Franklin L. Spear

From OCS, I went to Keesler and received training in Communications-Electronics. My first assignment was to a Matador Missile squadron in Taiwan where I served in the Operations Center as a missile control officer and tactical communications officer. Shortly after I arrived, we received word they were deactivating the squadron and I was left in charge of deactivation, getting rid of the missiles & control radar's and shutting the unit down. My next assignment was Base Communications Officer for the Tainan Air Base in Taiwan and commander of the local Communications unit.

I moved on to Tactical Air Command headquarters at Langley AFB. There, I served in the planning department to establish tactical communications capabilities for bare bases. I also participated in several tactical deployments. I squeezed in Squadron Officer School while doing this and started my college attendance for a degree in Math. I was assigned back to Keesler for advanced CE training. From there, I was assigned to a tour in Vet Nam. It was to a small island off of Nah Trang AB, Hon Tre Island, where we had a tactical radar site which provided close air support to fighters, monitored arch light B52 missions, and air traffic control for entry into Viet Nam airspace. Some of the very equipment which I helped to develop at Langley was used at the site. I was the site CE Maintenance Officer for the radar site and living area. I was shot at but not hit and I was glad to leave when my time was up.

My next assignment was to the AF Systems command at Hanscom AB in Mass. as an Engineer for the develop of AWACS communications suite. Everytime I hear about that plane deployment, I get a thrill in knowing that my tasks were appreciated and worked as designed. The Air Force then sent me to AFIT and I earned a degree in Computer Science in 1972. My next assignment was to Pacific Air Force Command in Hawaii for four years. I enjoyed my various assignments serving in the PACAF Command Post, Evacuation of Viet Nam, Serving in Seato for stabilizing the area, A Vietnam POW Debriefer and operations chief for PACAF CE facilities in all the Air Bases in the area. I visited all of the Pacific bases several time with the PACAF Generals.

My next assignments were with the Air Force Communications Command headquarters at Richards-Gebaur and Scott Air Force Base. I was part of Operations responsible for Weather Communications to all the USAF plus Army Bases world wide. It was a wonderful opportunity to see Europe and the Pacific. I advanced in rank and finished my career as an O5. They wanted me to stay around for chance to full bird, but I wanted even more a chance for an other Career while I was young. I also received my Masters at Scott and AF Staff College certificates. I really enjoyed my Air Force service and missed it sorely for many years afterwards. But I had a very challenging 2nd career working for US West Communications in Information systems including receiving my second Computer Science degree from CU. I worked for them for 19 years, retiring and went to NZ teaching for a year.

I finally slowed down and built our dream home in Ocean Ridge in NC which is just North of Myrtle Beach. I am doing substitute teaching in the local high school, enjoying sports and real retirement. I am sad to hear that some in our class have passed on. I guess it awaits us all and we can view them as the leaders.