The pages below are only a small part of the medical journal kept by John Winthrop, Jr. The pages I copied are entries mostly in Connecticut although there are a few from Massachusetts--the majority of those around the Hadley area. Some of the pages are in good condition but others are awful, stains, ink blots and bleeding through from the other side hampers reading. I tried to keep the spelling as close to Winthrop's spelling as I could. At times I put the "preferred" spelling in brackets. This is a very rough transcription but might provide clues if your ancestor appears. He gives ages and relationships at times. I just included information pertaining to identity where given and at times a brief explanation of the medical condition. I did not include his medical "recipes". Each page is numbered corresponding with the number of the pages in the journal and headed with the date and place when given. The journal is on microfilm but apparently only a handful of libraries have copies. The LDS does not. Besides the Massachusetts Historical Society (which has the original journal) the only other place I know which has a copy is the Yale University Library.
March 24: Page 13
Cas? Sarah (also on page 9)
Hall, Francis Hall's wife of Fairfield
March 25
Davenport, Mr. New Haven
Clark, Abigail New Haven
Bracket, Thos. His wife
Boswell, Wethersfield
Deming, John Deming's wife Wethersfield
Indian girl about 10 years
Page 14:
Graves, Tho. Graves wife Hartford
Graves, Isaac Graves wife Hartford
Church, Richard about 60 years Wethersfield
Bishop, his wife Stamford
Michell, Goodman Michell's wife New Haven
Tomson, old Will Tomson also on pg. 11
Benton, The wife of Andrew Benton Milford
Whitehead, Goodman Whitehead New Haven
Punderson, Goodman Punderson's wife New Haven
Samford, Ezekial Samford Milford
Page 21:
Curtis, John Curtis wife and his child 2 years old
Butler, Richard Butler's wife age about 40 Hartford
Baldwin, Timothy Baldwin's daughter Sarah, almost 12 years old
also page 3
Nash?, Elizabeth ? Nash daughter 11 years old New Haven
Pritchet, Goodman Pritchet's daughter of 8 years old Milford
Benton, Mary the daughter of Andrew Benton 2 years old also on
page 14
Page 51 July 2
Deming, John Deming's wife and his daughter also page 13
July 3
Howe, Skipper Howe, his child New Haven
Peck, Peck wife of Milford
Davis, New Haven
Palmer, Henry Palmer for his wife and for his child of 12 years
Dickenson Wethersfield
Page 61 Nov 1657
Peck, Martha daughter of ? Peck, about 7 years old, also
his son of 16 years, also Anne Peck his daughter of 2 years Hartford
Butler, John his wife of Hartford
Loomis, John his wife of Windsor
Catling, John 18 years old of Hartford
White, John 21 years old of Hartford
White, Nath his brother of Mattabeset (Middletown)
Wirth, Betty
Page 63 Nov 30 1657 Hartford
Bru?son, Sarah daughter of Richard Bru?son of Farmington
Bunch, John 5 years old
Wallis, Mary � years old
Dec 1
Cadwell, Hannah 1� year old daughter of Tho. Cadwell
Sanford, Robert
Stockin(g), Mary 17 yeqrs daughter of George
Stockin, Sarah her sister
Richards, Mary daughter of Tho. Richards
Wall-?, The widow aged 74 years
Pratt, Daniel his wife
Page 65 Dec 5
Sanford, Robert 1 year old son of ______ Sanford
Stedman, John 6 years old
Gilbert, Jonathan his wife
Ensign, (Thos?)
Northam, 1 year old son of James Northam
Wilcox, widow
Page 67 Dec 9
Lord, Sarah
Cullick, Mary 15 years
Burns?, Mary 11 years old
Butler, Richard a 3 year old son
Butler, Jane 2 year old
Stanly, Isaack 7 years old
Page 83 Jan 26 Hartford
March, 2� year old
Varlet, Sarah 17 years
Varlet, Susan 8 yaers
Butler, Elisab. 8 years John Butler's daughter and widow
Lord, Mrs.
Bracket, Priscilla 10 years old
Ingersol, Dorothy
Clerke, Nicolas his wife
Fitch, Anne 18 years daughter of Mr. Fitch of Norwich
Page 85 Feb 1 Hartford 1657
Hart, Rachel 16 years Wethersfield
Stedman, Thomas 2� years
Davis, St. his wife also on page 19
Graves, Isaac his wife
Wells, James about 20 years
Bull, Joseph 17 years son of ? Bull
Arnold, John his wife
Buns (Bunce), Thomas son of Thomas about 14 or 15 years old
Page 94 March 17 Hartford
Peachy, Judy servant to Mr. Osmer? 21 years
Osmer ?, also on page 11
White, John his wife
White, Sarah 16 years
Arnold, Mary 30 years
Talcot?, John his wife
Allin, John his wife also on page 18
Hale?, Thos. also on page 25
Lew�, his wife
Andrews, Samuell 11 years
??sse, Sarah 14 years servant
Page 96 March 20 Hartford
Davis, John a child
Willis?, Mary � year, daughter of S. Willis
Spencer, Hanna 5 years
Wilcox, widow also on page 3
Arnall, John his wife also on page 23
Graves, Mary, daughter of George also on page 14
Page 97 March 25 Hartford
Andrewes, John
Wilcox, Sarah 9� years: she looks about 4
Biddall, John 11 years
Prat, John hiw wife
Samford ?
Samford ?, son of Andrew 3 years
Samford, Elisabeth 12 years
Page 99 Hartford 1658
Al?, John his wife
Marsh, John wife
White, John
April 3 1658
Willis, Samuell
Samford, Robert his wife
Burne, Tho.
Os??, also on page 16
Omsted, Sarah also on page 3
Page 100 April 5, Hartford 1658
Adams, John 20 years
Bull, Susan 14 years
Buns, Thomas
Osmer, Hester also on page 32
Page 119 July 13 Hartford 1658
Gardiner, Sam his wife
Parker, Hanna
Le??, William his wife
Butler, Mary, daughter of Butler
Cullet, Mary 15 years
Cullet, Elis. 6 years
Barnard, Bartholomew his wife
Page 128 Nov 6 Hartford 1658
Gilbert, Jonathan his wife (also on page 63?)
