The books or newspapers available from these links will provide you with information about the persons who lived or died in New York State. If a book contains a substantial amout of data, it is usually worthwhile to purchase a book. There are many digital books. Google Books has a large number. Rootsweb has a list of books that are owned by various persons. You can often have a person scan a page from a book and have it emailed to you.


Genealogy Magazines

National Archives Books & Other Items

Amazon Books

Kinship New York

Scanable Images of Books - Cornell MOA

Genealogical Publishing Co.

Higginson Books

Henry Z. Jones

Hope Farms

Roots Books

New York Times Death Notices Index

Newspapers - New York

Gazette Newspapers



Web Links Page

Home Page

Contact Person: Richard Hayes

This page was last revised on 6 March 2014