - 1702) m 1675 | |--John Carr MINOR of Topping Castle | (1735 - 1800) | _Thomas CARR I "The Immigrant"______+ | | (1648 - 1711) | _Thomas CARR II______| | | (1664 - 1737) m 1704| | | |_Mary GARLAND? _____________________ | | (1650 - 1736) |_Sarah Dabney CARR __| (1714 - 1774) m 1732| | _Cornelius DABNEY I "The Immigrant"_+ | | (1631 - 1693) |_Mary DABNEY ________| (1680 - 1748) m 1704| |_Susanna JENNINGS? _________________ (1650 - ....)
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Mother: Martha IRWIN |
"WILLIAM W. MORRIS was born February 16, 1844 in Holmes County,
Miss., and is the seventh of nine children, six boys and three
girls, born to Noah and Martha (Erwin) Morris, born in South
Carolina and Louisiana, respectively. His grandparents were
Benjamin Morris of Irish origin and a farmer, and Joseph Erwin
of English descent, also a farmer.
William W. Morris was reared on a farm, receiving a good English
education and was attending school at Monticello, Ark., at the
time the war broke out, when he and all his brothers enlisted in
The Confederate Army. He enlisted in July, 1861, in Company B,
Ninth Arkansas Infantry, under Capt. Iron, Bradley commanding
colonel, and engaged in the battles of Shiloh, Corinth,
Barnsville, Port Hudson and Vicksburg, and was in Gen. Loring's
division from Dalton to Atlanta, and was also in The Nashville
and Franldin fight; was in Forrest's command on Hood's retreat
and afterward went to Mobile and South Carolina, to join the
army of Virginia; his last fight was in Bentonville, N.C., and
in April, 1865, surrendered. He was wounded at Shiloh in the
right side, and at Bentonville in the left side.
After the close of the war, he returned to Goodman, Miss.,
engaged in the drug business and studied medicine for two years.
In 1868, he came to Ballard County, where he taught school for
fifteen terms and preached, having been licensed in February
1872; about 1882, he turned his entire attention to farming. His
only ally in life has been his wife, and he has a farm of 123
acres, 100 improved.
He was married September 21, 1876, to Miss M. H.Reeves, of
Ballard County, daughter of W. H. and Penelope (White) Reeves,
natives of Kentucky and of Irish and Scotch descent. To this
marriage have been born four children: William W., Charles C.,
Fannie E., and Nellie W. Mr. And Mrs. Morris are members of the
Christian Church, and he is a Mason. He cast his first
presidential vote for Seymour, and he is still a Democrat."
__ | _Benjamin MORRIS ____| | (1800 - ....) | | |__ | _Noah MORRIS ________| | (1820 - ....) | | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--William W. MORRIS C.S.A. | (1844 - 1885) | __ | | | _Joseph IRWIN _______| | | (1800 - ....) | | | |__ | | |_Martha IRWIN _______| (1820 - ....) | | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
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Mother: Ann DUDLEY |
_George RANSOM _____________+ | (1630 - ....) _Peter RANSOM _______| | (1650 - ....) | | |____________________________ | _Thomas RANSOM ______| | (1700 - ....) | | | ____________________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |____________________________ | | |--Ann RANSOM | (1735 - ....) | _Ambrose DUDLEY ____________+ | | (1649 - 1738) m 1674 | _Ambrose DUDLEY II___| | | (1677 - 1755) m 1704| | | |_Ann FOSTER ________________+ | | (1656 - ....) m 1674 |_Ann DUDLEY _________| (1710 - ....) | | _John SCOTT I_______________+ | | (1632 - ....) m 1662 |_Judith SCOTT _______| (1681 - ....) m 1704| |_Mary or Elizabeth BASSETT _+ (1632 - ....) m 1662
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Mother: Florence Octavia BROWN |
