Last will and testament of Etheldred T. BASS date 12 Aug 1815
"Be it Remembered that I Etheldred T. Bass Being in perfect mind
and sense Do make this my last Will and Testimony after
Recommend my boday to the Earth and my Sole to God that give it
Do Requesting personally propperty So mutch as will pay my just
deats to be sold or so mutch as my Deare Wife may think propper
and all the Rest of my Estat personally or Rale to be hears So
Long as She Remains my Widder and at her Death or marrage to be
Equally divided between my dware Children given under my hand
this 12th of August 1815." Signed Eth T. Bafs witnessed by Wm
T. Bafs
Estate Settlement of Etheldred T. BASS of Knox Co., IN dated 10
Dec 1818. Catherine Bass, widow designated adminstratrix,
signed by Catherine Bass, Jacob Thorn, Jacob Pancake and William
Bass. Witnessed by Francis White and R Buntin (?). Similar form
document as James BASS above except that now using "s" instead
of "f" where appropriate. His estate was inventoried by Jacob
Thorn and Jacob Pancake - (not transcribed) includes 8 books
Profession (wonder what that is?).
Bill of Sale of the Personal Estate of E. T. Bass decs'd dated
24 Dec 1818.
Samuel Risley 6 Pewter Plates 2.00
John Thickston 6 do 3.00
Abraham Rediner 6 spoons 0.2½
Wm Gamble 1 Soup spoon 0.20
Catherine Bass 1 Bason 0.25
Philip Cat 1 (do) dish 1.00
Job Wease 1 dish 1.12
Catherine Bass 1 dish 0.57
Catherine Bass 1 sett cups & saucers 0.31
Catherine Bass 1 sett knives & forks 1.00
John Thickston 1 sett razors & boel 2.75
David Webb 1 Looking glass 0.62
Solomon Tevebaugh 1 Tcane (?) 3.31
Catherine Bass 1 Smoothing Iron 0.50
Catherine Bass 1 Coffee pot 0.31
Catherine Bass 1 Chain 0.81
Jacob Hecks 1 do 0.50
Catherine Bass 2 Keelerg 0.50
David Reas 1 griddles 3.62
Catherine Bass 1 oven 1.37
John Fitz Patrick 1 do 2.12
Catherine Bass 1 pot 1.50
Catherine Bass 1 10 gall kettles 5.00
John Fitz Patrick 1 do 8.18
George Stearns 1 pot 4.68
Catherine Bass 1 chopping ax 1.50
Tamy Thorn 1 sett ploughs trong 2.20
Jacob Pillow 1 shovel plough 1.00
Jacob Pancake 1 drawing knife & Clevig 0.62
Catherine Bass 1 Clevig 0.46
Misc Papers
Etheldred T. Bass Will signature and handwriting proven December
10th 1818 by Wm Gamble and John Knox & Jacob Pancake – Wm Bass
the only subscribing witness proved this will.
Cash paid to the following in the settlement of Etheldred's
Jesse Barlow
William Burtch
T. Coleman
David Bron
James Lemmon
F. Greater Esq. (sp?)
ch F. White
John Decker
F. Coleman
L. Almy
Ja Thorn
Tho Westfall
Moses Tabb Esq
TCo Johnson
E. Stout
Joseph Wilmore
William Gamble
James Thorn
Wm Muer
Wm Gamble
S. Teverbaugh
James Thorn
James Thorn
Hugh Shaw
Wm. Lindsey
John Decker*
Jno Decker
James Thorn
Wm.L Withey
Joshua T Band
John Decker was Deputy Sheriff
Acct of money received by Catherine 14-17 Dec 1818 include
Nathan Frederick, Jacob Hick, James Thorn, Wm Gamble (cash
totalling $41.00).
Acct of Sals Wm Gamble Esq which was left with E. T. Bass for
David Reed Vs TC Purtle 18 Dec 1817
A. Claycomb Vs F Averlin 26 July 1818
Wm H. Beedle Vs J. William 4 Aug 1818
Ja Jordan Vs Jn Evans 24 Jun 1818
Wm Knox Vs. J Reel 18 Feb 1818
S Setzen Vs. B Godfrey 27 Nov 1818
Wm Knox Vs. G Vankirk 21 Jan 1818
Catherine continued to pay off Etheldred's debts at least until
1824. Some of the misc notes in file are included herein.
25 July 1816 Note: Mr. James Walker or Mr. Willis Boon old
friends please let Mr. Sollomon have two Dollars and I will pay
you the same the firs time I see you. I am youres HC signed
Eth. T. Bass
Ledger Dr. Etheldred Bass of what appears to be from a general
store beginning 10 May 1817 through Oct 1818 totally $111.2½
purchasing approximately monthly probably charged to his account
with Wm Busteh for whiskey, rum, cakes, powder, bread, cheese,
coffee, spices and tobacco. [Note the majority of Etheldred's
purchases were some form of alcohol often by the case. Was he
selling it? See Brunswick Co VA Order Book 11 p. 254 Grand Jury
indiated Drury Bass for retailing liquors without license. May
1770. http://gnat.net/~lea/brunswick.htm ]
23 July 1818 Dred Bass sir please to pay Mr. Joseph Willmore the
just and full sum of fore dollars and you will oblige your
friend John Berlin.
