
Wild Duck
Ship: 735 tons

Captain: Bishop
Surgeon Superintendent:
Sailed London October 13th 1861 - arrived Wellington January 20th 1862

The Wild Duck, chartered in the sixties by the Shaw Savill Co., was a full rigged ship of 737 tons. She ran almost exclusively to Wellington under Captain Bishop, but made one voyage each to Auckland and Nelson
White Wings - Sir Henry Brett

Arrival of the Wild Duck

Name Age County Occupation
Cabin Passengers
Brown Robert
Daniell Mr A
Hadfield John
Highland Mr A
Jordan John
Morley Miss
Miss Jane
St Hill Henry
Sutherland Miss E
White John
Steerage Passengers
Abbott Edward
Anderson James
Bills Mary Ann
Daniell Corporal A F
Death Samuel
Durrant Harriett
Gibbons Richard
Gooch John
Hall William
Hanshelword Christina
Hargreaves Nugent
Henderson Catherine
Luy George
Minchin Ann
Phillips Isaac
Thompson William


Copyright Denise & Peter 2006

Wellington Independent January 21st 1862