Emigration Office                       
Dunedin 30th June 1875    

(Overwritten on the above "Re Dr Cunninghams conduct - should not be employed on Govt Imgt ships")

His Honor The Superintendent of Otago
    I feel it my duty to report for the information of the Government that Dr Cunningman who came out at Surgeon Superintendent of the Ship Earl of Zetland has been guilty of such conduct since his arrival in Port as should prevent  the Agent General from conferring any similar appointment on him for the future. The conduct I refer to was that of inducing a Young Female immigrant named Walsh to leave her situation and Co-habit with him as his wife in the Peacock Hotel in this city when he took a sitting room and bed room for a week. On hearing of this circumstance, I  called on Mr Cotton of the Peacock Hotel who informed me of the truth of what I heard. She also told me thatCunningham having discovered that the matter of his Co-habitation with the girl had become known to a female who was then residing in the Depot, and fearing that these disclosures would come to my ears, he suddenly decamped. I have since discovered that he left for Melbourne by the "Alhambra" last Sunday probably on his way to England leaving this poor girl to her fate and probably ruined her life.

On further investigation I found that he was showing marked attention to female on the passage by giving her wine and other delicacies in a clandestine way; thus causing much discontent and dissafection among the rest of the female immigrants.

As no complaints were made to the Commissioner about Dr Cunningham when inspecting the Ship I had no hesitation in granting him the usual Certificate, on the faith of which he would be appointed to another ship.

I now write your honor that the Agent General may be advised by the outward mail, via San Francisco, to withhold from Dr Cunningham the �50 usually paid the Surgeon on reporting themselves to him in London, and not to appoint him as Surgeon Superintendent for the future.
I hold that such conduct as I have related, and which I am prepared to prove, is deserving of the highest reprobation, and the offence is doubly heinous when the aggessor is a married man, having a wife and grown family in England.
Signed Colin Allan
Immigration Officer