
Wonga Wonga
Ship: 1000 tons
Captain: J Stewart
Surgeon Superintendent:
Sailed Honolulu August 26th 1870 - arrived Auckland September 13th 1870
Carried passengers from Liverpool and San Francisco

Name Age County Occupation
Saloon Passengers from Liverpool for Auckland
Bellet Mr T D
Farnall Mr H
Gallagher Mr J
McLean Mr G
Mackay Mr J
Nevill Rev T
Tinne Mr T F S
Walls Mr J
Saloon Passengers from San Franisco for Auckland
Chapman Mr J L
Johnson Mr P
Second Cabin Passengers from San Francisco for Auckland
Montoran Mr
Steerage Passengers for Auckland
9 adults
3 children

Copyright Denise & Peter 2006

The Daily Southern Cross September 14th 1870