Edwards, Hester Mr. ? maid
Omstead, Thomas
Hubbard, Mary about 2 years daughter of Thos.
Baysy, Elisabeth 58 years
Butler, Rich his wife about 45 years
Page 141 Feb 17 Hartford 1659
Biddell, Daniell 3 years
Wats, Serg. His wife
Gilbert, John 6 years son of John Gilbert
........., William
Andrewes, Edw. His wife also on page 28
Andrewes, Hester also on page 62
Blisse, Elis. 22 years
Sage, David servant to And. Bakon 22 years
Nash, Joseph his wife
Page 144 1658 Hartford Feb. 26
Ensign, Mary
White, Jacob, son of John
Clarke, Nicolas his wife also on page 71
Garrat, Dan. his wife
Mr. Andrewes
March 1
Clark, Nicolas his wife
Peck, Elis. 6 years
Page 146 March 9 Hartford 1658
Buns, Thomas 16 years also page 38
Buns, Elis. 11 years
Buns, John 8 years
Sasaloos, Indian his squa
Browne, Mary 3 years also on page 44
Re??no, Nathaniel also on page 45
Spencer, Elis. 1- years
Finch, his wife
Page 153 Apr 1 Hartford 1659
Buns, Tho. His wife also page 8
Ingersoll, Hannah 4� years
Kelsy, William his wife page 79
Moody, his wife
Davis, Steven his wife also page 85
Marsh, Hanna 2 years
Fellows, Sam. 11 years
Fellows, Richard his wife
Page 154 Apr 1 Hartford 1659
Graves, George 6 years son of George
Hall, William his wife
Clerke, Nicolas his wife, also page 80
Lewis, William his wife also page 70
Mr. Cotton, John
Andrewe, Hester also page 77
Bronson, Sara vide Farmington
White, John his wife also page 32
Page 173 Hartford Nov. 16 1659
Mr. Talcot, John
Graves, Abigall an infant girl � year
Garret, Daniel his wife
Davis, Steven his wife
Stockin, Sara 22 years
Richards, Mary
Bull, Susan 15 years
Mamacheminah, his daughter
Graves, Tho. His wife
Page 189 Feb. 28 Hartford 1659
Edwards, Ruthe
Ham???, name illegible 13 or 14 years
Willis?, Mary 2� years
Pinchin, Mary also page 109
Benton, Andrew
Osmer, Hester
Benton, (first name blurred�possibly Hanna?) Age 8 years
Wiat, Hephsiba
Bull, Joseph
Buns, Thomas
Page 191 Hartford Feb 28 1659
Wilcox, widow 75 (years?)
Wells, Sarah 2 y page 189
Omsted, Sara 6 or 7 years
Garret, Dan
Lewis, William his wife
Page 192 Hartford 14 Mar 1659
Burnam, Thomas � year junior
Burnam, Mary
Burnam, Sarah
?elsy, Thomas his wife also on page 87
Benton, Sam. 1� years
Davis, Phillip his wife, also page 222
Prat, Daniel his wife
Page 215 March 1660
Powell??, Mary
Buns, Thos. Sen.
Clerk, Mary
Adams, Rebecca 2 years
? , Nath. Page 148
???, John
Page 216 Hartford March 1660
G???, totally illegible
Davis, Philip his wife
Buns, Tho. His wife
Buns, Elis. 11 years
Hill, Hanna 1� years
Bull, Leift. His wife
Indian squaw
Skinner, Mary
Page 227 Hartford Dec 26 1660
Cherlet?, Elis.
Several lines are illegible
Bull, Susan page 153
Wadsworth, Lidia page 157
Wilcox, widow colick
Rockwell ?
Page 234 Hartford (month illeg. 5, 1660
? , Hanna
Trall, T. Page 104
Cadwell, Mary
Grimes, Henry
Clow, Elis 3 years
Cole, Hester?
Cole, John 19 years
Willis, Mrs.
Buns, Tho. Sen.
Willis, Mr. Jun.
Page 240 Jan 16 1660/1 Hartford
Willis, M? name illegible
Willis, ?? page 166
Wilcox, widow page 161
Morr?e, page 169
Mersh, his wife
St�r, Mr. Samuell his wife page 170
Screet? Mr. Paulus his child an infant
Page 250 Hartford 1660/1
Omsted, Sam. 9� years
Burre, Samuel
illegible name
Graves, Elis.
Indian squa
Clay, Sara
Page 252 Hartford March 1660/1
Name illegible
Hubbard, Mary
Buns, Th.
Buns, Mary 16 years
Gilbert, John page 163 son of John
Gilbert, John his wife
Mar?? ,
Bur??, Sam
Omsted, Joseph 7� years
Page 260 Hartford May 2 1661
Willis, Mr. Samuell his wife
To??, (illegible) about 5 years
Wilcox, Sarah 12 years
Clay, Sarah page 190
Page 275 Feb 17 Windsor 1657
Stoughton, Tho. Senior
Feb 19
Marshall, his wife
Griffin, John
Page 279 Mar 10 Windsor 1657
Stoughton, Mr. Tho. Senior
Stoughton, his wife
B??? , Joseph
Loomis, John
Loomis, John his wife
Osborne, John
Adams, Edward
Page 286 May 10 Windsor 1658
Phelps, George
Parsons, Bethia
Indian woman
Lomas, Joseph
Stoughton, Tho.
Story, Joseph
Page 291 July 7 Windsor 1658
Gunn, John son of Tho. Gunn
Hilliard, Sarah 6 years dwells w/Tho. Gunn
Bancroft, John 6 years
Bancroft, Nath. ? years
Bancroft, Ephr. 2 years
Wilcox, Timothy about 20 years
Wilcox, Samuel about 17 or 18 years
Son of Goody Haydon might refer to above Sam.
