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Mother: Maria Elizabeth "Mary" HITE |
Bowman was married twice, and had a total of thirteen children.
One son was named Isaac. Isaac Bowman, in selling off the town
lots, reserved to himself the exclusive privilege of ferriage
from the town across the river to Kentucky. However, he never
claimed the right for himself, and in the course of time
everyone with a river lot claimed the right to establish a
ferry. A ferry license was granted as early as 1807. One company
became well established; in 1850 it put two steam ferries in
operation. At this time the heirs of the Bowman family sought to
obtain some remuneration through the state legislature.
Sources: Materials in collection.
William H. English, The conquest of the northwest (1895) p.
History of the Falls Cities (1883), Vol. II, p. 436
Baird, History of Clark County (1909) p. 35, 43, 49... ISAAC
BOWMAN FAMILY PAPERS, 1816, 1850-1852. ... MAIN ENTRY: Bowman,
Isaac, 1757-1826. SUBJECT ENTRIES: Bowman, Isaac, 1757-1826.
Land grants--Indiana--Jeffersonville. ...
"Wayland, The Bowman's, A Pioneering Family p 29: Isaac was
captured by the Indians, stripped for burning at the stake, and
held for a protracted period in captivity. On Jan 23, 1778,
Clark wrote in his diary, "lodged at Isack Bowmans; appointed J.
Bowman Capt., Isack Lieut. to raise a company f or my
Ridgement."Isaac joined Joseph in recruiting and on May l2
(1778) set off down the Ohio for the Falls and his great
adventure against Kaskaskia an d Vincennes.
Letter from John Todd, Jr. dated 2 Jun 1780 to Gov. Thomas
Jefferson: "Mr. Isaac Bowman with 7 or 8 men and one family set
off from Kaskaskia the 15th Nov last in a Batteau attended by
another Batteau with 12 men & 3 or 4 families in it bound for
the falls of the Ohio.....Bowman's Batteau fell into the hands
of the Chickasaw Indians & the other arrived in Mar or Apr at
the French Lick on Cumberland with the account that Bowman and
all the men except Riddle were killed and taken.....my books and
many necessary papers being also lost." Capt Isaac was lost for
the next three years.
Children: Wayland-"It is said he had 16 children, his will names
Philip, Abraham, Joseph, John, Susannah and Eliza B as his older
children and as his younger children Isaac, George Robert,
Washington, Mary and Rebecca . It is said that Catherine was a
daughter of his first wife."
"The Isaac Bowman who m.(1) Elizabeth Gatewood had a very
exciting and
colorful past, well known in Kentucky history, Isaac and
Elizabeth had possibly 7 children and by Mary Chinn, Isaac may
have had at least 9 more!"
He was with George Rogers Clark in the Vincennes expedition as
"He was a lieutenent In expedition against Vincennes. He was
captured by Chickasaws and force d to marry Wau-wau-se-ni-ki.,
daughter of Jin Opelika. A Spanish trader bought his release. He
returned home to harmony Hall near Strausburg."
Children by Mary Chinn:
2 Joseph BOWMAN
2 Eliza BOWMAN
2 Isaac BOWMAN + Eleanor HITE b: 27 Oct 1751 d: 24 Oct 1781
2 George BOWMAN
2 Robert BOWMAN
2 Washington BOWMAN
2 Rebecca BOWMAN
2 Isaac BOWMAN + Eleanor Briscoe HITE
2 Rebecca BOWMAN
Children of Mary Jane CHINN and Isaac BOWMAN are:
i. John H. BOWMAN was born 16 JUN 1798 in Virginia, and died 30
SEP 1878 in Kentucky.
ii. Elizabeth Bellfield BOWMAN was born 14 MAY 1801 in Virginia,
and died 1 JAN 1856 in Tennessee.
iii. Isaac Sydnor BOWMAN was born 17 NOV 1803 in Virginia, and
died 28 DEC 1866.
iv. George W. S. BOWMAN was born 22 APR 1806 in Virginia.
v. Robert Chinn BOWMAN was born 18 MAR 1809 in Virginia. He
married Hannah Phillipa Lee GLASSCOCK 22 SEP 1841 in Virginia.