9 Nov 1818 Note signed by Etheldred T. BASS to Moses Tabbs
1 Dec 1818 E Bass Esq to David Brown Dr. 1818July 9 1 piece
India Muslin 6.00, 9 yds Tickling 5.62 total 11.62½.
29 April 1819 Record of payment by Catherine Bass to James
Lemmon to settle debt of Etheldred T. Bass with Richard Bowman
decd witnessed by Wm. Gamble and D. Webb.
5 Sept 1820 Received of Catharine Bass Adm of E T. Bass decd
five dollars in full of a judgement that was in my favour on
Esquir Bass Dockett ??? this Life time agains Samuel Adams.
This 5 September 1820. Signed Thomas Westfall; witness James
9 July 1821 Knox Co Harrison Twp James Boner Justice of Peace
for Knox Co.
1823 Catharine Bass paid two dollars tax on 100 acres of land
for the present year to John Decker.
22 Sept 1824 note signed by Joshua Bond Justice of the Peace,
Knox Co., IN - Catherine BASS appeared before him to satisfy a
judgement obtained by James Walker against Etheldred T. BASS.
A possible relative is Samuel BASS, Sr. of Northampton Co., NC
whose will dated 13 August 1789 "lend wife Sarah BASS use of
his plantation and negroes, beds, furniture etc. until my
children grows up and lend her also use of my stock during her
widowhood. To son Herrod BASS my land and plantation after
wife's decease or marriage to sd. Herrod and my daughters Ann
BASS and Susannah SNIPES 1 negro each to son Matthew BASS cow
and calf stock remaining at wife's death or marriage to be sold
and money equally divided between all my Children: Samuel,
Burwell BASS, Lucy PEEBLES, Phebba JORDAN, Susannah SNIPES,
Matthew, HERROD and Ann BASS. Executors: my wife and son Samuel
BASS. Witnesses: Henry PEEBLES, Olive FAIRFAX x her mark. Jesse
Gleamings from various HARROD links on the internet: Note that
James Harrod, son of John Harrod and Sarah Moore, founded the
first permanent settlement in Kentucky. Daniel Boone founded
the second Kentucky Settlement, Boonesboro. Harrodsburg, the
seat of Mercer county, was founded by James Harrod in 1774 as
Harrod's Town. It may be the oldest town in Kentucky and was
the seat of Kentucky county, Virginia when it was formed in
1776. Among the signers of the "Original Petition of
Inhabitants" from Kentucky in 1780 were: James Harrod, Jonathan
Harrod, and Edward Harrod. The first post office opened in 1794.
As a Captain in Gen. George Rogers Clark's Regiment, William
HARROD received 3000 acres on the opposite side of the Ohio
River from Louisville, north of this tract is the town of
Harrodsburg, INDIANA, named after WILLIAM Harrod brother of
James. [NOTE ALSO: the first PANCAKE family found on KY census
is in Mercer Co, KY!]
"Thomas Harrod, eldest of the sons, and ancester of the Harrods
of Scott County, Indiana, Married in Maryland in 1743, Mary
Noel, and on April 14, 1744, thier first child was born. He was
named James Noell Harrod. Mary Harrod died at, or shortly after,
the birth of her son. Thomas remained single until 1755, at
which time he married Hannah Ellsworth. He served throughout the
French and Indian war, which began in 1756 and ended in 1763. In
1770 he and his family moved to Rutherford County, North
Carolina. Wheather James Noell Harrod lived with Thomas during
his single years is unkown. However, what is known, James N.