Dibble, ? his wife
Bancroft, John his wife
Page 295 Middletown Dec 3
Whitmore, Joseph Tho. Whitmore's son 11 years
Whitmore, Samuell 2 years old
Stockin, the wife of Samuell Stocking vide page 3
Stockin, Hanna 3 years dau of Samuell
Stockin, Samuell 1� years
Savage, Elisabeth 1� years page 5
Whitmore, Mary about 7 years dau to Sam.
Biddell, Samuell son of Biddell of Hartford 7 years
Warner, Sam. Son of Robert
Warner, Robert his son
Page 296 Dec 30 Middletown 1657
Goldsmith, J? 25 years
Graves, John infant of � years
Feb 6
Kirby, Enos? 6 years
Kirby, John a boy of 6 years children of John
Kirby, Sarah 3 years daughter of John
Kirby, Joseph 1� years son of John
Webster, Sarah 3 years daughter of Robert
Webster, Robert his wife
Page 297 Feb 18 Middletown 1657
White, Nathaniel his wife
Hubbard, Richard 2 years old
Wilcox, John 7 years old
Wilcox, Tho. 5� years old
Wilcox, Mary 3� years old
Wilcox, Israel 1� years old
Note on side that all children of John Wilcox
Mar 1
Hamlin, Hester 3 years
Hamlin, John
Crow, Sarah 11 years
Hall, Richard his wife
Hall, Rich. 2 years
Hall, Jane 7 years
Wilcox, John
Du?, Josiah 17 years
Page 313 Wethersfield Dec 4 1657
Pater�?, William
Chester, John 1� years old
Royly (Riley) John his wife
Buck, Emmanuel alias Enoch his wife
Dec 7
Goodrich, Elizabeth 12 years
Wiat, William
Wells, Hugh
Woolcot, Henry about 14 years old
Page 314 Wethersfield 1657
Buck, Enoch his wife
Treat, Elisabeth 1� years daughter of Mathias Treat alias
Trott a kinsman of Mr. Trott
B-rman, Samuel
Dec 18
Hubbard, John his wife
Colman, Noah 19 years old
Holibut, Tho. His daughter 10 years old
Page 316 Dec 23 Wethersfield
Deming, daughter of
Lowman?, Tho. 16 years old Tho. Edwards �? son
Edwards, Ruth 6 years old daughter of Tho.
Palmer, Mary 14 years old
Wright, James his wife
Everts, Elisab. 20 years old lives with Mr. Rufus ?at Guilford
Wells, John son of ? Coleman
Jan 8
Montague, Mary 14 years old looks very ill
Page 317 Jan 8 Wethersfield 1657
Montague, John 3 years old pain in hand
Montague, Martha 11 years old
Montague, Mary
Jan 15
Edwards, John of Hockanum side?
Betts, John his wife
Jan 22
Palmer, his wife
Page 319 Feb 24 Wethersfield
Palmer, John
Hubbard, John
Mar 1
Deming, John his wife
Northam, James on H�? side
Boltwood, Robert his wife
Boltwood, Mary 12 years
Boltwood, Sam. 7 years
Boltwood, Marth. 5 years
Boltwood, Lidia 4 years all children of Robert
Kilburne, Naomie 1� years daughter of John
Dickenson, Nath.
Page 320 Mar 15 Wethersfield
Colman, his wife
Dickerson, Ann daughter of Nath. 21 years
Montague, his wife
Gardiner, Hanna 9� years (with Mr. Russell)
Russell, John 7� years
Russell, Jonathan 2� years
Bosworth, James page 2
Edwards, Tho.
Hous�?, John (large ink blot obliterating word)
Russell, Philip 16 years
Smith, Samuell 20 years
Smith, Joanna 25 years
Hubbard, Tho. about 20 years (all 4 above "in old Mr. Russells
Page 321 (Heading illegible)
W----, George
------ , a boy of 6 years
30 (presumably March)
Wells, Mary 4 years daughter if Tho. �? son to Goody Colman
Colman, Deborah 14 years
Trott, Richard his wife
Page 323 Apr 17 Wethersfield 1658
Deming, Honora daughter of John an infant
Ffrancis, Robert his wife about 28 years
Dickerson, Joseph
???, Robert his wife
Churchall, Elisab. 16 years
Dickerson, Joseph his wife
Betts, John his wife
Betts, John
Palmer, Deborah 15 years
Page 324 Apr 19 Wethersfield
Smith, Jonathan 22 years
Grissell (Griswold), Hester 10 years
Palmer, Henry
Palmer, Jonathan
Palmer, Martha 5 years daughter of William
Goffe, Phillip
Deming, John his wife page 3
Page 325 May 3 Wethersfield 1658
Holoster, Elisab. 6 years (could be 16 there's an ink blot)
Holoster, John 13 years
Holoster, Sarah 4 years
Hayward, Henry his wife
Hayward, Elis. 2 years
Holibut, Sara daughter of Tho.
Hayward, Sarah 5 years
Wells, Tho. his wife
Deming, Jonathan 20 years
Page 326 May 12 Wethersfield 1658
Deming, Sam. 12 years
Deming, Ebenezer 5� years
Deming, Rachell 10 years
Deming, Mary
Deming, Martha
Holibut, John 15 years
Dickerson Anne page 3
Smith, Richard his wife
Indian squa
his daughter 20 years (whose daughter??)
Page 327 May (rest of heading illegible)
Hollester, Mr.
Robens, Comfort
Wickham, John his wife
Betts, John his wife
Trott, Mr. his wife
Palmer, Deborah
Page 328 Wethersfield May 25 1658
Williams, Tho. his wife
Hitchcock, Hanna 12 years
Bartlet, Edw. 18 or 19 years serv. to Mr. Wells
Crane, Benjamin
Palmer, Mary
Jun 21
Dickerson, Ann
Stead�?, his wife
Griswoll, Michaell 6 years
Palmer, William
Page 330 July 13 Wethersfield 1658
Wells, Tho. 6 years
Wells, Mary
Wells, Sarah 3 years
Wells, John 1� years
Colman, his wife
Palmer, Joseph
Martin, Sam
Deming, John his wife
Page 332 Aug 2 Wethersfield 1658
Robins, John 9 years
Smith, Richard his wife
Smith, Rich. his ?? of 2 weeks old boy
Deming, John his wife
Churchall, Ben between 6 & 7 years
Churchall, Jo�? 9 years
Hollibut, son of Tho.
