
Otago Daily Times c December 29th 1858

The ship Glucester, A1 for 13 years, 1000 tons burthen, Captain John Hiatt, arrived in port on the 26th December, after a prosperous run of 103 days. She is one of the new line of passenger ships belonging to the well-known firm of Messrs. John Lidgett and Co., of London, and is intended as a regular trader.

The Gloucester left the Downs on the 14th of September, crossed the Equator on the 22nd of October, sighted the land of Tristan d' Acunha on the 10th November, and made the southern end of Stewart's Island on the 24th December.

The passengers speak very favourably of the ship and her officers; and although they met with a severe gale in the Bay of Biscay, at the commencement of the voyage, all allow that during the passage every comfort that a ship can give has been liberally afforded to them.

Most of the new arrivals, and there are upwards of 100, are stout, healthy, young people, some assisted in their passage by the grant of money voted for that purpose by our Government, and from what we have ourselves seen of them, they will prove a very welcome addition to our thriving settlement.

During the passage only two deaths and one birth occurred. The former, however, was the result of disease confirmed previously to their leaving England; one was that of Mr Henry Doig, who was on his way to join some relatives, who are well known amongst ourselves; with them we sincerely condole. It took place on the 13th November.

Amongst the passengers we recognize with satisfaction the return of an old and much esteemed settler, Edward Lee, Esq., and he has brought with him two very valuable Spanish Merino Rams; there are likewise two Rams of the Cotswold breed on board, belonging to the Messrs. Shennan, who are also passengers. These have arrived in very excellent condition, and thus attest the care bestowed upon them during their sojourn on board the Gloucester.

We hail the arrival of the Gloucester with great satisfaction, as she is thepioneer of a new line of passenger packets to this country. She is now on the berth for London direct, and will thus afford our wool growers another opportunity of shipping by a vessel direct from Otago with Otago produce; she is also well adapted to carry passengers, and we strongly advise any intending visitors to Great Britain to avail themselves of this favourable opportunity. By such means as this new line offers us, we shall be anebled to show our friends at home a convincing proof of the brilliant prospects of their relatives in this their adopted land.