__ | __| | | | |__ | _John BROWNE "the Immigrant"_| | (1609 - 1655) | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Elizabeth BROWNE | (1640 - ....) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_____________________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
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Mother: Mary TERRELL |
_Robert COBBS __________+ | (1660 - 1727) _Vinckler COBBS _____| | (1706 - 1763) | | |_Rebecca VINCKLER ______+ | (1670 - 1715) _Robert COBBS _______| | (1730 - 1810) m 1755| | | ________________________ | | | | |_Judith MERIWETHER __| | (1720 - ....) | | |________________________ | | |--Waddy COBBS | (1765 - 1815) | _William A. TERRELL Sr._+ | | (1660 - 1743) m 1685 | _David TERRELL ______| | | (1686 - ....) m 1727| | | |_Susanna WATERS ________+ | | (1667 - 1734) m 1685 |_Mary TERRELL _______| (1738 - ....) m 1755| | _Henry CHILES I_________+ | | (1669 - 1719) |_Agatha CHILES ______| (1714 - 1766) m 1727| |_Mary WINSTON __________+ (1680 - ....)
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Mother: Sue ELLISOR |
_Alexander Daniel MCCANTS __+ | (1807 - 1852) m 1841 _Samuel John MCCANTS C.S.A.________| | (1842 - 1918) m 1869 | | |_Martha Elizabeth GERALD ___+ | (1820 - 1855) m 1841 _John James Jefferson MCCANTS _| | (1872 - ....) | | | _John James SIMMONS ________+ | | | (1778 - 1847) | |_Eliza E. Holt SIMMONS ____________| | (1845 - 1887) m 1869 | | |_Mary Catherine WILLIAMSON _+ | (1805 - 1887) | |--Clara MCCANTS | (1900 - ....) | ____________________________ | | | _(RESEARCH QUERY) ELLISOR of Texas_| | | | | | |____________________________ | | |_Sue ELLISOR __________________| (1880 - ....) | | ____________________________ | | |___________________________________| | |____________________________
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Mother: Elizabeth Julia FLOURNEY |
"May have been born 16 Jun 1750. Thomas Spencer, Jr. entered the
Revolutionary War as 2nd Lieutenant, Capt. John Martin's
Company, 4th Virginia Regiment, Continental Army, on 23 February
1776; appointed 1st Lieutenant on September 28, 1776; resigned
in July 1778; rejoined, and served as 1st Lieutenant for 18
months; promoted to Captain, and then Major, serving in
Lafayette's Division, Brigade of General Robert Lawson of Prince
Edward County; participated in battles of Brandywine,
Germantown, Guilford Court House, and surrender of Cornwallis at
Yorktown. Widow Lucy (Watkins) Spencer applied for pension on
April 24, 1838, stating her late husband, Thomas Spencer, had
served as a Lieutenant, Captain, and Major, having enlisted in
Charlotte County where he died July 4, 1806, total service 21
months, 28 days in the Virginia Line. Among those mentioned in
her application were Edward Watkins of Petersburg, VA, her
brother; Major Samuel F. Spencer (Thomas' brother); Col. William
B. Watkins of Charlotte (daughter Susannah's husband); and
William I. (or J.) Watkins, J. P., of Charlotte County. Thomas
Spencer Jr became the guardian of his nephew Thomas Harris
Spencer 1 Nov 1784 after the death of Sion. Thomas became his
niece Elizabeth Julia's guardian 6 Mar 1786 after Sion died. An
1836 list of the heirs of Thomas, names Elizabeth Richardson,
Martha Morton, Mary H. Allen, Sarah Watkins, Sion Spencer,
William W. Spencer, and the children of Thomas Jefferson
Spencer, dec'd. viz. James, Thomas and Lucy Ann Spencer. Thomas
Spencer, Jr. appeared in Charlotte County Tax Lists for 1779 and
1782, in the latter with 3 white titheables and 8 blacks. Thomas
Spencer, Jr. wrote his will on April 3, 1798, when he was about
to have an ear operation and thought he might not survive it.
The will was proved on September 1, 1806 in Charlotte County.
The 1810 census for Charlotte County listed a Mrs. Lucy Spencer
with 1 female over 45, 2 males and 1 female 16-26, and 2 females
Col. Thomas Spencer, the progenitor of the Spencer family, was
born in 1751 and died in 1806. He entered as Second Lieutenant,
Captain John Martin's Company 4th Virginia Regiment of the
Continental Army for the War of the Revolution on February 23,
1778; later joined the Army and served as First Lieutenant for
eighteen months and was promoted successively to Captain and
Major, serving in the Brigade of General Robert Lawson of Prince
Edward County, in Lafayette's Division; participated in the
battles of Brandywine, Germantown, Guilford Court House and in
the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown. Col. Spencer married at
the old Spencer homestead at then Fariston P. O. in Charlotte
County. His two wives were sisters. His 8 children were all by
his second wife.
