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__ | __| | | | |__ | _GADEON ap Cynon\Eudaf_| | (0320 - 0367) | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--YSTRADWEL ferch Gadeon | (0350 - 0420) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_______________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
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Mother: Lucinda RIDGEWAY |
_Thomas BONNER ______+ | (1744 - 1804) m 1767 _Zadock BONNER Sr.___| | (1769 - 1848) | | |_Margaret JONES _____+ | (1750 - 1804) m 1767 _Thomas BONNER ______| | (1807 - 1881) | | | _Bigby JOHNSON ______ | | | (1751 - ....) | |_Susan JOHNSON ______| | (1775 - ....) | | |_____________________ | | |--Annis S. BONNER | (1832 - 1915) | _____________________ | | | _Drury RIDGEWAY _____| | | (1780 - 1854) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Lucinda RIDGEWAY ___| (1808 - 1881) | | _Thomas POSEY _______ | | (1750 - ....) |_Catherine POSEY ____| (1780 - 1853) | |_Mary HODGKIN _______ (1750 - ....)
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Mother: Elizabeth JENNINGS |
"Died, in Woodford County, on the 4th instant, Mrs. Elizabeth
Watkins, widow of Henry Watkins, her second husband, in the
eightieth year of her age. He preceded her in the termination of
this mortal career only ten days. Few women have fulfilled
better the duties incident to all the relations here below in
which she stood. Few have performed more devotedly, or for a
longer period, those higher duties which, it is to be hoped,
have now obtained their reward above. She was the mother of
Henry Clay." pp. 88-90
_____________________ | _John HUDSON ____________| | (1690 - 1732) m 1714 | | |_____________________ | _George HUDSON ______| | (1712 - 1772) m 1745| | | _William HARRIS _____+ | | | (1672 - 1743) m 1694 | |_Elizabeth L. HARRIS ____| | (1698 - 1758) m 1714 | | |_Mary GILES _________ | (1675 - 1757) m 1694 | |--Elizabeth HUDSON | (1748 - 1829) | _____________________ | | | _William Henry JENNINGS _| | | (1702 - 1782) m 1723 | | | |_____________________ | | |_Elizabeth JENNINGS _| (1729 - 1782) m 1745| | _____________________ | | |_Mary Jane PULLIAM ______| (1705 - ....) m 1723 | |_____________________
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The first record of James and Sarah Hurt yet found(2) shows them
living on the banks of the Robinson River. On 22 July 1761
Richard Burdyne of Brumfield Parish in Culpeper Co. bequeathed
land "on the north side of the Robinson River joyning the lands
of Messrs. Alexander and Daniel Campbell and James Hurl...."(3)
On 13 May 1762 James Hurt/Hurst received a patent for 269 acres
in Culpeper Co. on the south side of a branch of the Great Fork
Mt., Robinson River, at the mouth of Cedar Creek, adjoining Col.
John Frogg & Richard Burdyne. At the survey on 10 May 1763
Christopher Yowell and William Grayson were the chain carriers
for Richard Young, surveyor.(4)
A Culpeper Co. lawsuit in 1763/64 (Paul Yowell v. James Hunt
[sic]) was dismissed by agreement, suggesting a settlement.(5)
In 1764 Joseph King paid James Hurt for debts owed him by the
estate of Christopher Yowell, decd.(6).
James Hurt and Jno. Yowell were chain carriers for surveyor
Richard Young on 26 Jan. 1768, when he surveyed a 28 July 1767
warrant made to William Hurt on 98 acres in Culpeper Co., on the
west side of Ragged Mt., adjoining Archd. Dick, and "the pulpit
of rocks."(7)
Among the numerous buyers at a sale of the estate of Capt.
Christopher Dicken in early April 1780 were James Hurt, Will
Hurt, Acrey Berry, Will Grayson, Ruben Thomas [sic], and John
During the Revolutionary War there was a draft to meet
Virginia's quota of troops for the Continental Army. A January
1781 list divides eligible Culpeper Co. men into 106 classes of
14 men each, from which one was drafted. The list is clearly
organized by neighborhood, and so is a bit like a census.(9) It
shows Sarah's sons and sons-in-law living relatively near each
other. James and William Hurt both appear in class 71,(10)
Elijah Berry is in class 72,(11) and Acrey Berrey appears in
class 73 next to William Grayson.(12) There are three John
Yowells in the list in classes 69 and 70: "John Yowell", "John
Yowell (son of James)", and "John Yowell (son of David)."(13)
None of these kinsmen of James1 (--?--) Hurt wound up being
The James Hurt in the list is probably James Hurt, Jr., who died
about 9 or 10 months after the list was compiled.
