





LITHOBOLIA: OR, The Stone-Throwing Devil

copied from "The Ancestry of Lydia Harmon" by Walter Goodwin Davis;  pages 93-108. 
[hint: in the language style of early 17th century, the sound of "ss" was written as "f."]

An Exact and True Account (by way of Journal) of the various Actions of Infernal Spirits,or (Devils Incarnate) Witches, or both; and the great Difturbance and Amaxement they gave to George Waltons Family, at a place call'd Great Ifland in the Province of New-Hantfhire in New-England, chiefly in Throwing about (by an Invifible hand) Stones, Bricks, and Brick-bats of all Sizes, with feveral other things, as Hammers, Mauls, Iron-Crows, Spits, and other Domeftick Utenfils, as came into their Hellifh Minds, and this for the fpace of a Quatter of a Year.

By R. C. Efq; who was a Sojourner in the fame Family the whole Time, and an Ocular Witnefs of thefe Diabolick Inventions.

The Contents hereof being manifeftly known to the Inhabitants of that Province, and Perfons of other Provinces, and is upon Record in his Majefties Council-Court held for that Province.

LONDON, Printed, and are to be Sold by E. Whitlook near Stationers-Hall, 1698.

TO The much Honoured Mart. Lumley, Efq;


AS the fubfequent Script deferves not to be called a Book, fo thefe precedent Lines prefume not to a Dedication: But, Sir, it is an occafion that I am ambitious to lay hold on, to difcover to You by this Epitome (as it were) the propenfion and inclination I have to give a more full and perfect demonsftration of the Honour, Love, and Service, I own (as I think my felf oblig'd) to have for You. To a Sober, Judicious, and well Principled Perfon, fuch as your Self, plain Truths are much more agreeable than the mosft charming and furprifing Romance or Novel, with all the ftrange turns and events. That this is of the firsft fort, (as I have formerly upon Record attesfted) I do now aver and protesft; yet neither is it lefs sftrange than true, and fo may be capable of giving you fome Diverfion for an hour: For this interruption of your more ferious ones, I cannot doubt your candor and clemency, in pardoning it, that fo well know (and do moft fenfibly acknowledg) your high Worth and Goodnefs; and that the Relation I am Dignified with, infers a mutual Patronization.

                   SIR, I am
                      Your moft Humble Servant,
                                           R. C.

Reprinted from the copy in The John Carter Brown Library, Providence, R. I.

To the much Honoured R. F. Efq;

TO tell ftrange feats of Daemons, here I am;
 Strange, but moft true they are, ev'n to a Dram, 
Tho' Sadduceans cry, 'tis all a Sham.

Here's Stony Arg'uments of perfuafive Dint,
They'l not believe it, told, nor yet in Print:
What fhould the Reafon be? The Devil's in't.

And yet they wifh to be convinc'd by Sight,
Afur'd by Apparition of a Sprite;
But Learned Brown doth ftate the matter right:

Satan will never Inftrumental be
Of fo much Good, to Appear to them; for he
Hath them fure by their Infidelity.

But you, my Noble Friend, know better things;
Your Faith, mounted on Religions Wings,
Sets you above the Clouds whence Error fprings.

Your Soul reflecting on this lower Sphear,
Of froth and vanity, joys oft to hear
The Sacred Oracles, where all truths appear,

Which will conduct out of this Labyrinth of Night,
And lead you to the fource of Intellect'ual Light.

                      Which is the Hearty Prayer of
                        Your mosft faithful Humble Servant,

                                                        R. C.

LITHOBOLIA: OR, THE Stone-Throwing Devil, &c.

SUCH is the Sceptical Humour of this Age for Incredulity, (not to fay Infidelity,) That I wonder they do not take up and profefs, in terms, the Pyrrhonian Doctrine of disbelieving their very Senfes. For that which I am going to relate happening to ceafe in the Province of New-Hampfhire in America, just upon that Governour's Arrival and Appearance at the Council there, who was informed by my felf, and feveral other Gentlemen of the Council, and other confiderable Perfons, of the true and certain Reality hereof, yet he continued tenacious in the Opinion that we were all impofed upon by the waggery of fome unlucky Boys; which, confidering the Circumstances and Paffages hereafter mentioned, was altogether impoffible.

