91st PA survivors' association

Survivors' association


brief introduction

other references

1884 reunion

a reference in 1913

more about the 91st PA after the war (separate file)

Brief introduction

Eighty men from the 91st attended the funeral of Edgar Gregory on 13 November 1871. After that, the surviving men decided to form a "permanent association of the old comrades". They met on 17 November 1871, in the District Courtroom at Sixth and Chestnut Streets, with Joseph Sinex as chair and Edward Maguigan as secretary. They appointed a committee of five men to write a constitution and bylaws, consisting of Eli G. Sellers, Matthew Hall, George F Stewart, Justus A Gregory and George Hampton. They were next scheduled to meet on 4 December 1871.

When they met on 4 December 1871, they adopted a constitution and by-laws, and the following officers:

On 16 May 1873, a meeting was held in the old Quarter Sessions Court House, chaired by Joseph Sinex. They were expecting a large number of men on Decoration Day, with E D Baker Post 4 of the GAR. Committees reported about badges and caps.

On 29 December 1874, they met at 2611 Gray's Ferry Road, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

In 1883, the 91st Pennsylvania Regimental Association dedicated a memorial to the 91st at Gettysburg. Because the scheduled speaker did not arrive, Lieutenant Colonel Sinex gave the dedication speech, which he was unable to complete because of the emotions recalling the events caused.

The December 1883 meeting, commemorating the Battle of Fredericksburg, was held at Don Walling's Cafe (Broad and Penn Streets). Seventy members attended, with Eli Sellers presiding. The Assistant Adjutant-General of the GAR, Thomas J Stewart, was also present.

In September 1884, they decided to hold their annual reunion on 13 December. The committee arranging the reunion was ADW Caldwell, chairman; Joseph H Sinex, Matthew Hall, Edward Wallace, and Henry Sinex. The association had 76 members.

The December 1885 meeting, commemorating the Battle of Fredericksburg, was again held at Don Wallings' restaurant (Broad and South Penn Square). Those present (and apparently giving speeches) included Joseph H Sinex, Eli Sellers, and Peter Keyser. A. D. W. Caldwell was secretary and Matthew Paul (sc. Matthew Hall) was treasurer.

At the December 1886 'anniversary supper', they elected Eli Sellers President, Joseph H Sinex Vice president, A. D. W. Caldwell secretary, and Matthew Hall treasurer.

Howard Shipley's obituary (in 1895) mentions that he was a member.

In December 1896, they met at the hall of Post 2 of the GAR, at Twelfth and Melon Streets, and then had dinner at Kertell's restaurant (on Spring Garden street). The officers elected were: president, Eli Sellers, vice-president, William H. Faust, treasurer, Henry C. Sinex, secretary, A. D. W. Caldwell. Many people addressed the group, including Chaplain John W Sayres, General Thomas J Stewart, Charles Rodebaugh, CHarles F Kennedy (Adjutant of Post 2, GAR), and Ellis PUgh (bugler of the City Troop).

In December 1897, they had their thirty-first annual reunion. They had a short business meeting at the hall of Post 2 of the GAR, at Twelfth Street above Wallace, and then had their annual banquet at Kertell's Cafe, 1206 Spring Garden Street, 'where an elaborate luncheon was served'. The officers from 1896 were reelected. Only about 60 men were left to attend the meetings.

They had a meeting on 14 December 1901.

In 1913, Taylor reported that the 91st's Survivor's association was one of the most active in the city, and I have located reports of their meeting in 1884. Further research in newspapers might yield interesting results.

Other references

The 1884 reunion

[source: Grand Army Scout and Soldiers' Mail, 20 September 1884, page 5, column 4]
The Survivors' Association of the 91st Regiment, P. V., at a meeting held Sept. 3, decided to hold the annual banquet and reunion on December 13, the twenty second anniversary of the battle of Fredericksburg. The committee of arrangements consists of A. D. W. Caldwell, chairman; Joseph H. Sinex, Matthew Hall; E. E. Wallace and Henry Sinex. The Association now numbers seventy-six members.

[source: Grand Army Scout and Soldiers' Mail, 6 December 1884, page 5, column 5]
The following regimental reunions will be held during the coming week: ... Ninety-first Regt. P. V., at Don Wallings, corner Merrick street and South Penn Square, on Saturday evening, Dec. 13th, being the twenty-second anniversary of the battle of Fredericksburg. ...

[source: Grand Army Scout and Soldiers' Mail, 20 December 1884, page 6 column 2]
The Ninety-first

The annual meeting and banquet of the association of the survivors of this regiment, was held at the corner of corner of Merrick street and Penn Square, on Saturday evening, December 13th, that date being the twenty-second anniversary of the battle of Fredericksburg. The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows.

President, Colonel Eli G. Sellers (re-elected); Vice-President, Joseph Sinex; Treasurer, Captain Matthew Hall; Secretary, A. D. W. Caldwell.

There was not a large attendance on this occasion as usual, or as had been expected, many being unavoidably absent, but that did not present those who were there from having a very pleasant evening. The many substantials and dainties with which the board was spread after the close of the business meeting, served to pass one enjoyable hour, while the flow of anecdote, reminiscence and song filled up several others, until the near approach of midnight. Among those present were:

Colonel Joseph Sinex, Colonel E. G. Sellers, Captain Nathan Hall [sic; I assume this is Matthew Hall], H. C Sinex, Stephen Kelly, Slathiel Cox and two sons, Lieutenant John Brass, Lieutenant L. T. Matlack, Martin M. Jones, Thomas R. Fox, Major J. D. Lentz, William H. Chandler, Alexander Malloch, Lieutenant-Colonel E. E. Wallace, H. T. Ashton, George M. D. Haines, William S. Cox, Frederick H. Henry, William H. Faust, Lieutenant H. W. Shipley, Thomas E. Coyle, Thomas Cr[o]zier, William W. Burns, C. E. France, R. T. Earnest, Captain E. J. Maguigan, Samuel Hess, James Delavean, H. H. Dunham, Montgomery Burr, James Luffberry, A. D. W. Caldwell, and last, but not least, Thomas J. Stewart who was in one of his happiest moods, and was the life of the evening.


[source: Frank H Taylor, Philadelphia in the civil war 1861 1865, published by the city, 1913, p.331]


Among the most active of the veteran associations still existent in this city are those of the 23d, 26th, 28th, 29th, 50th, 68th, 71st, 72d, 73d, 75th, 88th, 90th, 91st, 95th, 106th, 109th, 114th, 118th, 119th and 121st Infantry, the Reserve Corps Association, the Philadelphia Brigade Association, the 3d, 5th, 6th, 15th and 20th Cavalry, the 2d Heavy Artillery.

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