91st PA--deserters in 1861

The deserters

['The deserters', Philadelphia Inquirer 30 December 1861, page 8]

THE DESERTERS caught in this city have been for some time quite numerous. On Saturday, a squad of soldiers from Col GREGORY's Regiment went for this purpose to Clinton street, in the Thirteenth Ward. Men were stationed at neighboring corners, and a detailed party, headed by an officer, entered several houses in pursuit. The deserter was finally caught. Great curiosity and excitement existed in the neighborhood.

It is reported that orders will soon be issued from Head-quarters of the Army that every deserter shall, without extenuation, be shot. The punishment is terrible, but these are stern times, and past leniency on this point has served to encourage transgression. Soldiers enlist of their own free will, and are aware of the penalties attached to disobedience of the rules of war.

In addition to the recent execution of JOHNSON, at Washington, for attempting to desert to the enemy, there have been three other deserters shot in Missouri since the commencement of the war. This small number, in proportion to the numerous offenders, speaks much for the humanity hitherto exercised by commanding generals.

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revised 11 Dec 06
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