I have a Wonder to relate; for fuch (I take it) is fo to be termed whatfoever is Pr‘ternatural, and not affignable to, or the effect of, Natural Caufes: It is a Lithobolia, or Stone-throwing, which happened by Witchcraft, (as was fuppofed) and malicioufly perpetrated by an Elderly Woman, a Neighbour fufpected, and (I think) formerly detected for fuch kind of Diabolical Tricks and Practifes; and the wicked Instigation did arife upon the account of fome fmall quantity of Land in her Field, which fhef pretended was unjustly taken into the Land of the Perfon where the Scene of this Matter lay, and was her Right; fhe having been often very clamorous about that Affair, and heard to fay, with much Bitternefs, that her Neighbour (innuendo the forementioned Perfon, his Name George Walton) fhould never quietly injoy that piece of Ground. Which, as it has confirm'd my felf and others in the Opinion that there are fuch things as Witches, and the Effects of Witchcraft, or at least of the mifchievous Actions of Evil Spirits; which fome do as little give Credit to, as in the Cafe of Witches, utterly rejecting both their Operations and their Beings, we having been Eye-Witneffes of this Matter almost every Day for a quarter of a Year together; fo it may be a means to rectifie the depraved Judgment and Sentiments of other disbelieving Perfons, and abfolutely convince them of their Error, if they pleafe to hear, without prejudice, the plain, but most true Narration of it; which was thus.

Some time ago being in America, (in His then Majesty's Service) I was lodg'd in the faid George Walton's Houfe, a Planter there, and on a Sunday Night, about Ten a Clock, many Stones were heard by my felf, and the rest of the Family, to be thrown, and (with Noife) hit against the top and all fides of the Houfe, after he the faid Walton had been at his Fence-Gate, which was between him and his Neighbour one John Amazeen an Italian, to view it; for it was again (as formerly it had been (the manner how being unknown) wrung off the Hinges, and cast upon the Ground; and in his being there, and return home with feveral Perfons of (and frequenting) his family and Houfe, about a flight fhot distant from the Gate, they were all affaulted with a peal of Stones, (taken, we conceive, from the Rocks hard by the Houfe) and this by unfeen Hands or Agents. For by this time I was come down to them, having rifen out of my Bed at this strange Alarm of all that were in the Houfe, and do know that they all look'd out as narrowly as I did, or any Perfon could, (it being a bright Moon-light Night) but cou'd make no Difcovery. Thereupon, and becaufe there came many Stones, and thofe pretty great ones, fome as big as my Fist, into the Entry or Porch of the Houfe, we withdrew into the next Room to the Porch, no Perfon having receiv'd any Hurt, (praifed be Almighty Providence, for certainly the infernal Agent, constant Enemy to Mankind, had he not been over-ruled, intended no lefs than Death or Maim) fave only that two Youths were lightly hit, one on the Leg, the other on the Thigh, notwithstanding the Stones came fo thick, and fo forcibly against the fides of fo narrow a Room. Whilst we stood amazed at this Accident, one of the Maidens imagined fhe faw them come from the Hall, next to that we were in, where fearching, (and in the Cellar, down out of the Hall), and finding no Body, another and my felf obferved two little Stones in a fhort fpace fucceffively to fall on the Floor, coming as from the Ceiling clofe by us, and we concluded it must neceffarily be done by means extraordinary and pr‘ternatural. Coming again into the Room where we first were, (next the Porch) we had many of thefe lapidary Salutations, but unfriendly ones; for, fhutting the Door, it was no fmall Surprife to me to have a good big Stone come with great force and noife (just by my Head) against the Door on the infide; and then fhutting the other Door, next the Hall, to have the like Accident; fo going out again, upon a neceffary Occafion, to have another very near my Body, clattering against the Board-wall of the Houfe; but it was a much greater, to be fo near the danger of having my Head broke with a Mall, or great Hammer brufhing along the top or roof of the Room from the other end, as I was walking in it, and lighting down by me; but it fell fo, that my Landlord had the greatest damage, his Windows (efpecially thofe of the first mention'd Room) being with many Stones miferably and strangely batter'd, most of the Stones giving the Blow on the infide, and forcing the Bars, Lead, and hafps of the Cafements outwards, and yet falling back (fometimes a Yard or two) into the Room; only one little Stone we took out of the glafs of the Window, where it lodg'd its felf in the breaking it, in a Hole exactly fit for the Stone. The Pewter and Brafs were frequently pelted, and fometimes thrown down upon the Ground; for the Evil Spirit feemed then to affect variety of Mifchief, and diverted himfelf at this end after he had done fo much Execution at the other. So were two Candlesticks, after many hittings, at last struck off the Table where they stood, and likewife a large Pewter Pot, with the force of thefe Stones. Some of them were taken up hot, and (it feems) immediately coming out of the Fire; and fome (which is not unremarkable) having been laid by me upon the Table along by couples, and numbred, were found miffing; that is, two of them, as we return'd immediately to the Table, having turn'd our backs only to vifit and view fome new Stone-charge or Window-breach; and this Experiment was four or five times repeated, and I still found one or two miffing of the Number, which we all mark'd, when I did but just remove the Light from off the Table, and step to the Door, and back again.

