Mother: Martha "Patsy" GREEN |
CHESTERFIELD CO., VA. May 25, 1835 Will Bk 13, P 396
Chesterfield Co, Va. To: Wife, Phoebe, son Phineas Clay, Mathew
Clay, grandson Robert Akin, grandson Eleazer Akin, grandson
William Akin, grand daughter Mary Ann Akin, grandson, Edward
Tarlton Akin, grandson Munson Burfoot. one lot to Ann Russells'
children, one lot to James Trabue, and one lot to Synthia
Sullivant's children, one lot to Levenia Akin's children, one
lot to Phineas Clay, one lot to Matthew Clay, one lot to Dorcas
Grave's children now living, one lot to Samuel Clay's son, Henry
Clay, and Meakins Trabue, and one lot to Martha Burfoot's
children, to each of them and their heirs forever. my son
Phineas Clay Executor, proved July 10th, 1836.
_Charles CLAY _________________+ | (1638 - 1686) m 1667 _Henry I CLAY __________| | (1672 - 1760) m 1707 | | |_Hannah WILSON ________________+ | (1642 - 1687) m 1667 _Charles CLAY _________| | (1716 - 1789) m 1741 | | | _William MITCHELL _____________ | | | (1670 - ....) | |_Mary MITCHELL _________| | (1693 - 1777) m 1707 | | |_Elizabeth_____________________ | (1670 - ....) | |--Eleazer CLAY | (1744 - 1836) | _Thomas "The Seagull" GREEN II_+ | | (1635 - 1714) m 1664 | _Thomas Abner GREEN III_| | | (1680 - 1730) m 1715 | | | |_Martha FILMER ________________+ | | (1640 - ....) m 1664 |_Martha "Patsy" GREEN _| (1719 - 1793) m 1741 | | _Thomas MARSTON _______________ | | (1660 - 1730) |_Elizabeth MARSTON _____| (1692 - 1759) m 1715 | |_Elizabeth MARVEL _____________ (1670 - 1759)
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__ | _____________________________| | | | |__ | _ HARRIS ____________| | (1770 - ....) | | | __ | | | | |_____________________________| | | | |__ | | |-- HARRIS | (1795 - ....) | __ | | | _(RESEARCH QUERY) PENDLETON _| | | | | | |__ | | |_ PENDLETON _________| (1770 - ....) | | __ | | |_____________________________| | |__
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Mother: Mary Catherine SAUNDERS |
_George HICKS (HIX) Gent. Sr._ | (1695 - 1762) _Robert HICKS ___________________| | (1730 - 1765) | | |______________________________ | _Benjamin HICKS Sr._______| | (1750 - 1814) m 1775 | | | ______________________________ | | | | |_Mary PEGUES ____________________| | (1730 - ....) | | |______________________________ | | |--Benjamin HICKS | (1780 - 1814) | ______________________________ | | | _George SAUNDERS "the Immigrant"_| | | (1709 - 1753) | | | |______________________________ | | |_Mary Catherine SAUNDERS _| (1749 - 1827) m 1775 | | ______________________________ | | |_Hannah GIBSON __________________| (1719 - 1773) | |______________________________
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__ | __| | | | |__ | _(RESEARCH QUERY) JETER _| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Jency JETER | (1775 - ....) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_________________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
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This Indenture made the Eleaventh day of Augt in the yeare of
our Ld, one thousand six hundred seaventy & foure Betweene
Edmund Lyndsey of Charles County in the Province of Maryland
planter of the one part, & Thomas Corker planter of the other
Wittnesseth: that the sd Edmund Lindsey as Well for & in
Consideration of the sume of twelve thousand pound of Tobaccoe &
Caske to him in hand by the sd Thomas Corker paid the receipt
whereof the said Edmund Lindsey doth hereby, & himselfe to bee
therewith fully satisfied, Contented, & paid, & thereof, &
therefrom, & of & from every part & parcell thereof doth acquit
& discharge the sd Thomas Corker his heires Execrs & Admrs by
these presents, as allsoe for divers other good Causes &
Consideracons him thereunto moveing Hath bargained, aliened,
sold, enfeoffed, Assigned & sett over, & by these presents doth
fully clearely & absolutely bargaine, Charles County Court (Land
Records), Liber E, Folio 183 aliene, sell, enfeoffee, Assigne, &
sett over unto the sd Thomas Corker his heires & Assignes for
ever: All that parcell & tract of Land Called his Excellencies
Gift, Begining at a bounded red oake a bound tree of W
Bartholomew Coates standing on the West side of Portobacco
Creeke running thence North & by East seaventy five pearches to
a bounded white oake, a bound tree of Col. Early thence West &
by North three hundred & twenty pearches to a bounded oake
thence south & by West seaventy five pearches to a bounded oake,
thence East & by South bounding upon Mr Coates to the first
bound tree: Containeing & Laid out for one hundred & fifty
acres, be it more or lesse, Together with all & singular the
houses, Gardens, Orchards, buildings,
pastures, Feedings, Woods, underwoods, wayes, waters,
watercourses, profitts,
Comodities & appurtenances to the same premises, or any part or
parcell thereof belonging, or in any wise appertaineing: and
allsoe all the Right, Estate, title, interest, use, property,
possession, reversion, Claime & demand of him the sd Edmund
Lindsey of & in the same, Together with all Patents, Deeds,
writtings, Evidences, manuscripts or papers touching or
Concerning the same, or any part or parcell thereof, To Have &
to Hold the aforesd parcell of Land, & all & singular other the