Heyward, Mary 9 years
Treat, Mr. Richard
Page 333 Aug 22 Wethersfield 1658
Treat, Richard
Deming, Mary 7 years
Deming, his wife
Colefax, William
Edwards, John Senior
Deming, Honora
August 15 1658 extract out of Mr. Smith's letter for N. land.
Raymond, Mr.
Page 334 Wethersfield Dec 5 1658
Williams, Tho. his child about weeks old
Goodrich, son of John a child of 1 year
Wells, John
Treat, Richard
Treat, Richard his wife
Bets, John his wife
Dec 10 at ??
Hollester, Mr.
Smith, Richard Sen.
Page 338 Wethersfield
Goff, Philip
Francis, Robert son of Robert Francis
Francis, Mary 2� years
Dicks, Leonard son of Leonard 14 years
B�?, James
Northam, James 13 years
Northam, Sam. 9 years
Montague, Mary 15 years vide Jan 8 1657
Trott, Mathias � year son of Mathias
Page 339 Feb 28 Wethersfield
Trott, Mathias
March 4
Beldin, Samuell a married man
Montague, Mr.
Montague, Mary
Francis, Robert his wife
Betts, John
Page 340 Wethersfield March 10 1658
Williams, John an infant of ?
Heyward, Henry his wife vide May 3
Smith, Richard senior his wife vide Feb 2 1658
Montague, Mr.
Deming, an infant � year son of Mr.
Kilburne, Naomi 5 or 6 years daughter of Serg. Kilburne
Latimore, John
Page 341 Mar Wethersfield 1658
Robins, Mary 17 years
Deming, Sam. Vide May 12
Deming, Ebeneser May 12
Robins, Sara 4 years
Deming, Anne 15 years
Deming, his wife
Trot, Elis almost 3 years daughter of Math.
Smith, Elis. 2� years daughter of Joseph
Latimore, John
Page 342 March 22 Wethersfield 1658
Palmer, Hanna 13 years daugt. of Henry
Palmer, Benjamin 17 son of William
Palmer, Martha 6 years daugt. of Wil.
Betts, John his wife vide Dec 5
Hitchcock, John 11 years
Heyward, Henry vide July 27
Heyward, Sarah about 6 years daughter of Hen.
Dickerson, Rebecca 3 years vide Feb 15 1657
Page 344 Apr 2 Wethersfield
Hayward, Hen. his wife
Buck, Enoch his wife
Coleman, his wife vide July 13
Hichcock, Hanna 13 years pain in head & sick in stomach
Hichcock, Luke almost 4 years
Hollester, John vide July 5
Page 345 Apr Wethersfield 1659
Palmer, Obadiah vide Mar 24
Palmer, Sam. 14 years
Smith, Rich. Sen. His wife vide Feb 2 & Mar 10 1658
Francis, Mary 2� years daughter of Robt.
Edwards, 9 years daught. of
Robins, Mrs.
Montague, Mary vide Feb 28
Montague, Martha 12 years
Montague, Peter 8 years
Montague, John 5 years
Montague, Abigale 3 years
Page 346 Apr 16 Wethersfield 1659
Chester, Sarah
Montague, Peter vide the other side (page above)
Indian squa
Goodrich, John 11 years
Goodrich, Mary 5 years
Jun 19 1659
Royly (Riley), John his wife pain in side & shoulder
Indian squa
? , Annie a girl of 7 years
Page 349 Aug 1 Wethersfield 1659
Deming, John sen. His wife
Holloster, John
Waddam, John sore leg
Deming, John his wife
Smith, B�? son of Richard
Robins, Mary vide Mar 16
Latimore, John vide Mar 16 now ill again
Keeler, Ralfe 13 years
Graves, his wife S. Smith's daughter
Kilburne, Tho. 5 years
Smith, Elis. 2 years daughter of Joseph
Montague, John vide Apr. 8
Montague, Rich. his wife ill in stomach
Hayward, his wife pain in back
Robins, Comfort vide May (or Mar) 17, 1658
Page 353 Sep 6 Wethersfield 1659
Griswed (Griswold), Michael
Griswed, Hester vide July 8
Trot, Elis. Vide Mar 16
Trot, Richard
Gull, a boy of 3 years
Gull, Elis. 6 years
Colefax, Tho. his wife vide Aug 22
Kilburne, John his wife vide Jan 7 1658
Robins, Joh 10 years
Treat, Rich. vide Aug 22 1658
Francis, Robert his wife
Treat, Mr(s?) Senior
Page 354 Wethersfield 1659
Robins, Josh. Vide Aug 22
Octob 5
Dikerson, John his wife
Nov 18 1659
Montague, Richard his wife
Montague, his ? daughter
Palmer, ?
Graves, Sam
Wakely, James his wife
Page 355 Wethersfield Nov 24 1659
Palmer, ? (poss William) his wife
Royly (Riley), Abra. 2� years
Palmer, Jonathan 2� years son of Henry
Goodrich, Elis. vide Dec 4 1657 now about 14 y.
Montague, elder daughter of Richard
Robins, Samuel
Smith, ?
Wilcox, John
Wright, his wife
Page 357 Wethersfield Jan 13 1659
Wells, Sarah daughter of Tho. 5 years
Wells, Tho. Mr. his wife
Smith, Rich. junior his wife ill
Smith, Jonathan his wife (J? Adams daughter)
Trott, Mr. Senior his wife
Page 359 Wethersfield Feb 13 1659
?? , his wife a squa of about 44 years
Griswells (Griswold), Michael 9 years vide Dec 6
Deming, Joh. his wife
Latimore, John ill with pain all over vide Aug 1
March 1 1659
Boltwood, Robert his wife
Mar 2
L???, Tho. 17 years
Francis, Mary 3�
Edwards, Ruth 7 y. daught. of Tho.