This day, Captain Josiah Le Grand of Charlotte Co., personally
appeared before me a J. of P. for said county--made statement of
facts, commencing with his own knowledge and belief, touching
the military service of the late Col. Thomas Spencer of
Charlotte Co. in the Rev. war:--That he (deponent) is 74 years
of age, and was a Soldier, and attached to the Commissary
department. That he was intimately acquainted with the said Col.
Spencer, while in service; that he has distinct recollection
when said Spencer entered the Contl. army as a Lieutenant in the
company commanded by Capt. John Brent. That in the month of
March, he marched from Charlotte Co. for Portsmouth, Va., served
there awhile, and was ordered to the North. In early part of
1780, said Spencer returned from the Northern army, either on
furlough or as supernumerary. After absence from Charlotte Co.
for more than three years, he saw said Spencer shortly after his
return, and was informed that he still belonged to the Army.
At this time great exertion was being made to raise volunteers
for the army, and deponent entered in the Brigade of Genl.
Lawson. That he marched from Morris Old Ordinary, in the county
of Prince Edward, in month of June, 1780, and while on their
march in the direction of Petersburg, Va. said Thomas Spencer
made his appearance in the county of Amelia, and assumed the
command of Major of the Regt. to which deponent was attached.
The said Regt. was stationed in the neighborhood of Petersburg
while deponent was in the service, and he was discharged in
Nov., 1780, being the said Major Thomas Spencer in Lawsons
The said deponent again entered the army in Feb., 1781 and was
attached to the commissary department. His duties called him to
headquarters of the Southern army in N. C. and a few days after
the battle of Guilford, he again met Major Thomas Spencer in the
That after the war, Thomas Spencer was engaged in the military
service. That he was an excellent officer, remarkably fond of
military life, and delighted in the service of his country. He
was considered a bold, active, and efficient officer. Signed,
LeGrand. Sworn to, and subscribed before Saml. Morton, J. of P.
for Charlotte county, 16 Feb., 1833. Attest, Winslow Robinson,
Abstract of the will of Thomas Spencer of Charlotte Co. (About
to undergo a dangerous operation). Mentions his wife Lucy, sons
and daughters, but does not mention their Christian names. He
appointed his friends Jacob Morton, Samuel Spencer, Joseph
Venable and John Booker as Extrs. Signed, 30 Apr 1798. Proved, 6
Oct 1806.
Charlotte Co., Va. Major Samuel F. Spencer of same Co. deposed
that he was a soldier in the Rev. war and was engaged in the
battle of Guilford, N. C. He saw the late Col. Thomas Spencer of
Charlotte, the night after the battle, while the troops were
retreating; that Col. Lawson and General Stevens were commanding
officers on that occasion; that Thomas Spencer at this time held
rank as Major and acted in that capacity. Signed, Saml. F.
Sworn to before Arch. D. Alexander, J. of P. 25 Jan., 1833.
Deposition of William Vaughan, of Charlotte Co. 23 Jan., 1833.
That deponent is 84 years of age, and was a Soldier in the Rev.
Army and for past four years a Pensioner; that Thomas Spencer
was a Lieutenant in Capt. Brents company, attached to the 4th
Va. Regt. on the Contl. line; that Col. Lawson commanded the
Regt. under Brig. Genl. Stephens; that he, Vaughan, enlisted in
the same company about the 1st of Mar., 1776, and was ordered to
the North.
That they went by water from Portsmouth and landed in Maryland,
and marched to Philadelphia, and were stationed at various
places in Penn., N. J., and Md.
They were engaged in the battles of Brandywine and Germantown,
and in 1778, he, Vaughan, was discharged. He knew Lieut. Thomas
Spencer, who was afterwards ordered to the South, and continued
in the Contl. service until the end of the war.
Signed, William Vaughan, before Thos. Pettus, J. of P.
Deposition of Archibald Alexander:-- That he was well acquainted
with the family of Col. Thomas Spencer of Charlotte Co., Va.,
and that he (Thos. Spencer) died about the first of July, 1806,
leaving a widow, Lucy Spencer, and the following children:--
Elizabeth (who married John D. Richardson), Susan (who married
William B. Watkins), Leon Spencer, Martha (married Richard
Morton), William W. Spencer, Thomas J. Spencer (who died in
1822, leaving his wife Ann Eliza and two children:--James Thomas
and Lucy, both infants), and Mary Spencer (married Daniel Alien
who died in the year 1823 or 4). Signed, Before Cornelius
Barnes, J. of P. 25 Jan., 1833.
Affidavit of John Foster of Charlotte Co. Deponent, 79 years of
age, appeared before Thomas Pettus, J. of P. 22 Jan., 1833. That
he was a soldier in the Va. State line on the Contl.