premises before granted, bargained & sold wth their & every of
their rights members & appurtenances whatsoever thereunto
belonging unto the sd Thomas Corker his heires & Asignes for
ever, And the sd Edmund Lindsey doth for himselfe his heires
Execrs & Admrs Covenant, promise & grant to & with the sd thomas
Corker his heires Execrs Admrs & Assignes that the premises now
are & for ever hereafter shall bee & Continue free & cleare, &
freely & Clearly acquitted, Exonerated & discharged of & from
all & singular former & other bargaines, sales, Gifts, grants,
Leases, rents, arreareages of rents, rentcharges, Mortgages,
Jointures, Dowers, rights & titles of
Dowers, Claimes, demands & Incumbrances whatsoever by him, them
or any of them formerly had, done, or Cothitted, or to be had,
done or Comitted And the sd
Edmund Lyndsey for himselfe his heires Execrs & Admrs the
aforesd parcell of
Land & all & singular the other premises before granted,
bargained & sold with
the appurtenances unto the sd thomas Corker his heires Execrs
Admrs & Assignes
forever against him the sd Edmund Lindsey his heires & Assignes
& against
all & every person or persons whatsoever lawfully Claimeing by
from or under
him, them or any of them & against all other persons whatsoever
shall & will
warrant & for ever defend by these presents, And the sd Edmund
Lindsey for
himselfe his heires Execrs & Admrs doth Covenant, promise, grant
& agree to &
with the Thomas Corker his heires & Assignes by these presents,
that the sd
Thomas Corker his heires & Assignes & every of them shall & may
by force &
vertue of these presents from time to time & at all times
hereafter for ever
lawfully, peaceably & quietly have, hold, use, occupy & enjoy
all the sd Land, &
all & Charles County Court (Land Records), Liber E, Folio 184
singular other the premises before granted with their & every of
their rights members & appurtenances: And have, receive, & take
the rents, Issues & profitts thereof to his & their owne proper
uses & behoofes, without any manner of Lett, trouble, Eviction
or Interruption of or by the sd Edmund Lyndsey his heires
Execrs, Admrs or Assignes or any of them, or of or by any other
person or persons whatsoever, [the Lord Proprietaries rent (as
it is mentioned & expressed in the Grant of the before mentioned
Land) onely excepted & foreprized] And the sd Edmund Lindsey
doth further Covenant & promise That hee the sd Edmund Lindsey
his heires Execrs & Admrs shall & will from time to time, & at
all times hereafter, within the space of seaven yeares next
ensueing the date hereof, upon the reasonable request, & at the
cost & Charges in the Law onely of the sd Thomas Corker his
heires Execrs, Admrs & Assignes make, seale, Convey & Deliver
such further Assurance or Assurances for the before bargained
premises (excepting only as before excepted) As th sd Thomas
Corker his heires Execrs Admrs or Assignes or any of them his
their or any of their Consell learned in the law shall him the
sd Edmund Lyndscy his heires Executrs or Admrs or any of them
thereto require, In Wittness whereof the parties aforesd to
these Indentures Interchangeably have put their hands & seales
the day & yeare first
above written. Signed sealed & delivered
Edmund X Lindsey
in the presence of us
Railph Coates
Will Deane
Endorsed. Mernorandu: that the day & yeare within written
possession of the
wthin menconed Land by livery & seizin wth turfe & twig was
given by the within named Edmund Lindsey to the wthin named
Thomas Corker.
In the presence of us
From [email protected] 28 Dec 2004
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__ | __| | | | |__ | _(RESEARCH QUERY) LINDSEY _| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Edmund LINDSEY | (1630 - 1674) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |___________________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
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Mother: KATHERINE de la POLE |
__________________________ | _BRIAN STAPLETON Knt. of Ingham_| | (1360 - ....) | | |__________________________ | _MILES STAPLETON Knt. of Ingham_| | (1400 - ....) m 1440 | | | _WILLIAM BARDOLF 4th LORD_+ | | | (1340 - ....) | |_CECILY BARDOLF ________________| | (1370 - ....) | | |_AGNES de POYNINGS _______ | (1340 - ....) | |--ELIZABETH STAPLETON | (1420 - ....) | __________________________ | | | _THOMAS de la POLE Knt._________| | | (1363 - ....) | | | |__________________________ | | |_KATHERINE de la POLE __________| (1416 - 1488) m 1440 | | _WILLIAM CHENEY __________ | | (1370 - ....) m 1394 |_ANNE CHENEY ___________________| (1395 - 1428) | |_CATHERINE PAGANHAM ______ (1372 - 1436) m 1394
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Mother: Sarah MEADOR? |
_James TURNER _______+ | (1670 - 1742) _James TURNER _______| | (1710 - 1793) m 1729| | |_____________________ | _Elijah TURNER ______| | (1747 - 1820) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Mary ADMIRE? _______| | (1712 - ....) m 1729| | |_____________________ | | |--Sarah "Sally" TURNER | (1764 - 1828) | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Sarah MEADOR? ______| (1740 - 1827) | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
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