Page 360 Wethersfield Mar 7 1659
Smith, Rich. Sen. His wife
Trott, Henry 11 y. son of Math.
Girca??, Tho. his wife
Mar26 1660
Deming, ?? (blot on name) 8 y.
Deming, Hanna almost 16 y. ill in stomach
Smith, Philip
Smith, Sam. 1� y.
Apacunagend?? an Indian about 40 y.
Page 363 Wethersfield Jun 12 1660
Wells, Mr. Sam. His wife
?? name blurred and ink blots
Deming, Joh. his wife
Tayler, William his wife
Smith, Jon. his wife (she was Hanna Adams Jer. his daughter)
Page 365 Wethersfield June 27 1660
Much of this page is illegible with large ink blots and
much bleeding through from the other side.
July ?
Deming, John his wife
Page 386 July 9 Middletown 1658
Hall, Richard
Wilcox, Israell 2 y.
Browne, vomiting
Stow, Ickabod 5 y.
Cheny, William his wife
Bacon, Nathaniell his wife
Bacon, Hanna 3 y. daughter of Nath.
Warner, Robert
Page 387 July 30 Middletown 1658
Wilcox, John
Stocking, Samuel almost 2 y.
Savage, John his wife
Graves, George 6 y.
Stocking, Sam. vide a little above
Page 390 Jan 11 Middletown 1658
Browne, Hanna about 8 or 9 y.
Browne, Nathaniel 5 y. again Feb. 18
Browne, Tho. about 2 y.
Browne, Joh. about 1 y.
children of Ann? Browne daughter in law of Wid. Wetts (Watts?)
Jan 27
Hall, Richard his wife vide Feb. 18 1657
Hall, John 10 years
Hall, Jane almost 8 y.
Hall, Sarah 5 y.
Whetmore, John 12 yr.
Wilcox, John his wife
Warner, Andrew his wife
Page 425 Norwotuck Newtown Mar 15 1659
White, Joh. his wife
May 7 1660
White, Sarah about 17 y.
Northhamton Jun 27 1660
Alexander, his wife
July 5 1660
Stanly, Lois daughter of G. Bakons wife formerly of Hartford
Allen, Sam his wife 17� years G. Woodford daught.
Sep 1660
Smith, Christopher his wife
Nov 19
Moody, Sarah 1� y
Mar 8
Williams, Mr. his wife
Page 426 Norwotuck Newtown Mar 22 1660
Apr 1-?
Lewis, William senior his wife
May 12 1661
Graves, John of Wethersfield now of Norwotuck
Shelly, Isaack his wife
Shelly, Isaac his son about 4 y.
Shelly, Mary 6 y.
Page 437 May 21 1660
Benton, Andrew 5 years pain in belly & bad stomach
New London
Tomson, Mr. of New London
Elderkin, John his wife
Northamton Feb 10
Ingersoll, John May 7 of Hartford
Northamton Feb 17
Sheldon, Isaac his wife
Sheldon, a child of 4 y. old
New London
Taylor, his wife pain in stomach
New London Feb 18
Wilmott, Sarah John Tho. daughter
Page 446 May 23 1664 (place illegible)
Fitch, Joseph his wife pain in back vide Apr 28
Haines, Nathaniel of Norwack
Clark, William his wife Katherine of Hartford
Wells, widow Mr(s)?
Cooly, Bethia 20 years daughter of Cooly of Springfield pain on
left side & back
Buckly, Edward
Page 457 Apr 5 Windsor 1659
Rockwell, J. his wife vide Feb 15
Whit-----?, Mr. his wife
Hiliard, James 14 y. at G. Marshalls
Stoughton, Tho. being very ill again of his pain
Clarke, Joseph vide
Page 460 Jun 24 Windsor 1659
Nuberry, Hanna vide Jan 8
Mills, his wife
Aug 3
Stoughton, Tho. Sen. again being ill
Egleston, Tho. above 20 y. pain in back
Allen, Mr. Tho. his wife in labor
Page 488 Heading unreadable
Ph-ll-, Hanna
Th�, John
Octob 6
Griswell, Mary about 16 y. daughter of Edw of Windsor
Whitmore, his wife
Oct 7
Bancroft, John p. 2
Bancroft, Joh. his wife
Churchall, his wife of Wethersfield
Churchall, himselfe pain in stomack
Edwards, senior
Page 636 Mar 24 166?
Haward, his wife
Smith, Joseph Wethersfield
Gilbert, Sarah
Clow, senior his wife 77 y.
Morrice, John senior of Hartford
Indian boy 8 y. William
So-den(r), Symon his wife
Page 638 Apr 2 1666
Harrison, of Wethersfiled
Barbar, John his wife
Wadsworth, Sara vide formerly Feb 17 65
Lord, Mr. Richard's wife vide Mar 9
Buns, Elis.
Drake, Mary 16 y.
White, widow daughter of Tho. Buns
Buns, Tho. his wife pain back
Page 641 Dec 1 1666
Churchall, Beniamin vide Nov 6 1666
Spencer, Tho.
------- (ink blot), Tho. hiw wife
Benton, Andrew his wife pain in stomach
Francis, Robert his wife of Wethersfield
Latimore, John 16 years old son of Mr. Latimore of Wethersfield
Felloes, Sam servant to ? Stanly of Hartford
Page 653 May 21 1666
Clarke, Joseph son of Wil.
