This particular page exists for the purpose of indexing obituaries of individuals born in Matagorda County, Texas. |
Name | Born | Age | Birth Place | Died |
Abraham Swinson, Robert Eugene | 09/15/1929 | 79 | Palacios, TX | 09/15/2008 |
Acosta Gomez, Abel | 07/03/1926 | 79 | Bay City, TX | 12/12/2005 |
Acosta Gomez, Esther | 05/05/1924 | 82 | Bay City, TX | 11/05/2006 |
Acosta Zepeda, Louis Alexander | 12/25/1965 | 41 | Bay City, TX | 12/15/2007 |
Burt Gordon, Charles | 06/14/1934 | 74 | Bay City, TX | 08/06/2008 |
DeLeon Zapata, Julia [ Garcia ] | 06/19/1928 | 80 | Bay City, TX | 09/30/2008 |
Garcia, Sobeida [ Salinas ] | 01/28/1919 | 84 | Palacios, TX | 09/25/2003 |
Gonzales Losoya, Margaret [ Lozano ] | 02/22/1926 | 82 | Markham, TX | 10/02/2008 |
Hawkins Richardson, Gladys [ Bonner ] | 03/09/1928 | 75 | Matagorda County, TX | 09/18/2003 |
Hejtmanek, George William | 02/14/1928 | 80 | El Maton, TX | 09/30/2008 |
Henkes, Samuel Dean | 02/23/1965 | 43 | Bay City, TX | 08/14/2008 |
Howell, Dorothy [ Sidney ] [ Duneghy ] | 02/28/1932 | 72 | Cedar Lane, TX | 05/10/2004 |
Jordan Benton, Francis "Pete" | 12/09/1915 | 88 | Palacios, TX | 07/21/2004 |
Nguyen Tuyet, Ngoc Dung | 05/07/1989 | 18 | Palacios, TX | 09/01/2008 |
Shaw Gaumer, Jane [ Tym ] | 12/05/1913 | 91 | Midfield, TX | 03/04/2005 |
Soto, Philip | 08/23/1917 | 81 | Bay City, TX | 03/12/1999 |
Taylor Lacina, John Wesley | 01/14/1981 | 27 | Bay City, TX | 09/04/2008 |
Thrasher Inglehart, Muriel [ Lawhon ] | 05/07/1924 | 84 | Gulf, TX | 09/06/2008 |
Ware, Jerry Lynn | 09/13/1941 | 66 | Bay City, TX | 09/11/2008 |
Watkins McKenzie, Bonnie Vinson [ Conklin ] | 07/25/1938 | 70 | Bay City, TX | 10/01/2008 |
Watkins, Beatrice Rosalie [ Ryman ] | 07/31/1919 | 84 | Bay City, TX | 09/16/2003 |
Copyright 2008 © José
Rivera Nieves
“Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.” |
Proverbs 27:1