
The Taranaki Herald August 9th 1854

The Cashmere arrived here on the 6th inst., after a run of 118 days, having left Gravesend on the 20th April. She passed Madeira on the 28th, and crossed the line on the 15th may. Signalled the Terra Nova from Greenock to Melbourne, out 46 days, on the 2nd June, and from June 6th to June 10th - 5 days - ran 110 miles. On the 9th of June, one of the ships boys was lost overboard, he fell out of the main rigging as he was coming down. The Cashmere experienced very rough weather all round the Capr; came within sight of Van Dieman's Land on the 26th July, and on the 3rd of August sighted Mount Egmont. The Cashmere brings 98 passengers, 65 of whom remain at new Plymouth, the remainder proceeding to Auckland. In our Shipping Intelligence will be found a list of the passengers for New Plymouth alone. The weather is exceedinglt fine, and the vessel will probably be on her way to Auckland tomorrow.