Smith, Samuel of Hadly
P-m??, Timothy of Hartford
Holloway, John his wife vide formerly Mar 1
Lendall, daughter of Resamond? Richards of Norwack
Cole, Rachel vide formerly Apr 18 1666
Page 692 Dec ? 1666
Philips, Abra. his wife
Plu?, John 14 months son of John of Hartford
Plum, Elis. 3 years
Bambrick, Mrs. widow grandmother of Mrs. Plum of Hartford
Sedgwick, Mr. thumb sprained
Graves, Edw. his wife
???, Mabell 9 years
Stanly, Hanna 2 month old daught of Caleb
Merrell, Sarah 2� daug. of the tanner of Hartford
Page 694 Jan 1 1666
Robinson, Sam. his wife of Hartford
Nuberry, Mrs. wife to Capt. Nuberry of Windsor
Drake, Abigail 18 y. daught of Job of Windsor
Drake, Job his wife pain with colon
Indian girls of Podnuck daughter of (blank space)
(blank), William his wife daughter of Goodman Williams of Podnuck
Garret, Daniell his wife
Chester, Mr. vide Dec 14
???, Jeremy
Buns, Elis. 18 y. daughter of Tho. of Hartford
Page 703 Feb 12 1666
Smith, Jonathan his wife Martha daughter of Francis Bydwell?
Stedman, Serg. John his wife of Hartford
Russle?, Nath.
Smith, Lidia 1 y. daught. of Joseph of Hartford
Wright, Samuell of Wethersfield
Butler, Deacon his wife of Hartford great pain in head
Prat, Dan. his wife
Prat, Hanna 12 y. daught. of Daniell of Hartford pain in head
Nash, Serg. Joseph of Hartford
Page 705 Feb 22 1666
Bull, Thos
Bull, Ruth 4 y. (could be 14)
Watson John 7 (or 17) y. son of Widow Watson of Hartford cut legg
B�er, David vide Dec 11 66
Brooks?, John
Plum, Mrs. wife of John Plum of Hartford
Sedgwick, Elis Mrs.
Wilie, Elis 15 years � w/ her granfather Clow daughter of
Joh. Wilie of the Bay face broke out
Edwards, Tho. his wife of Hockann had shoulder out
Page 712 Mar 21 1666
S------, John 2 y. old of William S?
Stevens, Mary
?entrone?, Grace 14 y.
Allin, Hanna about 12 y. daught of Mr. Joh. of Hartford broken
Allin, Mary about 10 y. broken out also as Hanna
Baker, John his wife of Hartford
Reeves, Tho. of Hartford
Buns, Tho. Jun. 24 y. son of Tho. of Hartford head pain
Buns, Tho. senior of Hartford
Page 715 Mar 29 1667
Davis, Philip his wife of Hartford
Seaver, Joseph 10 y. servant to G?. Benton of Hartford
Ventrous, Grace vide Mar 21 1666
Marten, Richard of Hartford
Newell, Tho. 17 y. son of Mr. Tho. Newell of Farmington
Plum, Elis 3 y. daught. of John of Hartford pimples broke out
Bambrick, Mrs. widow at Mr. Plums at Hartford
Garter Joseph
Page 720 Apr 5 1667
Lomes (Loomis), James vide Mar 22
Lomes, ?
Lomes, Elis. wife of John of Windsor vide July
Bur, Sam. his wife of Hartford G. Bayses daughter
Lord, Mrs. wife of Mr. Richard Lord of Hartford
Edwards, Tho. his wife
Edwards, Ruth 15 y. daugther of Tho. of Hartford
Willis, Sam 10 months old
-----le, James his wife
Egleston, Hester 3 y. daught of (blank) Egleston of Windsor
Benton, Hanna 14 y.
Benton, Mary 4 y.
Benton, D. 2 y.
Children of Andr. Benton of Hartford
Page 729 May 28 1667
(page is very hard to read because of ink blots and bleeding through
from the back)
Edwards, Tho.
Andrews, Tho. of Hartford
??, Tho.
Pe�on, Mr(s?)
Ensigne, Hanna vide Apr 4 1667
Ford, wife of old G. Ford of Windsor
Strong, Experience 16 y. lives w/ her grandfather G. ?
Lowe, Mrs. Katherine
Burnam, Mary 16 y. daught. of Tho. of Podunke
Burnam, Annie 5 y. daught. of Tho. of Podunke
Buns, John 15 y. son of Tho. of Hartford
Page 731 June 3 1667
Bidwell, John?
Bidwell, Daniell 11 y. of son (blank) Bidwell
Browne, Peter � y. son of Peter Browne
Clark, Sarah 4 y. daught. of Capt. Daniell Clark of Windsor
S�?, A-----? 15 y. son of Joseph Nash his wife of Hartford
Allyn, Hanna wife of Samuell of Norhampton vide Mar 12 1667
Burns, Tho. his wife -5 y.
Nuberry, Mrs. wife of Beniamin Nuberry of Windsor
Drake, Abigale
Parsons, Sarah 11 y.
Page 735 June 15 1667
Nob, Elis. daughter of Joh. Nob of Windsor
Talcot, 10 years old of Capt. Talcot of Hartford
Butler, ? 30 y. wife of John Butler of Hartford
Lord, Mr. Richard of Hartford
Grant, Mary 5 y.
Grant, Sarah 2� y.
Grant, Ruth
children of (ink blot) Grant of Hartford
Wester, Sarah 12 y. daught. of ? of Hartford
Gillet, Jonathan Jun. Of Windsor who married G. Kelsies daughter
Brown, Peter his wife of Windsor
Butler, Daniell about 18 y. son of Deac. Butler of Hartford
Page 746 July 29 1667
Robinson, Sam. his wife of Hartford
Butler, ?? of Hartford
Benton, Andrew his wife
Ackly, Nicolas
Ford, Tho. his wife of Windsor
Davenport, Mr. Sen.
Butler, � y. son of Nath. Butler of Wethersfield
Gilbert, Nath. 10 y. son of Marshall Jonathan
Rotherford, Mrs.