James Hurt, Sr., was involved in the war effort by providing
supplies. When claims for supplies were taken on 20 March 1782,
James Hurt made two claims: (1) from Nov. 1781 for 200 lbs. of
beef and "6 diats"; and (2) from Dec.1781 for 5 bushels of
wheat. James Hurt's sons-in-law, William Grayson and Acrey
Berrey, made claims the same day.(14)
He was in Benjamin Lillard's distict in the 1783 Culpeper Co.
Property Tax List,(15) and he appears in Goodrich Lightfoot's
district in the 1787 Culpeper Co. Personal Tax List. He owned 2
horses and 7 cattle. There were no males 16-21 in his household,
but there were 2 blacks under 16 and 2 blacks over 16 (perhaps
constituting a family of 2 parents and 2 children.) Acra Berry
[sic], William Grayson, and William Hurt are enumerated in the
same district.(16)
Will - Children to wit: William Hurt, Frances Grayson, Anna
Berry (wife of Acra Berry), and Mary Berry and to the Children
of my Deceas'd Daughter Sarah Yowell I? purpose the part allowed
for her which is an equal part with the rest of my Children
which part shall be equally divided among all her Children all
which I give to them and their heirs forever.
Item The part of my Estate that I have bequeathed to my Daughter
Anna Berry shall be at her own Disposal to do with as she shall
think proper.
And Lastly I Nominate and appoint my Dearly beloved wife Sarah
Hurt, my son William Hurt and my Son in Law Acra Berry Executors
and Executrix of this my Last will & Testament. In Witness
whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 28th day of
March 1785.
"Will of James Hurt," 28 March 1785, Culpeper Co., VA, Will Book
C, pp. 330-331, FHL Microfilm No. 30930. Photocopy in possession
of compiler.
This Last will and Testament of James Hurt Decd was exhibited to
the Court by Sarah Hurt Executrix William Hurt and Acra Berry
Executors, and was proved by the oaths of James Crow and Reuben
Thomas two of the Witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded
H. Lewis, A. Berry, and Christopher Crigler made an inventory
and appraisal of the estate, which was recorded 21 Dec.
The children of James and Sarah1 (--?--) Hurt, probably all born
in Culpeper Co., were as follows (birth order uncertain):
i. William Hurt was born before 1746, as he received a land
grant of 98 acres in Culpeper Co., VA, in 1767/8.(19) He
probably died between 19 April 1811, when he made his will, and
24 Sept. 1812, when it was proved in Madison Co., VA. He
married, probably around the time of the 1767/8 land grant,
Sarah --?--, who died after 1820.(20)
ii. James Hurt "of Bromfield Parish, Culpeper Co." married
Jemima Gaines, the daughter of Richard Gaines. He and his
brother-in-law Elijah Berry made their wills 11 Sept. 1781. In
his will James stated he was going into the militia. Both wills
were proved 19 Nov. 1781,(21) suggesting both men were killed
during the waning days of the American Revolution.(22) James
Hurt apparently had no children.
iii. Frances Hurt married William Grayson, Sr., the son of
Ambrose and Alice (--?--) (James) Grayson.(23) He was born about
1738, probably in Spotsylvania Co., VA; died after 1830 in
Madison Co., VA.(24) The Grayson Newsletter has claimed William
Grayson's wife was Eleanor Sandford,(25) but the compiler
believes the preponderance of the evidence indicates Frances
Hurt was his wife.
iv. Anna Hurt married Elijah Berry, the son of John and Jemima
(--?--) Berry. Elijah was probably killed in the American
Revolution in late 1781 (see above). An inventory and appraisal
of his estate was recorded in Culpeper Co. 18 March 1782.(26)
Elijah and Anna (Hurt) Berry had no children.(27)
The 1734, 1738 and 1739 Tithe Lists for Orange Co., parent
county of Culpeper Co., VA, contain no Hurts, suggesting James
and his family moved into the area ca. 1740-1760. Virginia Tax
Records (Baltimore: Gen. Pub. Co., 1983), pp. 290-299.