After this had continued in all the parts and fides of the first Room (and down the Chimney) for above four hours, I, weary of the Noife, and fleepy, went to Bed, and was no fooner fallen afleep, but was awakened with the unwelcome disturbance of another Battery of a different fort, it iffuing with fo prodigious a Noife against the thin Board-wall of my Chamber, (which was within another) that I could not imagin it lefs than the fracture and downfall of great part of the Chamber, or at least of the Shelves, Books, Pictures, and other things, placed on that fide, and on the Partition-Wall between the Anti-Chamber and the Door of mine. But the Noife immediately bringing up the Company below, they affured me no Mifchief of that nature was done, and fhewed me the biggest Stone that had as yet been made ufe of in this unaccountable Accident, weighing eight pound and an half, that had burst open my Chamber Door with a rebound from the Floor, as by the Dent and Bruife in it near the Door I found next Morning, done, probably, to make the greater Noife, and give the more Astonifhment, which would fooner be effected by three Motions, and confequently three feveral Sounds, viz. one on the Ground, the next to and on the Door, and the last from it again to the Floor, then if it had been one fingle Blow upon the Door only; which ('tis probable) wou'd have fplit the Door, which was not permitted, nor fo much as a fquare of the Glafs-Window broken or crack'd (at that time) in all the Chamber. Glad thereof, and defiring them to leave me, and the Door fhut, as it was before, I endeavoured once more to take my Rest, and was once more prevented by the like paffage, with another like offenfive Weapon, it being a whole Brick that lay in the anti-Chamber Chimney, and ufed again to the fame malicious purpofe as before, and in the fame manner too, as by the mark in the Floor, whereon was fome of the dust of the Brick, broken a little at the end, apparant next Morning, the Brick it felf lying just at the Door. However, after I had lain a while, harkning to their Adventures below, I drop'd afleep again, and receiv'd no further Molestation that Night.

In the Morning (Monday Morning) I was inform'd by feveral of the Domesticks of more of the fame kind of Trouble; among which the most fignal was, the Vanifhing of the Spit which ftood in the Chimney Corner, and the fudden coming of it again down the fame Chimney, sticking of it in a Log that lay in the Fireplace or Hearth; and then being by one of the Family fet by on the other fide of the Chimney, prefently cast out of the Window into the Back-fide. Alfo a preffing-Iron lying on the ledge of the Chimney back, was convey'd invifibly into the Yard. I fhould think it (too) not unworthy the Relation, that, difcourfing then with fome of the Family, and others, about what had past, I faid, I thought it neceffary to take and keep the great Stone, as a Proof and Evidence, for they had taken it down from my Chambers; and fo I carried it up, laid it on my Table in my Chamber, and lock'd my Door, and going out upon occafions, and foon returning, I was told by my Landlady that it was, a little while after my going forth, removed again, with a Noife, which they all below heard, and was thrown into the anti-Chamber, and there I found it lying in the middle of it; thereupon I the fecond time carried it up, and laid it on the Table, and had it in my Custody a long time to fhow, for the Satisfaction of the Curious.