Rotherford, Elis. 14 y. daughter of Mr. Rotherford of N. Haven
Rotherford, Mr. of N. Haven
Page 749 Aug 18 1667
Wadsworth?, Joseph
Deming, Mercy 15 y. daught. of John senior of Wethersfield
Goodw?, Nath. of Hartford
Arnall, Joseph
Arnol, Joseph his wife
Ackly, Nicolas of Hartford vide July 19
Adams, 3 y. son of John
Willet, 1 y. daught. of Tho. of Hartford
Willet, Sarah Tho. his wife
Page 751 Sep 7 1667
Meakins, Mary wife of John Meakins of Hartford
Bidwell, Hanna 9 y. daught. of (blank) Bidwell of Hartford
Dible, � y. infant
Bull, Joseph 8 y. the son of ? of Hartford
Talcot, Mrs. widow of Hartford man
Drake, Mary vide formerly Apr 21 67
Drake, Mary wife of Job of Windsor
Hart, Mary 1 y. vide July 20 1667
Deming, wife of Joh. Deming of Wethersfield
Page 783 9 Feb 1667
Tart, Mary
Sanford, Zachary of Saybrook has sore on back of hand
Merell, Sarah 3� y. vide Feb 5 1667
Spencer, Hester wife of Tho. vide Jan 19
Drake, Mary daught. of Job vide Dec 19 1667
Prat, Mary 6 y. daught. of Dan. for wormes
Prat, Sarah 3� y. daught. of Daniell for wormes
Biggelo, John vide Jun 3 1666 gonorrea, now married to Rebec.
Page 800 Apr 1668
Coley, Sarah daught. of Sam Coley of Milford
Coley, Hanna 13 or 14 y. daught. of Sam. of Milford
Drake, Mary
Benton, Andrew his wife of Hartford
Benton, Aron vide Jan 19 1667
Baker, Joseph 1 y. & 5 weeks old son of (blank) Baker of Hartford
Indian girle 2 y. daughter of H-nla- of Windsor
Gilbert, Joseph 2 y. vide Apr 11 1668
Page 812 Jun 9 1668
Demming, Mary about 15 y. daughter of Mr. Deming of Wethersfield
Demming, Mary (inkblot) hamton?? Vide May 25 1668 she had to carry
home w/ her
Brooks, Richard of East Hampton pain in stomach
Mulford, Mrs. Friswood??? wife of Mr. (blank) Mulford
Stebbin, Mr. Deacon
Chapin, Samuell 3 y. son of Jasper Chapin of Milford wormes
Mow, Elis. 18 y. daught. of Mr. Tho. Mow of Southold?
Willis, Ruth 3 y. daught. of Mr. Samuel of Hartford
Page 821 June 25 1668
Skidmore, Tho. of Fairfield now at Hartford
He-den, Nath. vide Jun 2 1668
Goodin, Sarah wife of Nath. vide Jun 13 now having pains inside
Andrews, Tho.
Warner, Elis. 8 y. daught. of Andrew of Middletown
Mnnigar???, Nicolas 40 y. of Gilford paine in bottom parte
Glover, Mr. Pelatiah of Springfield
Hurlbut or Holibut, John of Wethersfield 25 y. son of Tho.
Page 837 Aug 1668
Willis, 1 y.
Burr, wife of Beniman vide Apr 17 1668
Bambrick, Mrs. Justice about 70 y. widow of Hartford had bruise
on side
Drake, Hanna 34 y. wife of John Drake of Windsor
Drake, Abigale vide May 28 1668
Gailer, Elis. 40 y. wife of Sam. of Windsor
Harvee, Richard his wife of Southold
DeWitt, Gertroud wife of Joh. deWitt of Shelker? Sland?
Page 848 1668
Benton, Aron 1 y. or more son of Andrew of Hartford
Haines, Mr. Joseph teacher at Hartford
Arnoll, Elis. wife of Joseph Arnol
Deming, Mary wife of John Deming of Wethersfield daught. of Mr.
Marsh, Jonathan about 18 y. or more of Northamton sore leg by
a cut not well healed
Biggelo, Jonathan about 20 y. or more brother to John at Hartford
Phelps, Mr. William of Windsor
Phelps, Joseph 1� y. son of Joseph of Windsor
Strong, Abigal vide July 4 1668
Page 860 Dec 28 1668
Collins, 10 weeks
Richards, son of James of Hartford
Hart, John � y. son of Steven of Farmington
Parker, wife of Parker of Farmington ? Harts sister
Samford, Robert of Hartford
Willis, Anne � y.
Whiting, Martha 7 y. daught. of ?? of Hartford
Whiting, Sarah 4 y. sister of Martha
Benton, Aron 1� son of Andrew of Hartford
Page 862 Jan 6 1668
How, Elis. vide Nov 11 1668
??be�, wife of Nathaniel (bleeding through from ink on back
obliterates most of this entry)
Anthony, ?ock
Cornwall, wife of Sam. of Middletown
Butler, wife of Nathaniell of Hartford
Martin, Mary 1� y. daught. of Anthony of Middletown
Ensign, James vide Jan 1 1668
Ensign, Tho. (blank) weeks son of David of Hartford
Page 864 Jan 13 1668
Mun, Abigall 18 y. or more daught of Mun of ?
Trall, William at Mr. Lords of Hartford
Way, Elis. 2� y.
Blackleach?, Mary 3 y. daught. of Mr. John of Hartford
Biggelo, Elis. sister of John Biggelo of Hartford
Pinchon, Mrs. Mary
Wright, Mary 4 y. daught. of Joseph
Wright, s? wife of old Goodman Wright of Wethersfield
Bidwell, wife of John Bidwell
Benton, wife of Andrew of Hartford
Page 866 Jan 29 1668
Walcot (Talcot), Mrs. Mary wife of ? of Hartford
Lord, Hanna
Wilie, Mary about 20 y. sore knee
Bradly, Mrs. widow of N London
Talcot, Mr. Samuel of Hartford a kind of chill
Whiting, Martha 7 y. vide Dec 26
Whiting, Sarah 4 y. syster of Martha vide Dec 26
Goodin, Sarah wife of Nath. of Hartford vide Jun 1668
Stiles, Isaack 3 y. & 5 months son of Isack of Wethersfield
Rescole?, Joanne wife of Nath.