Dorman, Culpeper Wills, p. 101. "To James Hurt 8/6" and "To
James Hurt 2.13.2." There were two payments, one for 8/6, the
other for 2.13.2, and were for debts incurred in 1763.
Garland C. Norris, Property Tax List of Culpeper County,
Virginia 1783 (Raleigh, NC: n.p., n.d.), p. 27.
Schreiner-Yantis and Love, The 1787 Census of Virginia, pp. 717,
""Will of James Hurt," 28 March 1785, Culpeper Co., VA, Will
Book C, pp. 330-331, FHL Microfilm No. 30930.
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Mother: Sarah CLAYTON |
Child of William Pearl and Elizabeth is: i. Sarah4 Pearl, born
1840; died Unknown.
__ | _John William PEARL ___| | (1741 - ....) m 1762 | | |__ | _Thomas PEARL _______| | (1780 - 1856) m 1808| | | __ | | | | |_Chistina BAUMGARDNER _| | m 1762 | | |__ | | |--William H. PEARL | (1820 - ....) | __ | | | _______________________| | | | | | |__ | | |_Sarah CLAYTON ______| (1790 - ....) m 1808| | __ | | |_______________________| | |__
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Mother: Lucy Anne MAXWELL |
_____________________________ | ____________________________| | | | |_____________________________ | _Winchester RIFFE ___| | (1824 - 1888) m 1849| | | _____________________________ | | | | |____________________________| | | | |_____________________________ | | |--James Henry RIFFE | (1852 - 1903) | _John MAXWELL _______________+ | | (1780 - ....) | _Thomas Patrick MAXWELL Sr._| | | (1802 - 1878) m 1822 | | | |_Elizabeth HANNAN ___________ | | (1780 - ....) |_Lucy Anne MAXWELL __| (1829 - 1885) m 1849| | _Berry WHITTEN ______________+ | | (1765 - ....) m 1786 |_Frances "Frankey" WHITTEN _| (1801 - 1858) m 1822 | |_Frances "Frankey" GATEWOOD _+ (1765 - ....) m 1786
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Mother: Sarah THURMAN |
Martha Anne Schoolfield b. 1835
John Harrell Schoolfield, Sr. b. 18 Feb 1838 in Henry Co., Va
Laura Virginia Schoolfield b. 1845 in Henry County, Virginia
Mary Emeline Schoolfield b. 29 Jan 1841
Sarah Elizabeth Schoolfield b. 1843
William Henry Schoolfield b. 1848
James Edward Schoolfield b. 18 Sep 1850 in Henry County,
Robert Addison Schoolfield b. 7 May 1853 in Mt. Bethel
Community, Henry Co., Va
_John SCHOOLFIELD "the Immigrant"___ | (1700 - ....) m 1724 _Samuel David SCHOOLFIELD _| | (1735 - ....) m 1763 | | |_Ann LENOIR ________________________+ | (1701 - ....) m 1724 _John SCHOOLFIELD ___| | (1766 - 1831) m 1799| | | ____________________________________ | | | | |_Rachel GREAVE ____________| | (1737 - ....) m 1763 | | |____________________________________ | | |--William Miranda SCHOOLFIELD | (1804 - 1855) | _(RESEARCH QUERY) THURMAN THURMOND _ | | | _Richard THURMAN __________| | | (1743 - 1830) | | | |____________________________________ | | |_Sarah THURMAN ______| (1783 - 1851) m 1799| | _Sheldrake BROWN ___________________ | | (1720 - ....) |_Ann BROWN ________________| (1745 - 1790) | |____________________________________
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Mother: ALICE |
_HUGH le SCROPE _____+ | (1103 - 1149) _ROBERT le SCROPE ___| | (1134 - 1198) | | |_____________________ | _PHILIP SCROPE ______| | (1160 - 1204) m 1190| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--MAUD SCROPE | (1191 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_ALICE_______________| (1164 - 1205) m 1190| | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
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