
Peter Warner
The Loyal Orangeman

Peter Warner served as founder and master of his Loyal Orange Lodge No. 983 in Cork, Ireland.   He apparently was a faithful member until his demit in the late 1830 or 1840's when he began his journey to the United States.   The following is a description of what an "Orangeman" believed:

What is an "Orangeman?"

Here are some of the qualifications that made up an Orangeman at the time of Peter Warner's tenure as Master of his lodge in Cork, Ireland:

"An Orangeman should have a sincere love and veneration for his Heavenly Father; an humble and steadfast faith in Jesus Christ, the Saviour of mankind, believing in Him as the only Mediator between God and man.  He should cultivate truth and justice, brotherly kindness and charity, devotion and piety, concord and unit and obedience to the laws; his deportment should be gentle and compassionate, kind and courteous; he should see the society of the virtuous and avoid that of the evil; he should honour and diligently study the Holy Scriptures, and make them the rule of his faith and practice; he should love, uphold, and defend the Protestant religion, and sincerely desire and endeavour to propagate its doctrines and precepts; he should strenuously oppose the fatal errors and doctrines of the Church of Rome, and scrupulously avoid countenancing...any act or ceremony of Popish worship....

The Builder Architect

Peter Warner was an architect.   In 1858 he was commissioned by Catholic Bishop Henry William Elder to design and complete the interior of  St. Mary's Cathedral in Natchez, Mississippi.

The following are excerpts from a book the, "Cradle Days of St. Mary's at Natchez." by Most Reverend R. O. Gerow, 1941:

"The work began in September 1858, continued until August of the following year.    All the work was done by mechanics of Natchez, according to the plan of Mr. Warner.   Much of the ornamental work was entirely new to them, but Mr. Warner instructed them in the necessary technique."

"During the progress of the work, Mr. Warner fell from a scaffolding twenty-five feet high; although no limbs were broken, he lay as dead for while; and for four weeks he was nursed at the Episcopal residence until his restoration."

It is interesting to note the curious nature of this employment.   As one may observe in the "code" of an Orangeman, to have an association with the Catholic faith was one of condemnation.  It is difficult to reason why our grandfather chose to depart from his Orangeman teachings and beliefs.   Nonetheless, it is apparent that he accepted and grew to respect the religious tolerance of his new adopted country.

 Short Historical Link to the "Orange" Relationship

Have you wondered how the Orange-Catholic-Protestant conflict began?   Take look at this simple link.  This will illustrate why the struggle has been so intense for over 350 years!   Press here for the historical link....