Page 869 Feb 3 1668
Whiting, Mr. John Pastor of Hartford
Royly (Riley), Jacob almost 3 y. son of John Royly of Wethersfield
Hand?(Ham?), Tho. vide Nov 14
Burne, Tho. sen.
Treat, Mr. Richard Sen. of Wethersfield
Elcock, Mary 7 y. vide Jan 27 1667
Page 880 Mar 12 1668
(First entry missing)
Egleston, Sarah 27 y. wife of Sam. of Middletown
Colton, George Sen. of ----- Medow Springfield
Rising, Elis. 31 y. wife of James Rising of Windsor
Pinchen, Mrs. Mary about 19 y. had fainting
Drake, Mary 36 y. wife of Jacob of Windsor
Long, Joseph 1 y:?� y. son of Tho. of Hartford
Benton, wife of Andrew vomiting & flux
Page 889 Mar 23 1668
Nicolls, Mrs. Mary wife of Mr. Cyprian vide Feb 28 1668
Pomery, Lidia 52 y. wife of old Eldad Pomery of Windsor pain in
head & all over bones
Huntington, Sarah 14 y. daught. of Huntington of Norwck head paine
Johnson, wife of John Johnson of N. Haven
Treat, Mr. Richard senior
Shire, Sarah 36 y. wife of John of Windsor at a farme 4 weeks
Shire, 6 y. son of John of Windsor
Indian girle Martha so ? named by me 10 y.
Fox, around 80 y. widow of Windsor sister to old Mr. Clarke of
Hadly great pain in eare
Olcot, Mr. Tho. of Hartford ill in stomack
Page 894 Apr 3 1669
Benton, Mary 6 y. daught. of Andrew of Hartford
Huxly, Tho. 1 y. son of Tho. of Hartford
Warner, Robert vide Mar 3 1668
Adams, Jonathan 5 months old son of John of Hockamm?
Baker, Lidia wife of John of Hartford
Chekeyen, Indian son to Aramameting Podunck 31y
Hubbard, wife of (blank) of Middletown
Coggin, Martha 21 y. sister to John Barbars wife of Windsor
Page 898 Apr 10 1669
Marsh, John of Hartford
Cole, Hanna 4� y. daught. of Sam. of Farmington
Olcot, Mrs. Mary wife of Mr. Tho. vide Mar 23 1668
Bur, wife of Benimin of Hartford
Seamer, Hanna 20 y. wife of Richard of Farmington
Spencer, Martha 1 y.
Buns, Tho. sen. of Hartford pain in knee
Coley, Sarah vide Feb 15 1668
Page 901 Apr 16 1669
Dibble, M�iba? 22� y. wife of Sam. of Windsor
pain in side
Forward, Mrs. wife of Mr. Sam. Forward vide Mar 24
Maidship, wife of John Maidship? of Windsor
Gilbert, Joseph 3 y.
Negro Maria at Mr. Blackwoods
Steadman, wife of serg. Tho. Stedman
Buns, John 17 y. son of Tho. sen. of Hartford pain in shoulder
Sa-a�, Elis. 13 y.
Page 913 May 15 1669
Benton, Rachel under 30 y. wife of Daniell of Gilford
Indian boy
Sheldon, Mary 15 y. daught. of Isaack Sheldon of North�?
Heyden, son of ? Heyden
??elman, William
Coley, Sarah vide Apr 10 1669
Smith, Ephraim 10 y. son of Joseph of Hartford
Royly (Riley), Grace 6 y. daught. of John Royly of Wethersfield
taken suddenly ill yesterday
Benton, Aron 1� y. son of Andrew of Hartford
Page 91? May 19 1669
Parsons, Beninman of Springfield
Catlin, Tho. 13 months
Samford, Mary 10 y. daught. of Nathaniell at Hartford
Bell, Tho. at Mr. Stanbury of Pecatuck
Gallop, Hanna daught. of J. Gallop
Indian squa at Mr. Willis house
Royly (Riley), Grace vide May 15 1669
Warner, Daniell 2� y. son of Daniell Warner of Farmington
Stiles, wife of John of Windsor
Smith, (name cut off paper)
Page 932 Jun 29 1669
Jeffries, Mary daught. of George Jeffries of Windsor?
Gillet, 20 y. wife of Samuell of Ponkin? near Hadly vide Jun 3
Adams, Abigale wife of John at Hockann
Adams, Jonathan above half year old son of John of Hockann
Huxly, 1� y. son of Tho. Huxly of Hartford
Buns, wife of Tho. sen. of Hartford pain in arm & shouldar
& back
Grimes, Joseph 2� y. son of (blank) Grimes of Hartford
Webster, Mary 3 y.
Andrews, Hanna 8 weeks
Clarke, Sarah 17 y. daught. of William of 30 Iland? now she lives
w/ Caleb Stanly
Page 935 July 8 1669
Lord, Mrs. Mary wife of Mr. Richard of Hartford
Wells, Joseph 2 y. son of Mr. Wells of Hartford had vomiting
White, Elis. wife of Jacob of Hartford
Butler, Sam. 2� y. son of Nath. Butler of Hartford had
Clarke, wife of Nicolas of Hartford
Clark, Daniell almost 3 y. son of Tho. of Hartford
Clark, Joseph above � y. son of Tho.
Fitch, 17 weeks old son o Joseph of Hartford
Samford, Mary 16 y. daught. of Robert of Hartford
Reeves, about � y. daught. of Robert of Hartford
(last entry cut off page)
Page 939 July 1669
Browne, Mary 11 y. vide July 3 1669
Benton, wife of Andrew of Hartford
Graves, Sarah above 1 y. daught. of Edw. Graves of Hartford
Indian girle 4 y. daught. of Suckkeyan of Podunck
Brookes, Susan 37 y. wife of John Brookes of Windsor
Graves, wife of Ed. Of Hartford
Young, Mr. John
Edwards, wife of William of Hartford
Olcott, Mr.
Blackleek?, Mary daught. of Mr. John of Hartford
Speck, Garad of Hartford
Hopkins, son of ? of Hartford