Mother: Charity WARREN |
_Edward BRISCOE Sr._____________+ | (1685 - 1725) m 1698 _George BRISCOE _____| | (1724 - ....) m 1741| | |_Susannah "Sorrow" Gerard SLYE _+ | (1680 - 1725) m 1698 _John BRISCOE _______| | (1741 - 1799) m 1785| | | _Barton WARREN _________________+ | | | (1700 - ....) | |_Mary WARREN ________| | (1725 - ....) m 1741| | |________________________________ | | |--James Warren BRISCOE | (1798 - 1861) | _(RESEARCH QUERY) WARREN _______ | | | _Notley WARREN ______| | | (1730 - ....) | | | |________________________________ | | |_Charity WARREN _____| (1755 - ....) m 1785| | ________________________________ | | |_____________________| | |________________________________
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Mother: Jane HICKS |
"She again in another documented occasion Jane Cockshute as it's
spelled in this document" age 17 years sworne & examined sayeth,
that she was present at Mr. Gills sickness & death, her mother
Jane Clarke on May 31 1658 aged 46 years or thereabouts sworne &
examined sayeth That Mr. Benjamin Gill late of this Province
Deceased dyed at her house at Portback the 22th of November in
the year 1655....."
Deed of Gift from Jane Matthews, relict of Thomas Matthews,
Gent, to her 5 children, Ignatius, William, Victoria, Jane and
ex. William Boarman of St Mary's Co, Gent.; /s/ Jane Matthews;
wit. Rando. Brandt
Volume 41 page 171 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. 171
To the second. That hee called in this Deponts husband Nicholas
Liber Cawsine, her selfe & Daughter Adams, & desyred Willm
Harper her P. C. R. sonne Adams his man to write his Will, And
to tht intent, pen, inke, & paper was brought. But the sayd
Willm Harper not knowing the forme of a Will, desyred bee would
deferre it, till his Master came home. Vppon wch bee desyred us
present (Viz) her husband, her selfe, & Daughter Adams to take
notice of his Verball Will.
To the third. That for the Exequutors they were of his owne
choyce & motion not knowing any, tht peswaded him to them, And
that bee desyred to speake wth Mr ffitzherbert, & Mr Gerard, but
it could not possibly bee effected.
To the ffowrth. That shee was Mother in Law to one whom bee did
appoynt his Exequutor & that her Daughter Adams, who is a
wittnes, was then & is still Wffe of One of the sd Exequutors
To the ffifth. That her Daughter who was a Wittnes had not any
Legacy left, But to her selfe & her husband was Legacies left
who were wittnesses.
To the Sixth. That to the best of her iudgmt, hee was in perfect
sence & memory, when hee made choyce of his Exequutors, &
continued in the same, to his last breath.
Sworne before mee the day & yeare aboue written Job Chandler.
Mary Adams aged 21 yeares or thereabouts her answere to the
foresd Jnterrogatories uppon Oath & Examinaon.
To the ffirst. That the uery day of his death he nominated &
appoynted Mr Thomas Gerard & this Deponts husband to bee his
To the Second. That a little before Mr Gills departure this
Depont lyuing then in her ffather in Law Cawsines howse, was
called p. 129 into the roome, where bee dyed by her mother, And
hee desyred all there pent, were her ffather in Law her mother,
& her selfe to take notice that was his Will.
To the Third. That the first day Mr Gill came to this Deponts
mothers howse, he nominated W Thomas Gerard, & her husband to
bee his Exequutors, & did not att any time after heare him
mention any else, & to the best of her knowledge he was not
perswaded to make choyce of any Exequutors.
To the ffowrth. That shee was Wffe to one of the Exequutors, &
that shee was a wittnes but noe Legatee.
To the ffifth That all but her selfe were.
That to the best of her knowledge he was, ffor he spoake
senceably, & knew us all there present.
Sworne Eod die Coram me Job. Chandler.
Volume 41 page 172
172 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658.
Liber P. C. R.
Jane Cockshott aged 17 yeares or thereabout her answere to the
foresd Interrogatories, uppon Oath & Examinaon.
