91st PA--letters, 16 December 1864

Letters, 16 December 1864

[source: regimental letters book]

Hd Qrs 91st Regt Pa V Vols
December 16" 1864
Lieut L C Bartlett
A A A Genl

I have the honor to request that George G Coster 1st Sergt Co "K" 91st Regt Pa V Vols be discharged to enable him to be mustered as 1st Lieut of Said Company he having received a commission from the Governor of Pennsylvania December 14th 1864 Dated December 1st 1864 This Company has 38 enlisted men "Present" and a total of "present and absent" of 63.

No of Officers in Regiment16
" " Men " "530
" " Officers " Company2
" " Men " "63

Both Officers of this Company are absent the Captain [John Casner] wounded; the 2nd Lieut on detached Service whose term of Service expired December 4" 1864 and although no Official notice has been received there is reason to believe that he has been mustered out: he having signified his intention not to be re mustered [This is Theodore Snyder, who had been detached to Philadelphia to collect conscripts.]

The Commission of George G Coster 1st Sergt Co "K" is here with enclosed

I am Lieut
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
(Sd) Eli G Sellers
Lieut Col Commdg

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