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Mother: Mary (Rebecca?) BURWELL |
29. VIII. Lucy Nelson Ambler((4)), b. Aug. 4, 1776, at New
Castle, Hanover County, Virginia; d. April 27, 1846, Richmond,
Virginia. Married Daniel Call; had one daughter, who married
Daniel N. Nelson, and died in childbirth with her infant.
_John AMBLER _____________________ | (1660 - ....) m 1682 _Richard AMBLER "the Immigrant"_| | (1690 - 1766) m 1729 | | |_Elizabeth BICKERDIKE ____________ | (1660 - ....) m 1682 _Jaquelin AMBLER _________| | (1742 - 1798) m 1764 | | | _Edward JAQUELIN "the Immigrant"__+ | | | (1668 - 1730) m 1706 | |_Elizabeth JAQUELIN ____________| | (1709 - 1756) m 1729 | | |_Martha CARY _____________________+ | (1686 - 1738) m 1706 | |--Lucy Nelson AMBLER | (1776 - 1846) | _Nathaniel BURWELL of "Fairfield"_+ | | (1680 - 1721) m 1709 | _Lewis BURWELL of White Marsh___| | | (1710 - 1752) m 1736 | | | |_Elizabeth CARTER ________________+ | | (1688 - 1734) m 1709 |_Mary (Rebecca?) BURWELL _| (1746 - ....) m 1764 | | _Francis WILLIS "the Immigrant"___+ | | (1680 - 1727) |_Mary WILLIS ___________________| (1714 - 1746) m 1736 | |_Anne RICH _______________________ (1695 - 1727)
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On 5 July 1671 the court appointed Gov. Mr. Constant Southworth,
Mr. Thomas Clarke, and "Benjamine Barlett," or any three of them
to administer the estate of "Mr. William Collyare," deceased
[PCR 5:68]. On 29 October 1671 the court ordered that "Daniell
Cole" was to have all such particulars out of the estate of
"William Collyare" that are extant [PCR 5:80].
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Mother: Mary Skillern WARWICK |
_William GATEWOOD _________+ | (1745 - 1825) m 1799 _Samuel Vance GATEWOOD C.S.A._| | (1810 - 1861) m 1835 | | |_Jane WARWICK _____________+ | (1779 - 1839) m 1799 _Andrew Cameron Lewis GATEWOOD C.S.A._| | (1843 - 1919) m 1869 | | | _Henry MASSIE _____________ | | | (1790 - ....) | |_Eugenie Sophie MASSIE _______| | (1820 - 1884) m 1835 | | |_Susanna LEWIS ____________+ | (1800 - ....) | |--Andrew Warwick GATEWOOD | (1881 - ....) | ___________________________ | | | _James W. WARWICK ____________| | | (1813 - 1880) m 1844 | | | |___________________________ | | |_Mary Skillern WARWICK _______________| (1845 - 1922) m 1869 | | _Francis Warwick GATEWOOD _+ | | (1800 - 1863) m 1822 |_Elizabeth Jane GATEWOOD _____| (1823 - 1880) m 1844 | |_Margaret Skillern BEALE __+ (1804 - 1894) m 1822
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Union Gen. Philip H. Sheridan's campaign across the Shenandoah
Valley left a swath of destruction. John Heatwole has recounted
the campaign in "The Burning: Sheridan's Devastation of the
Shenandoah Valley."
Everyone seems to know that Gen. William T. Sherman marched
across Georgia to the sea in December 1864 and left ruined
buildings and lives along his 300-mile route. Less well-known is
the devastation wrought by Gen. Philip H. Sheridan on a sliver
of Virginia, the Shenandoah Valley, where homes, barns and mills
were burned and dozens of families were left destitute in
September and October of the same year.
Although the destruction in dollars was greater in Georgia, the
human impact was far more intense in the Shenandoah Valley,
because family farms and small towns were targeted, according to
author and historian John Heatwole.
The 140th anniversary of the "Burning," as Sheridan's campaign
became known, as well as the battles of New Market, Second
Kernstown, Third Winchester, Cedar Creek and others, will be
commemorated this year in the Shenandoah Valley.
Valley's surroundings
A part of the Great Valley of Virginia, the Shenandoah Valley is
about 125 miles long, running from the northern part of
Rockbridge County in the south to the Potomac River in the
north. It is 25 miles wide at its widest point and is bounded by
the Blue Ridge Mountains on the east and the foothills of the
Alleghenies to the west.