Harrod, at the age of twenty six, married on March 14, 1775,
Elizabeth Stewart, of Chimney Rock, North Carolina. She stayed
at her parent's home while James and his father, Thomas, were at
Harrodsburg with Col. James Harrod. James N. was two years
younger than his famous uncle, and he was sometimes callewd
James Jr., to distinguish him from his uncle. On September 28,
1776, Elizabeth became the mother of their first son, who was
named Samuel after the uncle who was killed by the Indians in
1780. Thomas remained in Kentucky for some years, but he left
his family in North Carolina. In 1785 he returned to North
Carolina, and in 1798 he moved to Wilson County, Tennessee,
where sometime later he was killed by Indians while plowing a
field." [This is very interesting, particularly Wilson County
TN where Jacob BASS's children migrated to (grandson Etheldred
Matthew BASS was in Vincennes IN 1807 - and would likely be a
brother of our Etheldred. Note also that two Drury BASSes also
of Northhampton Co., NC were son and grandson of John BASS whose
Will is dated 14 June 1777 - interesting note also that John
WEBB is a witness on this Will. It is possible that the Drury
BASS who was in Vincennes in 1807 is a cousin, brother or uncle
of our Etheldred.
Etheldred is somehow related to James BASS where in 1815 Knox
Co., IN there is a Bond document with Etheldred T. Bass, admin.,
John Thickston, Wm. Bass. James and William BASS fought in the
Battle of Tippecanoe where they are on the Roll of Company of
Mounted Riflemen of the Indiana Militia from October 25, to
November 19, 1811. I believe this James to be the James who
married Delilah Patterson, Bullitt Co., KY.
1807 BASS in Territorial Census IN
Drueah - Knox Co.
Etheldred F (T?) - Knox
Mathew - Knox
1810 BASS, John - Indiana, Harrison Co., Exeter Twp. from CD
1820 Census INDIANA BASS
Howel 120001-33010-0100 Gibson 236
Chatharine 110100-00010-0000 Knox 91
William 000010-10010-0100 Knox 91
Arthur 000020-20100-0100 Washington 209
Reuben 000000-00000-0400 Washington 212
I suspect that Etheldred had the following relatives probably
sibs: Sally BASS m. David WEBB July 12, 1818--Knox co., IN and
William BASS who lived next door to Catharine. I believe this
the same William T. Bass who married Dorothy Pancake--Dec 8,
1810--Knox co., IN.
Will of Etheldred T. Bass leaving his estate to his unnamed wife
and children dated and signed 12 Aug 1815, witnessed by William
Bass and recorded in 1818 Knox Co., IN. Also in 1818 Knox Co.,
IN Bond document Catherine Bass, widow, Jacob Thorn, Jacob
Pancake, and William Bass. Appraisement, sale bill. Will
mentions but does not name children. Bills, receipts. 28 pgs.
Knox Co., IN - Marriages to Mar. 1836
WEASE, John JERROLD, Polly lic 1810 Jul 17
BASS, William T PANCAKE, Dorothy 1810 Dec 08
WEBB, David BASS, Sally 1818 Jul 12
WRIGHT, William BASS, Catherine lic 1825 Mar 04
of Pike Co. widow
OWENS, Thomas BASS, Dorothy 1827 Jul 01
BASS, Small WEASE, Sally 1829 Nov 20
Pike Co., IN - Marriages prior to 1850
COLEMAN, Page M Mary T BASS 1835 Aug 11
COLEMAN, Samuel D Charlotte BASS 1837 May 11
Note: There is an Ethelred BASS in Wilson Co. TN 1860 Census
age 71 who served in the War of 1812. Nancy BASS age 40 is also
in the household. I think he is the son of Theophillus BASS who
is son of Jacob BASS.
The Roster of Revolutionary Soldiers from NC - BASS include :
Aaron Drew John Sion
Andrew Drury Jonathan Theophilus
Andrew Dr. Edward Mathew Timothy
Arthur Edward Moses Uriah
Benjamin Esau Philip Will
Brittain Hardy Rasha William
Burwell Isaac Reuben Willis
Council Jacob Richard Wright
Dred Jethro Richard Dr.
Notes: Philip named a son Dred and this family moved to
Missouri after Philip died. Theophilus named a son Etheldred
and they moved to Wilson Co., TN. I still have not determined
where the name Dred was first used, but it is obviously a family
name among certain BASSes.
Is there a family connection to royalty?
Ethelred II "The Unready"
"Following the assassination of his brother, Edward, Ethelred II
was propelled upon the English throne at the age of 10 years.
The circumstance of his rise to power, as a pawn in the
ambitions of others, did not alter throughout his 48 years of
The nickname of Unready is though to derive from the Saxon word
meaning 'with no reputable policy' which can be taken as both
accurate and ironic in that Ethelred is itself said to have
meant 'noble policy'.
Ethelred was married twice. His first wife, Elfigfu of Mercia
bore him no less than 11 children:
Athelstan, Ecgbert, Edmund, Edred, Edwig, Edgar, Wulfhild,
Edgyrth, Elfgifu and a further two other daughters whose names
are not commonly recorded.