There were many more Stones thrown about in the Houfe that Morning, and more in the Fields that Day, where the Master of the Houfe was, and the Men at Work. Some more Mr. Woodbridge, a Minister, and my felf, in the Afternoon did fee, (but could not any Hand throwing them) lighting near, and jumping and tumbling on the Grafs: So did one Mrs. Clark, and her Son, and feveral others; and fome of them felt them too. One Perfon would not be perfwaded but that the Boys at Work might throw them, and strait her little Boy standing by her was struck with a Stone on the Back, which caufed him to fall a crying, and her (being convinc'd) to carry him away forth-with.

In the Evening, as foon as I had fup'd in the outer Room before mine, I took a little Mufical-Instrument, and began to touch it, (the Door indeed was then fet open for Air) and a good big Stone came rumbling in, and as it were to lead the Dance, but upon a much different account than in the days of Old, and of old fabulous Inchantments, my Mufick being none of the best. The Noife of this brought up the Deputy-Prefident's Wife, and many others of the Neighbourhood that were below, who wonder'd to fee this Stone followed (as it were) by many others, and a Pewter Spoon among the rest, all which fell strangely into the Room in their Prefence, and were taken up by the Company. And befide all this, there was feen by two Youths in the Orchard and Fields, as they faid, a black Cat, at the time the Stones were tofs'd about, and it was fhot at, but miffed, by its changing Places, and being immediately at fome distance, and then out of fight, as they related: Agreeable to which, it may not be improper to infert, what was obferved by two Maids, Grand-Children of Mr. Walton on the Sunday Night, the beginning of this Lithoboly. They did affirm, that as they were standing in the Porch-Chamber Window, they faw, as it were, a Perfon putting out a Hand out of the Hall Window, as throwing Stones toward the Porch or Entry; and we all know no Perfon was in the Hall except, at that instant, my felf and another, having fearch'd diligently there, and wondring whence thofe fhould come that were about the fame time drop'd near us; fo far we were from doing it our felves, or feeing any other there to do it.

On Monday Night, about the Hour it first began there, were more Stones thrown in the Kitchin, and down the Chimney, one Captain Barefoot, of the Council for that Province, being prefent, with others; and alfo (as I was going up to Bed) in an upper Chamber, and down thofe Stairs.

Upon Tuefday Night, about Ten, fome five or fix Stones were feverally thrown into the Maid's Chamber near the Kitchin, and the Glafs-Windows broke in three new places, and one of the Maids hit as fhe lay. At the fame time was heard by them, and two young Men in the Houfe, an odd, difmal fort of Whistling, and thereupon the Youths ran out, with intent to take the fuppos'd Thrower of Stones, if poffible; and on the back-fide near the Window they heard the Noife (as they faid) of fomething stepping a little way before them, as it were the trampling of a young Colt, as they fancied, but faw nothing; and going on, could difcover nothing but that the Noife of the stepping or trampling was ceas'd, and then gone on a little before.

On Saturday Morning I found two Stones more on the Stairs; and fo fome were on Sunday Night convey'd into the Room next the Kitchin.

Upon Monday following Mr. Walton going (with his Men) by Water to fome other Land, in a place called the Great Bay, and to a Houfe where his Son was placed, they lay there that Night, and the next Morning had this Adventure. As the Men were all at work in the Woods, felling Wood, they were vifited with another fet of Stones, and they gathered up near upon a Hat-full, and put them between two Trees near adjoining, and returning from carrying Wood, to the Boat, the Hat and its contents (the Stones) were gone, and the Stones were prefently after thrown about again, as before; and after fearch, found the Hat prefs'd together, and lying under a fquare piece of Timber at fome distance from thence. They had them again at young Walton's Houfe, and half a Brick thrown into a Cradle, out of which his young Child was newly taken up.

