To the Dircetors of the New Zealand Company                                                                                      O

To the Directors of the New Zealand Company                                                    On board the London
                Care of Mr Ward                                                                                  21st August 1840


            I am sorry to inform you that I am obliged to send on shore another emigrant and his wife, namely James & Frances Seymour. On inquiry I found that he has before been confined in an asylum & last night I was rather alarmed to observe symptoms of his former complaint coming upon him. I accordingly put him in the sick-bay, gave him a solution or Tartrate of Antimony & placed two of the other emigrants to watch him. This morning about five I was called out of bed by one of the watch saying he had cut his throat. This I found to be incorrect, but he had wounded himself very severely with I think a 7lb weight, as I had caused everything to be removed with which I thought he could hurt himself - I have therefore determined upon sending him & his wife on shore, with the Pilot to the agent at Portsmouth - his daughter and two sons remain on board.

                                                                                                               I remain
                                                                                                          your obedient servant

                                                                                                              Ralph Johnston