Mother: Hellen BAILEY |
_John CALVERT III_______________________+ | (1692 - 1731) m 1711 _George CALVERT V____| | (1712 - 1782) m 1740| | |_Elizabeth HARRISON ____________________+ | (1693 - 1728) m 1711 _John CALVERT IV_____| | (1742 - 1790) m 1772| | | _Richard CRUPPER _______________________ | | | (1690 - ....) | |_Anne CRUPPER _______| | (1720 - 1779) m 1740| | |________________________________________ | | |--Hannah CALVERT | (1778 - 1861) | _George BAILEY (BAYLEY) "the Immigrant"_ | | (.... - 1754) | _John BAILEY ________| | | (1720 - ....) | | | |________________________________________ | | |_Hellen BAILEY ______| (1750 - ....) m 1772| | ________________________________________ | | |_Mary NEWSOME _______| (1720 - ....) | |________________________________________
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Father: Charles Bradford MCMANUS Mother: Anna Leonora "Nonie" MCCANTS |
_________________________ | ________________________________________| | | | |_________________________ | _Charles Bradford MCMANUS _____| | (1852 - 1921) m 1887 | | | _________________________ | | | | |________________________________________| | | | |_________________________ | | |--Isabella HOGGATT | (1890 - 1890) | _David Scott MCCANTS ____+ | | (1781 - 1864) m 1839 | _Robert Young Livingston MCCANTS C.S.A._| | | (1840 - 1907) m 1865 | | | |_Maria Young LIVINGSTON _+ | | (1814 - 1877) m 1839 |_Anna Leonora "Nonie" MCCANTS _| (1868 - 1965) m 1887 | | _John R. COLLINSWORTH ___+ | | (1820 - 1859) m 1843 |_Mary Anna COLLINSWORTH ________________| (1846 - 1925) m 1865 | |_Lenora HIGGINBOTHAM ____+ (1826 - 1883) m 1843
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Mother: Mary Ambler FISHER |
Alexander Fisher Kinney((6)) (Mary Ann A. F.((5)), George
Fisher((4)) (married Ann Ambler((4))), Jaquelin((3)), Richard
Ambler((2)), Edward Jaquelin((1))), was a native of Staunton,
having been born in the building at the corner of Main and
Market streets, now being used as the temporary quarters of the
National Valley Bank, and spent every year of his long and
useful life here. He was born May 12, 1836; and was a son of
Nicholas Cabell and Mary Anne Ambler Kinney. At the age of
twenty-two years he was united in marriage to Miss Jean Malcolm
Galt, of "Glenraven," Fluvanna County, Virginia. Married October
26, 1858. She was born September 25, 1839; still living in
For a time Mr. Kinney was deputy circuit clerk under his father
and afterwards filled the position of circuit clerk for a short
while. In 1865 he was appointed teller in the First National
Bank, of this city, and ten years later, when the First National
was consolidated with the National Valley, Major Kinney was
appointed receiving teller for that institution. For a period of
thirty-nine years, up to the time of his death, he had held the
positions of either paying or receiving teller in the bank, and
coming in daily contact with the public, as he did, he made
hosts of friends.
The following account of Mr. Kinney's death is copied from the
Daily News, of Staunton, Va., May 13, 1904: The entire community
was shocked yesterday morning, at the news of the sudden and
unexpected death of Major Alexander Fisher Kinney. Major Kinney,
although he had been in feeble health for more than six months,
during which time he had been unable to attend to his business
affairs, had improved rapidly within the past few weeks, and on
the day previous to his death, had driven down town to see the
new National Valley Bank building, in which he took great pride.
He even expressed the hope that he would be able to attend the
opening of the bank next Monday, and discharge the duties of his
office. His death occurred on his 68th birthday.
For more than a quarter of a century, Major Kinney had also been
a valued member of the vestry of Trinity Episcopal Church and he
makes the fourth member of that vestry to go to his eternal
reward within little more than a year. He took great interest in
his church work, and was universally loved and esteemed by the
congregation. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at
5 o'clock, from Trinity Church.
