
The New Zealand Gazette May 2nd 1840

The following is a copy of the vote of thanks adopted by the cabin passengers of the barque "Bolton", which we have been requested to insert:-

To John Percival Robinson, Esq., Commander of the barque "Bolton", from London to New Zealand.

      We the undersigned, being the cuddy passengers in the above ship, proceeding to New Zealand under the auspices of the New Zealand  Land Company, as Colonists or Settlers there, &c., cannot disembark from the vessel in which we have sailed together for tewnty weeks, without offering and presenting  as captain and commander our testimony and united thanks for your uniform kindness and urbanity, as well as for the liberal manner in which we have been supplied. At the same time we desire to acknowledge the kind and gentlemanly conduct of the officers under your command, and the good behaviour of the crew.
      R G Lowe, Surgeon Superintendent
      J G Butler, C L K P
      J F Churton, Chaplain of the Episcopal Church
      H S Harrison
      J E Collet
      J Minet
      R J B Harrison
      S Wadeson

Captain Robinson's reply:-

To the Rev. Mr Butler
      Dear Sir, In behalf of myself and officers, I have much pleasure in acknowledging the receipt of the very gratifying testimonial of the passengers, conveyed to me yesterday through you, and feel much pleased that my endeavours to render the passage as comfortable as possible to them, have met with approbation.
      I beg you will convey to them my sincere thanks for the honour done me, congratulating all on the successful termination of the voyage, and wishing that every possible success and prosperity may attand this new and grand undertaking.
                                                                     Believe me, my dear Sir,
                                                                                    Yours very truly,
                                                                      JOHN PERCIVAL ROBINSON,
                                                      "Bolton", April 11, 1840.