She was born ABT. 1821 in Virginia.
vi. Washington M. BOWMAN was born 30 MAY 1812 in Virginia.
vii. Mary Ann Hite BOWMAN was born 23 AUG 1815.
viii. Rebecca Frances BOWMAN was born 18 JAN 1821.
_____________________ | _________________________________________________| | | | |_____________________ | _George BOWMAN "the Immigrant"_| | (1709 - 1768) m 1729 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_________________________________________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Isaac BOWMAN | (1757 - 1826) | _____________________ | | | _John (Jost, Hans Justus) HITE I "the immigrant"_| | | (1685 - 1760) m 1704 | | | |_____________________ | | |_Maria Elizabeth "Mary" HITE __| (1708 - 1768) m 1729 | | _Abraham MERCKLIN ___ | | (1664 - ....) m 1684 |_Anna Marie MERCKLIN ____________________________| (1687 - 1738) m 1704 | |_Anna Veronica_______ (1664 - ....) m 1684
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Mother: Jane LLEWELLYN |
_John BRISCOE Gent.__+ | (1678 - 1734) m 1711 _John BRISCOE _______| | (1715 - 1741) m 1738| | |_Eleanor WILLIAMSON _+ | (1690 - 1754) m 1711 _John Hanson BRISCOE _| | (1741 - 1822) m 1772 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Mary________________| | (1715 - ....) m 1738| | |_____________________ | | |--Llewlyn BRISCOE | (1775 - ....) | _Richard LLEWELLIN __+ | | (1685 - 1762) | _John LLEWELLIN _____| | | (1714 - 1785) m 1740| | | |_____________________ | | |_Jane LLEWELLYN ______| (1750 - 1800) m 1772 | | _____________________ | | |_Mary JORDAN ________| (1720 - 1765) m 1740| |_____________________
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Father: THOMAS CHERIE Mother: Elizabeth |
_JEAN (Or John) CHERIE _+ | (.... - 1412) _JOHN CHERIE ________| | | | |________________________ | _THOMAS CHERIE ______| | (.... - 1588) | | | ________________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |________________________ | | |--Churche CHERIE | | ________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |________________________ | | |_Elizabeth___________| | | ________________________ | | |_____________________| | |________________________
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Mother: LAMAR |
We don't know Peter's birthdate. We know from the Peter/Lemare
will that Peter was a minor in 1694 when Peter Lemare wrote his
will. The link between Peter and his father John is provided in
the will of Peter Lemare, wherein he left named his son in law,
John O'Neale and grandson, Peter. The link between Peter and his
son John is proved through Peter O'Neale's will, wherein he left
his property to son, John
Peter's death date was derived from his will. Calendar of Wills
St. Mary's County. Maryland Page: Vol. 9, 1744-1749 page 122.
The will of Peter O'Neale: PETER O’NEALE
In the name of God, Amen, the seventh day of Aprill in the year
of our Lord God seventeen Hundred & forty five, I Peter ONeale
of St . Mary’s County in the province of Maryland being of sound
memory... Imprimus I will that all my lawfull debts of what
nature soever be firstly and truly paid by my executor hereafter
to be named. Item. I give, devise and bequeath to my loving
wife, Ann ONeale that land and plantation wheron I now dwell,
being part of Tract of land called CRACKBONE, during the time of
her widowhood with all the improvements, rights profits &
priveliges therunto belonging, and after her deceasor at the day
of her marriage if she should marry again, I give and bequeath
the said land & improvements to my son John ONeale and to the
heirs of his body law fully begotten and for want of such heirs
to my son Peter Lamar Oneale and the heirs of his body lawfully
begotten, and for want of such heirs to my son James Oneale and
the heirs of his body lawfully begotten, and for want of such
heirs to be equally divided amongst all my daughters and all my
personal estate of what nature or kind soever it be I give and
bequeath unto my loving wife Ann Oneale during her natural life
(provided she remains a widow) but if she should marry than my
will is my daughter Elizabeth Oneale shal receive one fether bed
& furniture, two pewter dishes, two pewter basons & two pewter
plates and likewise
my daughter Sarah Oneale...
my daughter Mary Oneale...
my son Peter Lamar Oneale...
my son James Oneale...
and if there should not be bed & pewter as above mentioned to
pay them all off-, then my will is that they receive to the
value and all the residue of the estate that shall remain either
at the day of my loving wife Ann Oneales Marriage if that should
happen or at the day of her death be equally divided amongst all
my children, paying off the legacies as above mentioned. And
lastly I do hereby ordain, constitute and appoint my dear and
loving wife Ann Oneale, whole and sole executor of this my last
will and testament. In testimony wherof I have hereunto set my
hand and affixed my seal the day and year first written above.