_William KINNEY Sr._______ | (1725 - 1794) m 1764 _Chesley KINNEY of Walnut Grove_| | (1768 - 1829) m 1791 | | |_Mary Ann CHESLEY? _______ | (1727 - 1805) m 1764 _Nicholas Cabell KINNEY _| | (1793 - 1859) m 1835 | | | _James EDMUNDS ___________+ | | | (1743 - 1826) m 1760 | |_Mary EDMUNDS __________________| | (1770 - 1831) m 1791 | | |_Sarah LAVENDER __________+ | (1744 - 1787) m 1760 | |--Alexander Fisher KINNEY C.S.A. | (1836 - 1904) | __________________________ | | | _George FISHER _________________| | | (1770 - ....) m 1795 | | | |__________________________ | | |_Mary Ambler FISHER _____| (1811 - 1863) m 1835 | | _Jaquelin AMBLER _________+ | | (1742 - 1798) m 1764 |_Anne AMBLER ___________________| (1772 - 1832) m 1795 | |_Mary (Rebecca?) BURWELL _+ (1746 - ....) m 1764
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Mother: Elizabeth Smith PENDLETON |
_Moses LIPSCOMB _________ | (1720 - 1767) _Ambrose LIPSCOMB ____| | (1745 - 1794) m 1769 | | |_________________________ | _Spotswood LIPSCOMB ________| | (1778 - 1827) m 1799 | | | _Nathaniel H. CLAIBORNE _+ | | | (1716 - 1756) | |_Elizabeth CLAIBORNE _| | (1745 - 1793) m 1769 | | |_Jane COLE ______________+ | (1720 - ....) | |--Caroline LIPSCOMB | (1815 - 1878) | _John PENDLETON Judge____+ | | (1719 - 1799) m 1744 | _John PENDLETON ______| | | (1752 - 1806) | | | |_Phoebe? JAMES __________+ | | (1720 - 1761) m 1744 |_Elizabeth Smith PENDLETON _| (1782 - 1861) m 1799 | | _________________________ | | |_Mary SMITH __________| (1755 - 1787) | |_________________________
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Mother: Nancy ELLZEY |
_(RESEARCH QUERY) MORGAN of NC SC MS LA TX_+ | _Daniel MORGAN _______________| | (1755 - 1821) m 1776 | | |___________________________________________ | _Benjamin MORGAN Sr._| | (1794 - 1828) m 1815| | | ___________________________________________ | | | | |_Deborah? CARR? ______________| | (1760 - ....) m 1776 | | |___________________________________________ | | |--Daughters (5) MORGAN | (1820 - ....) | ___________________________________________ | | | _Louis ELLZEY "the Immigrant"_| | | (1765 - 1852) m 1790 | | | |___________________________________________ | | |_Nancy ELLZEY _______| (1802 - 1873) m 1815| | ___________________________________________ | | |_Eva SHAFFER _________________| (1770 - 1852) m 1790 | |___________________________________________
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Mother: Mary Carr MORGAN |
___________________________________________ | _____________________| | | | |___________________________________________ | _Nelson PAYNE _______| | (1800 - 1860) | | | ___________________________________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |___________________________________________ | | |--Nelson R. PAYNE | (1823 - ....) | _(RESEARCH QUERY) MORGAN of NC SC MS LA TX_+ | | | _Daniel MORGAN ______| | | (1755 - 1821) m 1776| | | |___________________________________________ | | |_Mary Carr MORGAN ___| (1800 - 1840) | | ___________________________________________ | | |_Deborah? CARR? _____| (1760 - ....) m 1776| |___________________________________________
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Mother: Margaret SPENCER |
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Amer Pierre VIA "the Immigrant"_| | (1663 - 1725) m 1680 | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--David VIA | (1700 - ....) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_Margaret SPENCER _______________| (1660 - 1716) m 1680 | | __ | | |__| | |__
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