_Thomas Jefferson ROBINS ______________________ | (1794 - 1843) m 1820 _Thomas William ROBINS _________________________| | (1823 - 1893) m 1845 | | |_Mary WINTER __________________________________+ | (1799 - 1843) m 1820 _John Maxwell Bancroft ROBINS _| | (1846 - 1922) m 1872 | | | _(RESEARCH QUERY) MAXWELL of VA & TN & GA & LA_ | | | | |_Margaret Burgess MAXWELL ______________________| | (1826 - 1913) m 1845 | | |_______________________________________________ | | |--Frank B. ROBINS | (1880 - ....) | _______________________________________________ | | | _(RESEARCH QUERY) BROWN E. Feliciana Parish, LA_| | | | | | |_______________________________________________ | | |_Florence Octavia BROWN _______| (1853 - 1915) m 1872 | | _______________________________________________ | | |________________________________________________| | |_______________________________________________
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Mother: Zylpha (Zilphy) COTTON |
__ | _____________________| | | | |__ | _Ambrose SMITH __________| | (1770 - 1858) m 1802 | | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Harriet Buckner SMITH | (1814 - 1895) | __ | | | _Thomas COTTON ______| | | (1743 - 1816) m 1777| | | |__ | | |_Zylpha (Zilphy) COTTON _| (1784 - 1858) m 1802 | | __ | | |_Anne MANSFIELD _____| (1760 - 1816) m 1777| |__
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Mother: Eleanor BLAND |
Robert's father is William Thornton, b 1424, d. Mary 17, 1487,
and Agnes Alderborough his mother. The Alderborough line goes
back though King Edward I and Eleanor of Castile.
William Thornton, b 1424, East Newton m. abt 1450, East Newton,
Yorkshire, ENG. Parents Lord Newton, Robert Thornton, b 1374,
Cambridge, Yorkshire, m. Isobell de Grey.
His parents were a Robert Thornton, Lord Newton of Cambridge and
His father was Thomas Thornton and mother Jean Nellison.
Lord William Thornton b bef 1288 and Isobell de Newton. and his
father was Lord William Thorntone, b before 1250 in
Gainsborough, ENG.
The name then de Thornetone. The English version of the name
came from an estate surrounded by Hawthorn Trees. The estate
was established by a Frenchman who was the Standard Bearer for
William the Conqueror.
Robert Thornton b 1455 of East Newton and Jane Layton of
Sproxton may be his parents.
1. Robert Thornton b 1455
2. William Thornton b 1424 d. 17 Mar 1487 m.1450 to Agnes
Alderborough in East Newton, Yorkshire, ENG. The Alderborough
line is back through King Edward I and Eleanor of Castile.
4. Robert Thornton, b 1374, Lord Newton, Cambridge, Yorkshire m.
Isobell de GREY.
5. Robert Thornton, Lord Newton of Cambridge m. to Margery.
6. Thomas Thornton m. Jean Nellison.
7. Lord William Thornton b bef 1288 m. Isobell de Newton.
8. Lord William Thornton b bef 1250 in Gainsborough, ENG.
_WILLIAM THORNTON ___+ | (1385 - ....) m 1406 _ROGER THORNTON _____| | (1410 - ....) m 1438| | |_MARY KIRBY _________+ | (1380 - ....) m 1406 _THOMAS THORNTON ____| | (1445 - ....) | | | _HENRY REDMAGNE _____ | | | (1380 - ....) | |_KATHERINE REDMAGNE _| | (1410 - ....) m 1438| | |_____________________ | | |--THOMAS THORNTON | (1475 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _Richard BLAND ______| | | (1420 - ....) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Eleanor BLAND ______| (1450 - ....) | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
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Mother: Mary HUX |
__ | _____________________| | | | |__ | _Robin WHITE "the Immigrant"_| | (1750 - 1865) | | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Benjamin WHITE | (1789 - ....) | __ | | | _John HUX ___________| | | (1740 - ....) | | | |__ | | |_Mary HUX ___________________| (1770 - 1818) | | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
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