Peter Oneale his marking
St. Mary’s County September ye 16th 1747.
Melville Locke, Jame s Wood John Suite, witnesses.
Thomas Aisquith, Deputy Commissioner, St. Mary’s County
The will of Peter O’Neal was written April 17, 1745, and
probated in St. Mary’s Co., MD. Sept. 16, 1747 The Will of Peter
Oneale is found in the Calendar of Wills for St . Mary’s Co. MD,
Vol. 9, 1744-1749 page 122. From Betti Moore, 11/25/2001, Will
is in the Will Book 25, Liber d d, No . 4, folio 155, Annapolis,
From the will below we learn that Peter was living in St. Mary's
County, in 1717.
Davis, Jno.,St. Mary's Co., 23rd Dec., 1716; 29th Mar., 1717 .
To youngest son George and dau. Mary, each 1/3 personal estate.
To two child., Jno. and Briscoe, and their hrs., all land
equally divided between them, excepting 1/3 of dwelling
plantation. To wife Ann, extx., 1/3 of dwelling plantation
during life and 1/3 personal estate, absolutely.
Test : Peter O'Neale (O'Neall), Alexd. Scott, Peter Harris.
There were two parcels of land named "almost" the same thing.
"Cragborn's Purchase" was in Newtown Hundred (where the Fords,
Wathens, etc. lived) "Crackborn's Purchase" was in Resurrection
Hundred. Spellings are intertwined, but they were two different
pieces of land in two different parts of the county. Peter Oneal
was affilated with the parce in Resurrection Hundred. 3/30/1747:
"Hard Fortune", 62 a c., surveyed for Peter Oneall on the north
side of the main northernmost branch of Trent Creek adjoining a
parcel of land belonging to Ann Greenfield. Patented 3/30/1747.
Is part of "Crackbourne's Purchase" and paid for by that name.
(SMC Rent Rolls, 1639-1771). By Linda Reno, 1/4/2002
Here's what I know about Crackbone……
The land originally be longed to a Richard Crackbone. (Or
Creekbone) (Md Archives Volume 49, page 10)
Somehow the land came into the hand s of Andrew Woodbury, who
sold it to Willm Tanehill. (Md Archives Volume 49, page 126)
Peter Lamare, along with his brother Thomas and John Geroe/
Jeroe (?) bought the land from Willm Tanehill, (Md Archive s
Volume 49, page 338)
Then Peter Lamare left the land to his grandson, Peter O'Neale.
(Wills 2 -- folios 301-302- State of Maryland -- Hall of Records
Peter O'Neale left the land to his heirs in his will. (Will Book
25, Libe r d d, No. 4, folio 155, Annapolis, Maryland)
I've included additional info below.
(Md Archives Volume 49, page 126)
This Indenture made the Eleauenth day of ffeb. in the yeare of
our Lord God one Thowsd six hundd sixty & Three, Betweene Andrew
Woodbery of Salem in New England mariner of the one parte, &
Willm Tanehill of Poplar Hill in the County of St Maries Plantr
on the other parte, Wittnesseth tht the sd Andrew Woodbery for &
in Consideraon of ffowre Thowsd ffowre hundd pownds of Tob &
Cask to him in hand payd, whereof & wherewith hee doth
acknowledge himselfe fully satisfyed contented & payd, Hath
gyuen, graunted, remised, released, bargayned, sold, assigned, &
for euer sett ouer, & by these prnts doth giue, graunt, remise
release, bargaine, sell, assigne, & for euer sett ouer unto the
sd Willm Tenehill his heyres or assignes all tht Three hundd &
ififty Acres of Land, Lying on the Sowth side of Patuxt Riuer, &
the North side of a Creeke of the sd Riuer called St Stephens
Creeke, Bownding as on the Pattent of the sd Land graunted to
Richard Crackbone the Three & Twentith day of Nouembr in the
Seauen & Twentith yeare of his Lps Dominion ouer this Prouince
Aflocp Dfli 1658, To haue & to hold the sd Three hundd and
ffifty Acres of Land to him the sd Willm Tenehill his heyres &
assignes foreuer, Wth warranty from the Just Claymes of any
prson or prsons whatsoeur. In wittnes whereof hee the sd Andrew
Woodbery to this prflt Indenture hath putt his hand & Sea le the
day [p. 172] & yeare aboue written. Andrew Woodbery. Signed
Sealed & deliuered Scale(Seal) in the prnce of us
L Barbier Tho: Dent. (Md Archives Volume 49, page 338)
Provincial Court Proceedings, 1664."