Establishment of the Rev. war. That he was well acquainted with
Thomas Spencer of Charlotte--from 1765, or thereabouts, until
the time of his death; that he was attached to the same Regt.
and was in the battles of Brandywine, Germantown, and other
battles in the North.
That Spencer was a brave officer, and that in the year 1779 he
was ordered South, but continued in service until some time in
the year 1781. Signed and sworn to.
The claim of Thomas Spencer was submitted to the Council, and
advice required. March 2nd the heirs were allowed land bounty
for his service for three years. Signed, John Floyd, Gov.
From a list of such officers and soldiers of the Va. line during
the Rev. as settled their accounts, and received certificates
for the balance of their full pay, according to an Act of
Assembly, passed Nov. session, 1781; that certificate issued 19
Oct., 1784 in name of Thomas Spencer, as a Lieutenant of
infantry, for 98 pounds, 6 s., 8 d., which certificate appears
to have been delivered to himself. Auditors Office, Richmond,
Va. 17 Dec., 1832. Signed, John E. Heath, Auditor.
Dec. 13, 1776. We the subscribers, do agree to have received
from Thomas Spencer, Lieut. two months pay, from 28 Sept. to the
28 Nov. Signed, George Hankins, Clement Sullivant, Natt
Sullivant, Jesse Brown, Philip Savage, Temple Taylor, Philip
Holt, Robert Bage, John Badgett, Jonathan Terrill, Samuel
Lunderman, John Lucas, Robert Hollerman, Thomas Bedford, Solomon
Elam, William Steward, William Jordan, Thomas White, Samuel
Henry, Sergt.
Received from Lieut. Spencer, 83-1dollars, my pay as Second
Lieut., Feb. 4, 1778--Eleven guns, five C. boxes, seven
bayonets, four shott baggs and poeder, seven blankets. Signed,
D. Jackson, Quart. Master, 4th Va. Regt."
Virginia Soldiers of 1776, vol. 1, Ancestry.com (from pages 314
& 315 & 316)
________________________________ | __________________________| | | | |________________________________ | _Thomas SPENCER I__________| | (1711 - 1793) m 1741 | | | ________________________________ | | | | |__________________________| | | | |________________________________ | | |--Thomas SPENCER | (1751 - 1806) | _Jacques Jean FLOURNEY _________+ | | (1657 - ....) | _Jean Jacques FLOURNEY ___| | | (1686 - 1740) m 1720 | | | |_Julia EYRAUD __________________ | | (1662 - ....) |_Elizabeth Julia FLOURNEY _| (1721 - 1793) m 1741 | | _James WILLIAMS "the immigrant"_ | | (1663 - ....) |_Mary Elizabeth WILLIAMS _| (1695 - 1740) m 1720 | |_Elizabeth BUCKNER _____________+ (1665 - 1740)
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Mother: Margaret A. EVANS |
_Johann (John) Philip SWARTZ (SCHWARTZ) "the Immigrant"_+ | (1730 - 1827) _Jacob SWARTZ (SCHWARTZ) _| | (1780 - ....) | | |_Barbara________________________________________________ | (1750 - 1835) _John W. SWARTZ (SCHWARTZ) _| | (1821 - 1901) m 1845 | | | ________________________________________________________ | | | | |_Maria COON ______________| | (1790 - ....) | | |________________________________________________________ | | |--Oliver P. SWARTZ | (1854 - 1884) | ________________________________________________________ | | | __________________________| | | | | | |________________________________________________________ | | |_Margaret A. EVANS _________| (1824 - 1905) m 1845 | | ________________________________________________________ | | |__________________________| | |________________________________________________________
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Mother: Elizabeth FARRAR |
_Anthony TRABUE\TRABUC "the Immigrant"_+ | (1669 - 1724) m 1704 _Jacob TRABUE ____________| | (1705 - 1767) m 1731 | | |_Magdalene VEREUL\VERRUEIL ____________+ | (1683 - 1731) m 1704 _Daniel TRABUE Sr.___| | (1750 - 1819) m 1786| | | _John WOOLDRIDGE "the Immigrant"_______ | | | (1678 - 1757) m 1705 | |_Mary (Marie) WOOLDRIDGE _| | (1712 - 1789) m 1731 | | |_Martha OSBORNE? ______________________+ | (1688 - 1757) m 1705 | |--Elizabeth TRABUE | (1792 - 1818) | _Thomas FARRAR ________________________+ | | (1723 - 1761) | _Barrett FARRAR __________| | | (1746 - 1810) m 1762 | | | |_______________________________________ | | |_Elizabeth FARRAR ___| (1768 - 1800) m 1786| | _John BIBB ____________________________+ | | (1703 - 1769) |_Elizabeth BIBB __________| (1741 - 1828) m 1762 | |_Susannah BIGGERS _____________________ (1719 - 1786)
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