Here it may feem most proper to inform the Reader of a parallel paffage, (viz.) what happened another time to my Landlord in his Boat; wherein going up to the faeme place, (the Great Bay) and loading it with Hay for his ufe at his own Houfe, about the mid-way in the River (Pafcataqua) he found his Boat began to be in a finking Condition, at which being much furpriz'd, upon fearch, he difcover'd the caufe to be the pulling out a Plug or Stopple in the bottom of the Boat, being fixed there for the more convenient letting out of the Rain-Water that might fall into it; a Contrivance and Combination of the old Serpent and the old Woman, or fome other Witch or Wizard (in Revenge or innate Enmity) to have drown'd both my good Landlord and his Company.

On Wednefday, as they were at work again in the Woods, on a fudden they heard fomething gingle like Glafs, or Metal, among the Trees, as it was falling, and being fallen to the Ground, they knew it to be a Stirrup which Mr. Walton had carried to the Boat, and laid under fome Wood; and this being again laid by him in that very Boat, it was again thrown after him. The third time, he having put it upon his Girdle or Belt he wore about his Waste, buckled together before, but at that instant taken off becaufe of the Heat of the Weather, and laid there again, buckled it was fetch'd away, and no more feen. Likewife the Graper, or little Anchor of the Boat, cast over-board, which caus'd the Boat to wind up; fo staying and obstructing their Paffage. Then the fetting-Pole was divers times cast into the River, as they were coming back from the Great Bay, which put them to the trouble of Padling, that is, rowing about for it as often to retrieve it.

Being come to his own Houfe, this Mr. Walton was charg'd again with a frefh Affault in the out-Houfes; but we heard of none within doors until Friday after, when, in the Kitchin, were 4 or 5 Stones (one of them hot) taken out of the Fire, as I conceive, and fo thrown about. I was then prefent, being newly come in with Mr. Walton from his middle Field, (as he call'd it) where his Servants had been Mowing, and had fix or feven of his old troublefome Companions, and I had one fall'n down by me there, and another thin flat Stone hit me on the Thigh with the flat fide of it, fo as to make me just feel, and to fmart a little. In the fame Day's Evening, as I was walking out in the Lane by the Field before-mentioned, a great Stone made a rufling Noife in the Stone-Fence between the Field and the Lane, which feem'd to me (as it caus'd me to cast my Eye that way by the Noife) to come out of the Fence, as it were pull'd out from among thofe Stones loofe, but orderly laid clofe together, as the manner of fuch Fences in that Country is, and fo fell down upon the Ground. Some Perfons of Note being then in the Field (whofe Names are here under-written) to vifit Mr. Walton there, are fubstantial Witneffes of this fame Stonery, both in the Field, and afterward in the Houfe that Night, viz. one Mr. Huffey, Son of a Counfellour there. He took up one that having first alighted on the Ground, with rebound from thence hit him on the Heel; and he keeps it to fhow. And Captain Barefoot, mentioned above, has that which (among other Stones) flew into the Hall a little before Supper; which my felf alfo faw as it first came in at the upper part of the Door into the middle of the Room; and then (tho' a good flat Stone, yet) was feen to rowl over and over, as it trundled, under a Bed in the fame Room. In fhort, thefe Perfons, being wonderoufly affected with the Strangenefs of thefe Paffages, offer'd themfelves (defiring me to take them) as Testimonies; I did fo, and made a Memorandum, by way of Record, thereof, to this effect. Viz.

Thefe Perfons under-written do hereby Attest the Truth of their being Eye-Witneffes of at least half a fcore Stones that Evening thrown invifibly into the Field, and in the Entry of the Houfe, Hall, and one of the Chambers of George Walton's. Viz.

        Samuel Jennings, Efq; Governour of West-Jarfey.
        Walter Clark, Efq; Deputy-Governour of Road-Ifland.
        Mr. Arthur Cook.
        Mr. Matt. Borden of Road-Ifland.
        Mr. Oliver Hooton of Barbados, Merchant.
        Mr. T. Maul of Salem in New-England, Merchant.
        Captain Walter Barefoot.
        Mr. John Huffey.
        And the Wife of the faid Mr. Huffey.