_____________________ | _____________________________| | | | |_____________________ | _John NEAL (O'NEAL) _| | (1665 - 1747) m 1689| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Peter NEAL (O'NEAL) | (1690 - 1745) | _ LAMAR _____________ | | (1600 - ....) | _Peter LAMAR "the Immigrant"_| | | (1645 - 1694) | | | |_____________________ | | |_ LAMAR _____________| (1670 - ....) m 1689| | _____________________ | | |_____________________________| | |_____________________
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Mother: Frances TALLEY |
_William (Pettipool) POOL I "the Immigrant"_ | (1630 - 1668) _William (Pettypool) POOL II_| | (1662 - 1725) m 1698 | | |_Ann PHARAM SMITH __________________________ | (1630 - ....) _William (Pettypool) POOL III_| | (1716 - 1783) | | | _Robert TUCKER _____________________________+ | | | (1655 - 1702) | |_Elizabeth TUCKER ___________| | (1683 - ....) m 1698 | | |_Elizabeth COLEMAN _________________________+ | (1657 - ....) | |--Seth (Pettypool) POOL | (1742 - 1809) | _William TALLEY ____________________________+ | | (1663 - 1715) | _Richard TALLEY _____________| | | (1684 - ....) | | | |____________________________________________ | | |_Frances TALLEY ______________| (1700 - ....) | | ____________________________________________ | | |_Mary TUCKER ________________| (1680 - ....) | |____________________________________________
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Mother: Unity CREW |
_Thomas STANLEY II_____________+ | (1665 - 1733) m 1685 _John STANLEY "The Eldest"_| | (1691 - 1783) m 1744 | | |_Anne? or Mary Holme?__________ | (1665 - 1703) m 1685 _Thomas STANLEY _____| | (1752 - 1823) m 1780| | | _Nicholas HUTCHINS (HUTCHENS) _ | | | (1680 - ....) m 1701 | |_Martha HUTCHINS __________| | (1709 - 1789) m 1744 | | |_Mary WATKINS _________________+ | (1682 - 1736) m 1701 | |--Moses STANLEY | (1781 - 1834) | _______________________________ | | | _James CREW _______________| | | (1735 - ....) m 1759 | | | |_______________________________ | | |_Unity CREW _________| (1760 - 1852) m 1780| | _Benjamin HARRIS ______________+ | | (1698 - 1765) m 1737 |_Judith HARRIS ____________| (1739 - ....) m 1759 | |_Sarah DUMAS __________________+ (1715 - 1780) m 1737
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Mother: Calpurnia Cicero "Roie" WOOD |
_William WHITELY Sr._+ | (1734 - 1789) _John WHITELY ________| | (1775 - 1842) m 1803 | | |_Susannah TYLER _____+ | (1745 - 1795) _John Wesley WHITELY Sr._______| | (1826 - 1893) m 1864 | | | _Henry HAYNES Sr.____+ | | | (1745 - 1816) m 1768 | |_Bersheba HAYNES _____| | (1776 - 1844) m 1803 | | |_Bersheba HAMPTON ___+ | (1747 - 1784) m 1768 | |--Claudia Ethel WHITELY | (1874 - 1961) | _William WOOD Sr.____ | | (1771 - 1850) | _Luke WOOD ___________| | | (1806 - 1879) m 1832 | | | |_____________________ | | |_Calpurnia Cicero "Roie" WOOD _| (1841 - 1908) m 1864 | | _Seth THORNTON ______ | | (1780 - ....) |_Mary Ellen THORNTON _| (1812 - 1880) m 1832 | |_Nancy POE __________+ (1790 - ....)
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