His second marriage, to Emma of Normandy, produced three
children, Edward, Alfred and Goda.
All through his reign he was shackled by the fact that he could
not fully trust the support of his generals, both military and
political, at a time when the fearsome Danish invaders were a
constant threat to the English. In an act of, what proved to be,
futile appeasement Ethelred attempted to stem the Danish
ambitions by paying what was known as Danegeld.
In 1009 the King of the Danes, Sweyn decided that as well as
keeping the territory, and monies, he had taken from the English
he would now pursue the whole country. Four years later, in
1013, Sweyn had overrun the country and Ethelred had fled to
Normandy to seek protection from Emma's brother, Robert the
This flight brings into the picture the grandson of Robert the
Good, William, later to be known as William the Conqueror.
Sweyn died in 1014 and Ethelred reclaimed the English crown for
a further 2 years before his death at the age of 48 in 1016.
__ | __| | | | |__ | _(RESEARCH QUERY) BASS\BASSE\BAAS\BAYSE _| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Etheldred "Dred" T. BASS Esq. | (1776 - 1818) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_________________________________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
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Mother: Eleanor MADISON |
_Robert COLEMAN II___________+ | (1656 - 1713) m 1678 _Robert COLEMAN III_____| | (1680 - 1748) m 1702 | | |_Ann SPILSBE ________________+ | (1659 - ....) m 1678 _James COLEMAN ______| | (1705 - 1764) m 1732| | | _Samuel CLAYTON _____________ | | | (1658 - ....) m 1680 | |_Mary CLAYTON __________| | (1682 - 1735) m 1702 | | |_Susannah____________________ | (1660 - 1710) m 1680 | |--Ambrose COLEMAN | (1735 - 1813) | _John MADISON I______________+ | | (1625 - 1683) | _John MADISON II________| | | (1663 - 1717) m 1692 | | | |_Marie AMBROSE (WIDOW) ______ | | (1620 - ....) |_Eleanor MADISON ____| (1704 - 1758) m 1732| | _Thomas TODD "the Immigrant"_ | | (1619 - ....) m 1657 |_Isabella Minor? TODD? _| (1663 - 1710) m 1692 | |_Anne GORSUCH _______________+ (1638 - 1702) m 1657
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The first Alan was Dapifer of Dol, but NOT Baron of Shropshire.
It was his grandson Alan Fitz Flaald who was the first to come
to England (under Henry I). He is looked at as the
patriarch for three reason, I would guess. First, he was the
point at which the two main families of descendants, the Fitz
Alana and Sewarts, diverged. Second, he was the first of the
family in England, and Third, and most importantly, until the
work of Round early in this century, he was the earliest person
to whom the family could be traced. taf
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Mother: Lucy Neville WILLS |
_John? HIGGINBOTHAM _________________+ | (1694 - 1744) _James HIGGINBOTHAM _| | (1729 - 1813) m 1779| | |_WIDOW Higginbotham Frances? RILEY? _+ | (1696 - 1751) _Joseph Cabell HIGGINBOTHAM Sr._| | (1782 - 1842) m 1803 | | | _____________________________________ | | | | |_Rachel CAMPBELL? ___| | (1744 - 1809) m 1779| | |_____________________________________ | | |--James W. HIGGINBOTHAM | (1818 - ....) | _Matthew WILLS ______________________+ | | (1703 - 1761) m 1725 | _James WILLS ________| | | (1742 - 1820) | | | |_ SMITH _____________________________+ | | (1700 - ....) m 1725 |_Lucy Neville WILLS ____________| (1780 - 1854) m 1803 | | _____________________________________ | | |_Mildred "Milly"_____| (1750 - 1816) | |_____________________________________
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Mother: Mary OPIE |
"To John Norris & His Heirs, Agnes Robinson, Elizabeth Norris,
Judith Norris & John Stoneham's children."
Note: Lancaster County Will Books, Book 22, Pg. 225 & 283,
"sons: James, William Martin & John Norris. Daus: Agnes
Robinson, Elizabeth Norris, & Judith Norris. John Stonum's
[Stoneham] Children."
***John Stoneham was husband of Jane Norris, daughter of John
Norris & Jean Cammell
"To John Norris & His Heirs, Agnes Robinson, Elizabeth Norris,
Judith Norris & John Stoneham's children."
