
Dona Anita
Barque: 500 tons
Captain: Smith
Surgeon Superintendent:
Sailed London April 1st 1863 - arrived Lyttleton July 14th 1863

Three previouse visits [to 1867] had been paid to New Zealand by the Dona Anita, and she had made fairly good passages, considering she was only a vessel of 500 tons. On July 14 1863, she arrived at Lyttleton, 105 days from the Downs. Up to the time of sighting Kergukien Island she had a comfortable passage, but after that the weather was so bad that Captain Smith said that in all his thirtyfive years at sea he had never seen worse. On this occasion the barque bought out 45 passengers. In 1865 she was again in Lyttleton, arriving on January 7th, this time under Captain Davis.
White Wings - Sir Henry Brett

First Cabin Passengers
Lewis Mr and Mrs, one son
Lewis Mrs John and three children
Palmer Mr
Parkins Dr and Mrs
Second Cabin Passengers
Austice Mr J A
Austin Mr A
Bull Mr G and W
Chew Mr F
Lodge Miss
Monkman Mr and Mrs
Richardson Thomas
Shepherd Mr J
Smith Mr F J
White Mr E and W
Steerage Passengers
Bitzman Mr J
Clark Mr A
Corner Mr J
Edgson Mr J
Lawrence Mr and children
Leitz Mr F
McRea Thomas
Mills Mr J and wife
Mills Mr G
Oldfield Mr W
Price Mr Thomas and wife
Price Mrs H.
Savage Miss
Williams Mr J and four children
Williams Mr T
Williamson Mr S


Copyright Denise and Peter 2001

Lyttelton Times July 18 1863

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