__ | _JAMES BARCLAY of Kippo_| | (1420 - ....) | | |__ | _JAMES BARCLAY of Balvaird_| | (1450 - ....) | | | __ | | | | |________________________| | | | |__ | | |--MARGARET BARCLAY | (1470 - ....) | __ | | | ________________________| | | | | | |__ | | |___________________________| | | __ | | |________________________| | |__
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__ | __| | | | |__ | _William DYER _______| | (1640 - 1697) | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Edward DYER | (1660 - 1717) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
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Mother: Sarah "Sally" SANDERS |
"Petitions of Early Inhabitants of KY" by Robertson. petition
#43 signed 12 Sep 1787, John Gatewood as resident of Fayette
Co., also a resident in 1790, 1800 & 1810. In 1830 & 1840 he is
listed on Scott Co. KY census.
"Militia of KY 1792-1811" by Clift, John Gatewood of Fayette Co
was a Lt. in the 42nd Reg. 10 Nov 1796, commissioned May 1800.
"KY Gazette New Series No. 2, Vol II, #1317", Vol. 23 Lexington
1-8-1811. "My wife (Polly Gatewood) has left my family &
refuses to live with me. This is to make known that I will pay
no debts of her contracting (signed) John Gatewood 1 Jan 1811".
Scott Co. Court Feb 1813 at Georgetown. "On motion of Polly
Gatewood that Harriet Gatewood, Jefferson Gatewood, & Menerva
Gatewood, ch of John Gatewood, be bound to Achilles Stapp; the
son to learn trade of farming & the girls the trade of
housekeeping according to law. The said Harriet being 13 years
old 10 Mar last; Jefferson 11 years old July 16 & Menerva 8
years old last Feb 8th... (reason not given).
The estate of John Gatewood divided 13 Sep 1847 Scott Co.
between Willis Dehoney, Thomas Dehoney, Mary Minor & other
legatees. Adm was Wesley Sebree.
Lewis Sanders tells in his notes, "John was good natured, an
excellent hunter, qualities of much importance in the early
settlement of the country. He was fond of sports, particularly
racing, was a trainer of race horses. His wife, Polly Vawter,
was the handsomest woman of the neighborhood."
_John GATEWOOD I "the Immigrant"_+ | (1640 - 1706) m 1680 _Henry GATEWOOD Sr.__| | (1692 - 1777) m 1714| | |_Amy "Amie" MCGRAW (MAGRAH) _____+ | (1660 - ....) m 1680 _Peter GATEWOOD Sr._____| | (1743 - 1820) m 1764 | | | _Richard DUDLEY III______________+ | | | (1665 - 1716) m 1688 | |_Dorothy DUDLEY _____| | (1695 - 1751) m 1714| | |_Elizabeth SAXE _________________+ | (1670 - ....) m 1688 | |--John GATEWOOD | (1765 - 1847) | _Nathaniel SANDERS Sr.___________ | | (1664 - 1733) | _Hugh SANDERS _______| | | (1710 - 1781) m 1737| | | |_ WATKINS _______________________ | | (1770 - 1733) |_Sarah "Sally" SANDERS _| (1742 - 1838) m 1764 | | _Samuel HOSKINS _________________ | | (1680 - 1738) m 1706 |_Catherine HOSKINS __| (1715 - 1787) m 1737| |_Mary BRERETON __________________ (1682 - ....) m 1706
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__ | __| | | | |__ | _(RESEARCH QUERY) HATCHER of Virginia_| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |-- HATCHER | (1780 - ....) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |______________________________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
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