Title: Ancestral File (R)
Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Publication: Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January
Title: Ancestry.com World family tree, File = Charles & Kate
Carter Family tree, # 2157819, ID # i815
Jean Camele (Wife) b. 1716 in Lancaster County, Virginia
Marriage: 4 APR 1737
James Norris b. 1742 in Lancaster County, Virginia
Jane Norris b. 1739 in Lancaster County, Virginia
John Norris b. 1746 in Lancaster County, Virginia
Agnes Norris b. Bet. 1744 - 1748 in Lancaster County, Virginia
William Norris b. About. 1750 in Lancaster County, Virginia
Martin Norris b. 1753 in Lancaster County, Virginia
Elizabeth Norris b. 1756 in Lancaster County, Virginia
Judith Norris b. 1758 in Lancaster County, Virginia
_Edward NORRIS ______+ | (1639 - 1695) m 1660 _William NORRIS _____| | (1661 - 1714) | | |_Mary FREEMAN _______ | (1640 - ....) m 1660 _John NORRIS ________| | (1684 - 1718) m 1708| | | _Thomas NORRIS II____+ | | | (1638 - 1683) m 1661 | |_Martha NORRIS ______| | (1662 - ....) | | |_Martha IRONMONGER __+ | (1638 - ....) m 1661 | |--John NORRIS | (1709 - 1789) | _____________________ | | | _Edward OPIE ________| | | (1627 - ....) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Mary OPIE __________| (1689 - ....) m 1708| | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
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Mother: Dona Inez REDDELL |
_William SACHSE "the Immigrant"_+ | (1820 - 1899) m 1854 _Daniel Boone SACHSE ___| | (1856 - 1934) m 1873 | | |_Martha Ann "Marty" FROST ______+ | (1833 - 1916) m 1854 _Robert Lee SACHSE __| | (1878 - 1948) m 1894| | | _Garrard Young CHERRY __________+ | | | (1812 - 1862) m 1831 | |_Lilly Drucella CHERRY _| | (1858 - 1934) m 1873 | | |_Mary Ann Katherine EDWARDS ____+ | (1815 - 1870) m 1831 | |--Bertha Beatrice SACHSE | (1894 - 1981) | _William Carroll REDDELL _______+ | | (1824 - 1890) m 1844 | _William James REDDELL _| | | (1851 - 1939) m 1878 | | | |_Cynthia Ann RIDDELL ___________+ | | (1825 - 1909) m 1844 |_Dona Inez REDDELL __| (1878 - 1958) m 1894| | _John FERGUSON _________________+ | | (1830 - ....) |_Sara Jennie FERGUSON __| (1854 - 1931) m 1878 | |_Harriett GRIGGS _______________+ (1830 - ....)
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Mother: Charlotte MURRAY |
_Edward TINSLEY Sr.__+ | (1704 - 1782) m 1724 _Isaac TINSLEY Sr.___| | (1738 - 1814) m 1772| | |_Margaret TAYLOR ____+ | (1705 - 1782) m 1724 _Isaac TINSLEY Jr.___| | (1786 - 1858) m 1819| | | _Ambrose LEA\LEE ____+ | | | (1730 - 1764) m 1752 | |_Jane LEA\LEE _______| | (1756 - 1833) m 1772| | |_Frances PENN _______+ | (1734 - 1812) m 1752 | |--Calvin TINSLEY | (1830 - 1885) | _____________________ | | | _Thomas MURRAY ______| | | (1770 - ....) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Charlotte MURRAY ___| (1790 - ....) m 1819| | _____________________ | | |_Hannah BUSHNELL ____| (1770 - ....) | |_____________________
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Mother: Elvira OXLEY |
_William TYLER __________+ | (1747 - 1843) m 1774 _Benjamin TYLER _____| | (1783 - 1870) | | |_Letitia "Letty" GEORGE _ | (1755 - 1848) m 1774 _John William TYLER _| | (1807 - 1888) m 1831| | | _________________________ | | | | |_Susannah SHORES ____| | (1787 - 1866) | | |_________________________ | | |--Joseph Zachary TYLER | (1840 - ....) | _________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_________________________ | | |_Elvira OXLEY _______| (1812 - ....) m 1831| | _________________________ | | |_____________________| | |_________________________
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Mother: Ann or Elizabeth THORNTON |
_Charles YANCEY I "the Immigrant"_ | (1642 - 1690) _Charles YANCEY II___| | (1678 - 1745) m 1704| | |_Mary LEIGHTON ___________________ | (1658 - ....) _James YANCEY ______________| | (1704 - 1779) m 1735 | | | __________________________________ | | | | |_Mary BARTLETT ______| | (1685 - 1748) m 1704| | |__________________________________ | | |--Bartlett Thornton YANCEY I | (1736 - 1784) | __________________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |__________________________________ | | |_Ann or Elizabeth THORNTON _| (1714 - 1779) m 1735 | | __________________________________ | | |_____________________| | |__________________________________
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