Before the war, the Shenandoah Valley was known for its network
of family farms, which produced huge amounts of wheat, corn and
By 1864, the Union realized that it had to oust the southern
army from the valley to protect nearby Maryland and Washington,
D.C., and destroy resources that had supported the enemy.
Upcoming events
The "Burning" is the subject of two conferences scheduled in the
Shenandoah Valley:
Friday-Saturday: Harrisonburg and Rockingham County, or 540-568-8043.
Oct. 22-24: Rockingham County,, 800-298-1861.
Other events: Contact Shenandoah Valley Battlefields Foundation
( or call 540-740-4545.
— The Washington Post
On Aug. 26, Gen. Ulysses S. Grant ordered Sheridan to "give the
enemy no rest, and ... do all the damage to railroads and crops
you can. Carry off stock of all description, and Negroes, so as
to prevent further planting. If the war is to last another year,
we want the Shenandoah Valley to remain a barren waste."
Sheridan, after two weeks of torching private property, reported
to Grant that his men had destroyed "630 barns; 47 flouring
mills; 4 sawmills; 1 woolen mill; 3,982 tons of hay, straw and
fodder; more than 400,000 bushels of wheat; 3 furnaces; 515
acres of corn; 750 bushels of oats; more than 3,000 head of life
stock; 560 barrels of flour; 2 tanneries; 1 railroad depot; 1
locomotive engine; and 2 boxcars."
Although Grant did not order homes to be destroyed and Sheridan
did not account for any, that was what happened, according to
Heatwole's book "The Burning, Sheridan in the Shenandoah
Valley." His accounts of homes burned for spite, vengeance or
through carelessness come from diaries, letters, military
reports and newspaper stories.
A Pennsylvania cavalryman wrote home in mid-October: "We burnt
some sixty houses and all most of the barns, hay, grain and corn
in the shocks for fifty miles (south of) Strasburg. ... It was a
hard-looking sight to see the women and children turned out of
doors at this season of the year."
Among the unfortunate was John Alexander Herring Sr., who was
ill in bed in late September when soldiers showed up at his 1776
estate, Retirement, near Dayton.
Soldiers carried the owner out of the house and dumped him onto
the lawn.
From there, he and his wife watched as household possessions
were thrown through smashed windows and the house set afire
along with the barn and other outbuildings.
Given only moments to flee
Some families were given a few minutes to grab furniture and
clothing before their homes were set ablaze.
They loaded whatever they had saved onto wagons supplied by
Sheridan and joined the long line of refugees following the
Union army north, camping with the soldiers for the limited
protection that provided against highway robbers out to steal
what little they had.
A correspondent traveling with the army wrote: "Hundreds of
nearly starving people are going North. Our trains are crowded
with them. They line the wayside. Hundreds more are coming; not
half the inhabitants of the valley can subsist on it in its
present condition."
Grant's strategy worked. The valley no longer could sustain the
Confederate army or supply Gen. Robert E. Lee as he defended
Richmond, Va.
The end was months away.
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1860 United States Federal Census Monroe Co. AL.
Household of Archibald Mcduffie Name Home in 1860
(City,County,State) Age in 1860 Estimated Birth Year Birthplace
Gender Race
Archibald Mcduffie Not Stated, Monroe, AL 46 1813 North
Carolina Male
Nancy Mcduffie Not Stated, Monroe, AL 36 1823 Alabama Female
Margaret Mcduffie Not Stated, Monroe, AL 9 1850 Alabama Female
John Mcduffie Not Stated, Monroe, AL 7 1852 Alabama Male
William Mcduffie Not Stated, Monroe, AL 5 1854 Alabama Male
Mary Mcduffie Not Stated, Monroe, AL 3 1856 Alabama Female
Archibald Mcduffie Not Stated, Monroe, AL 10.12 Alabama Male
2 Margaret McDuffie b: 1851 d: + Robert Watkins McCants b: 25
SEP 1847 d: 1 JUN 1921
2 John McDuffie , Sr. b: 1853 d: 28 JUN 1905 + Virginia Marion
Lett b: 1858 d:
2 William McDuffie b: 1855 d:
2 Mary Belle McDuffie b: 25 JUL 1856 d: 30 MAY 1920 + Mark
Parker Stallworth , Jr. b: 9 JUN 1853 d: 25 SEP 1894
2 Archibald McDuffie , Jr. b: 1860 d: 1874
2 Laura McDuffie b:
__ | __| | | | |__ | _(RESEARCH QUERY) MCDUFFIE OR MACDUFFIE _| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Archibald MCDUFFIE | (1813 - 1860) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_________________________________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
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