To the ffirst That the first day W Gill came to this Deponts
mothers howse, being the time he there dyed, bee spake of making
his Will & tht bee did nominate Mr Gerard & her Brother Adams to
bee his Exequutors & tht he desyred it seuerall times in his
To the Second. That the same day Mr Gill dyed this Depont Sayth,
Shee was her sister Adams called into the roome by her mother,
where Mr Gill was, her ffather in Law Cawsine being present,
Where Mr Gill desyred them to take notice tht this was his Will,
And tht Willm Harper being called in to write his Will desyred
to bee excused not knowing the forme.
To the Third. That shee knows not That Mr Gill was peswaded by
any to make choyce of his Exequutors, or tht bee was hindred of
any persons to come to him, That bee desyred.
To the ffowrth. That shee was sister in Law to One of the
Exequutors, but further knows not.
To the ffifth. That shee was not present, fully to heare W Gills
Will, therfore knows nothing concerning Legacies, & tht shee
doth not remember any part of it (Except) That bee desyred all
his cattle should be brought to her mothers howse & there to
remaine for three yeares: & the nominating his Exequutors, wch
were those aboue mentioned.
To the Sixth. That to the best of her Judgmt he was, for he was
sencible, & knew all that were there present.
Sworne Eod die Coram me
p. 130 The Deposn of Mrs Jane Clearke aged 46 yeares or
thereabouts Sworne & examind this 16th of August 1658.
Sayth, That Beniamin Gill deceased after nominating & appoynting
his Exequutors wch were Mr Thomas Gerard, & this Deponts sonne
in Law Henry Adams, did dispose of his wordly goods as
Impe That one Thowsand pownds of Tob, or thereabout, wch was in
Mr Thomas Gerard & Mr Robert Slyes hands should be gyuen to the
Church to bee prayed for.
21y That hee gaue to this Depont in consideraon of her paines &
charges all his moueable goods, Excepting his Chayres & Stooles
& Table, wch were att Widdow Lewis her howse, The wch Chayres,
Stooles & Table, hee gaue to this Deponents Daughter Jane
Cockshott It. Hee gaue to this Deponts husband Nicholas Cawsine
fiue hundd pownds of Tob: & fiue hundd pownds of Tob more to
this Depont, And to this Deponts Daughter Jane Cockshott, & her
sonne Jgnatius, & Nicholas Cawsine to each of them bee gaue fiue
hundd pownds of Tob.
Maryland Archives Volume 41 page 226 Adams- Mathews v.
Mitchell's Esqr
& Bee it knowne unto all men by these pents tht I Willm Mitchell
doe assigne all my right tytle & interest of a blackish browne
Estate horse wth a white face unto Henry Adams & Thomas Mathewes
p. 184 for the use of Jane Clearke, the late Relict of Nicholas
Cawsine deceased; To haue & to hould unto the sd Henry Adams &
Thomas Mathewes to & for the sole benefitt & use of the sd Jane
Clearke & her heyres for euer & in wittness whereof I sett my
hand this 7th of January 1656. Willm Mitchell
Signed & Deliuered in pence of Giles Sadler
These pents wittnes tht I the aboue named Willm Mitchell doe
engage my selfe my heyres, Executors & admistrators uppon or
before the last of Aprill next comming to deliuer to the aboue
__ | __| | | | |__ | _John COCKSHUTT "the Immigrant"_| | (1609 - 1642) m 1629 | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Jane COCKSHUTT | (1638 - 1699) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_Jane HICKS ____________________| (1612 - 1662) m 1629 | | __ | | |__| | |__
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Mother: Mary Elizabeth BROWN |
Sources: Southwest Louisiana Records 1750 - 1900 Abbrev: SWLA
Records Publication: Hebert Publications, Rayne, Louisiana, 2001
Page: citing: St. Martinville Church Records, v.5, #13.
St. Martin de Tours Catholic Church at Attakapas Post - now, St.