On Saturday, July 24. One of the Family, at the ufual hour at Night, obferv'd fome few (not above half a dozen) of thefe natural (or rather unnatural) Weapons to fly into the Kitchin, as formerly; but fome of them in an unufual manner lighting gently on him, or coming toward him fo eafily, as that he took them before they fell to the Ground. I think there was not any thing more that Night remarkable. But as if the malicious D‘mon had laid up for Sunday and Monday, then it was that he began (more furioufly than formerly) with a great Stone in the Kitchin, and fo continued with throwing down the Pewter-Difhes, &c. great part of it all at once coming clattering down, without the stroke of a Stone, little or great, to move it. Then about Midnight this impious Operation not ceafing, but trefpaffing with a continuando, 2 very great Stones, weighing above 30 pound a piece, (that ufed to lye in the Kitchin, in or near the Chimny) were in the former, wonted, rebounding manner, let fly against my Door and Wall in the ante-Chamber, but with fome little distance of time. This thundring Noife must needs bring up the Men from below, as before, (I need not fay to wake me) to tell me the Effect, which was the beating down feveral Pictures, and difplacing abundance of things about my Chamber: but the Repetition of this Cannon-Play by thefe great rumbling Engines, now ready at hand for the purpofe, and the like additional disturbance by four Bricks that lay in the outer-Room Chimney (one of which having been fo imploy'd the first Sunday Night, as has been faid) made me defpair of taking Rest, and fo forced me to rife from my Bed. Then finding my Door burst open, I alfo found many Stones, and great pieces of Bricks, to fly in, breaking the Glafs-Windows, and a Paper-Light, fometimes inwards, fometimes outwards: So hitting the Door of my Chamber as I came through from the ante-Chamber, lighting very near me as I was fetching the Candlestick, and afterward the Candle being struck out, as I was going to light it again. So a little after, coming up for another Candle, and being at the Stare-foot door, a wooden Mortar with great Noife struck against the Floor, and was just at my Feet, only not touching me, moving from the other end of the Kitchin where it ufed to lye. And when I came up my felf, and two more of the fame Houfe, we heard a Whistling, as it were near us in the outer Room, feveral times. Among the rest of the Tools made ufe of to disturb us, I found an old Card for dreffing Flax in my Chamber. Now for Monday Night, (June 26) one of the feverest. The disturbance began in the Kitchin with Stones; then as I was at Supper above in the ante-Chamber, the Window near which I fate at Table was broke in 2 or 3 parts of it inwards, and one of the Stones that broke it flew in, and I took it up at the further end of the Room. The manner is obfervable; for one of the fquares was broke into 9 or 10 fmall fquare pieces, as if it had been regularly mark'd out into fuch even fquares by a Workman, to the end fome of thefe little pieces might fly in my Face, (as they did) and give me a furprize, but without any hurt. In the mean time it went on in the Kitchin, whither I went down, for Company, all or most of the Family, and a Neighbour, being there; where many Stones (fome great ones) came thick and threefold among us, and an old howing Iron, from a Room hard by, where fuch Utenfils lay. Then, as if I had been the defign'd Object for that time, most of the Stones that came (the fmaller I mean) hit me, (fometimes pretty hard) to the number of above 20, near 30, as I remember, and whether I remov'd, fit, or walk'd, I had them; and great ones fometimes lighting gently on me, and in my Hand and Lap as I fate, and falling to the Ground, and fometimes thumping against the Wall, as near as could be to me, without touching me. Then was a Room over the Kitchin infefted, that had not been fo before, and many Stones greater than ufual lumbring there over our Heads, not only to ours, but to the great Disturbance and Affrightment of fome Children that lay there. And for Variety, there were fometimes three great, distinct Knocks, fometimes five fuch founds as with a great Maul, reiterated divers times.

On Tuefday Night (June 28) we were quiet; but not fo on Wednefday, when the Stones were play'd about in the Houfe. And on Thurfday Morning I found fome things that hung on Nails on the Wall in my Chamber, viz. a Spherical Sun-Dial, &c. lying on the Ground, as knock'd down by fome Brick or Stone in the ante-Chamber. But my Landlord had the worst of that Day, tho' he kept the Field, being there invifibly hit above 40 times, as he affirm'd to me, and he receiv'd fome fhrowd hurtful Blows on the Back, and other Parts, which he much complained of, and faid he thought he fhould have reafon to do, even to his dying day; and I obferv'd that he did fo, he being departed this Life fince.