Martinville, St. Martin Par., LA
__ | _Edward FOREMAN Sr.__| | (1720 - 1805) m 1750| | |__ | _Ephrem Joseph FOREMAN _| | (1766 - 1854) m 1782 | | | __ | | | | |_Mary BURNETTE ______| | (1730 - 1805) m 1750| | |__ | | |--Rachel Marie FOREMAN | (1787 - 1860) | __ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |__ | | |_Mary Elizabeth BROWN __| (1765 - 1820) m 1782 | | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
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Mother: Barbara Cosby MINOR |
_Richard GATEWOOD Jr._____+ | (1716 - 1760) m 1744 _William GATEWOOD _________________| | (1745 - 1825) | | |_Frances "Frankey" TYLER _+ | (1730 - 1785) m 1744 _William Kemp GATEWOOD _| | (1778 - 1836) m 1807 | | | __________________________ | | | | |_Jane TRAVERS _____________________| | (1760 - 1790) | | |__________________________ | | |--William Lowrey GATEWOOD | (1812 - 1869) | _John Vivion MINOR _______+ | | (1707 - 1754) m 1732 | _John Carr MINOR of Topping Castle_| | | (1735 - 1800) m 1755 | | | |_Sarah Dabney CARR _______+ | | (1714 - 1774) m 1732 |_Barbara Cosby MINOR ___| (1780 - 1849) m 1807 | | _David COSBY _____________+ | | (1705 - 1770) m 1725 |_Elizabeth "Betty" COSBY __________| (1736 - ....) m 1755 | |_Mary Garland OVERTON ____+ (1705 - 1785) m 1725
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Mother: C. C. "Katie MERRICK |
_Thomas Jefferson ROBINS ______________________ | (1794 - 1843) m 1820 _Thomas William ROBINS ____| | (1823 - 1893) m 1845 | | |_Mary WINTER __________________________________+ | (1799 - 1843) m 1820 _William Alexander ROBINS _| | (1848 - 1904) m 1877 | | | _(RESEARCH QUERY) MAXWELL of VA & TN & GA & LA_ | | | | |_Margaret Burgess MAXWELL _| | (1826 - 1913) m 1845 | | |_______________________________________________ | | |--John Covert ROBINS | (1880 - ....) | _______________________________________________ | | | ___________________________| | | | | | |_______________________________________________ | | |_C. C. "Katie MERRICK _____| (1852 - 1909) m 1877 | | _______________________________________________ | | |___________________________| | |_______________________________________________
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Mother: Jane CRAIG |
_Nathaniel SANDERS Sr.________ | (1664 - 1733) _Hugh SANDERS ________________| | (1710 - 1781) m 1737 | | |_ WATKINS ____________________ | (1770 - 1733) _John SANDERS _______| | (1738 - 1805) m 1763| | | _Samuel HOSKINS ______________ | | | (1680 - 1738) m 1706 | |_Catherine HOSKINS ___________| | (1715 - 1787) m 1737 | | |_Mary BRERETON _______________ | (1682 - ....) m 1706 | |--Nathaniel SANDERS | (1780 - ....) | _John CRAIG __________________ | | (1680 - 1704) m 1703 | _Taliaferro "Toliver" CRAIG I_| | | (1705 - 1795) m 1730 | | | |_Jane TALIAFERRO _____________ | | (1684 - ....) m 1703 |_Jane CRAIG _________| (1743 - 1786) m 1763| | _John HAWKINS "the immigrant"_+ | | (1680 - 1740) m 1698 |_Mary "Polly" HAWKINS ________| (1716 - 1804) m 1730 | |_Mary LONG ___________________+ (1680 - ....) m 1698
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Mother: Judith DUDLEY |
_(RESEARCH QUERY - VA) SCOTT of Virginia_ | _John SCOTT I_______________| | (1632 - ....) m 1662 | | |_________________________________________ | _John SCOTT II_______| | (1672 - 1729) m 1699| | | _William BASSETT I_______________________ | | | (1580 - 1646) | |_Mary or Elizabeth BASSETT _| | (1632 - ....) m 1662 | | |_Anne DICKESON __________________________ | (1580 - ....) | |--John SCOTT III | (1704 - ....) | _RICHARD DUDLEY I________________________+ | | (1623 - 1687) m 1642 | _Ambrose DUDLEY ____________| | | (1649 - 1738) m 1674 | | | |_Mary SEWELL (SEAWELL) of York Co. VA____+ | | (1622 - 1657) m 1642 |_Judith DUDLEY ______| (1679 - 1734) m 1699| | _Joseph FOSTER "the Immigrant"___________ | | (1632 - 1660) m 1652 |_Ann FOSTER ________________| (1656 - ....) m 1674 | |_Mary or Elizabeth BASSETT ______________+ (1632 - ....) m 1652
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__ | __| | | | |__ | _(RESEARCH QUERY) WHITEHEAD _| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Walter (Weighty) WHITEHEAD | (1805 - 1850) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_____________________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
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