Befides this, Plants of Indian Corn were struck up by the Roots almost, just as if they had been cut with fome edged Instrument, whereas re vera they were feen to be eradicated, or rooted up with nothing but the very Stones, altho' the injurious Agent was altogether unfeen. And a fort of Noife, like that of Snorting and Whistling, was heard near the Men at Work in the Fields many times, many whereof I my felf, going thither, and being there, was a Witnefs of; and parting thence I receiv'd a pretty hard Blow with a Stone on the Calf of my Leg. So it continued that day in two Fields, where they were feverally at Work: and my Landlord told me, he often heard likewife a humming Noife in the Air by him, as of a Bullet difcharg'd from a Gun; and fo faid a Servant of his that work'd with him.

Upon Saturday, (July 1) as I was going to vifit my Neighbour Capt. Barefoot, and just at his Door his Man faw, as well as my felf, 3 or 4 Stones fall just by us in the Field, or Clofe, where the Houfe stands, and not any other Perfon near us. At Night a great Stone fell in the Kitchin, as I was going to Bed, and the Pewter was thrown down; many Stones flew about, and the Candles by them put out 3 or 4 times, and the Snorting heard; a Negro Maid hit on the Head in the Entry between the Kitchin and Hall with a Porringer from the Kitchin: alfo the preffing-Iron clattered against the Partition Wall between the Hall and a Chamber beyond it, where I lay, and Mr. Randolph, His Majesty's Officer for the Customs, &c.

Some few stones we had on Sunday Morning, (July 2) none at Night. But on Monday Morning (the 3d) both Mr. Walton, and 5 or 6 with him in the Field, were affaulted with them, and their Ears with the old Snorting and Whistling. In the Afternoon Mr. Walton was hit on the Back with Stones very grievoufly, as he was in his Boat that lay at a Cove fide by his Houfe. It was a very odd prank that was practis'd by the Devil a little while after this. One Night the Cocks of Hay, made the Day before in the Orchard, was fpread all abroad, and fome of the Hay thrown up into the Trees, and fome of it brought into the Houfe, and fcatter'd. Two logs that lay at the Door, laid, one of them by the Chimny in the Kitchin; the other fet against the Door of the Room where Mr. Walton then lay, as on purpofe to confine him therein: A Form that stood in the Entry (or Porch) was fet along by the Fire fide, and a joint Stool upon that, with a Napking fpread thereon, with two Pewter Pots, and two Candlesticks: A Cheefe-Prefs likewife having a Spit thrust into one of the holes of it, at one end; and at the other end of the Spit hung an Iron Kettle; and a Cheefe was taken out, and broke to pieces. Another time, I full well remember 'twas on a Sunday at Night, my Windows was all broke with a violent fhock of Stones and Brick-bats, which fcarce mifs'd my felf: among thefe one huge one made its way through the great fquare or fhafh of a Cafement, and broke a great hole in it, throwing down Books by the way, from the Window to a Picture over-against it, on the other fide of the Chamber, and tore a hole quite through it about half a foot long, and the piece of the Cloth hung by a little part of it, on the back-fide of the Picture.

After this we were pretty quiet, faving now and then a few Stones march'd about for Exercife, and to keep (as it were) the Diabolical hand in ufe, till July 28, being Friday, when about 40 Stones flew about, abroad, and in the Houfe and Orchard, and among the Trees therein, and a Window broke before, was broke again, and one Room where they never ufed before.

August 1. On Wednefday the Window in my ante-Chamber was broke again, and many Stones were plaid about, abroad, and in the Houfe, in the Day-time, and at Night. The fame Day in the Morning they tried this Experiment; they did fet on the Fire a Pot with Urin, and crooked Pins in it, with defign to have it boil, and by that means to give Punifhment to the Witch, or Wizard, (that might be the wicked Procurer or Contriver of this Stone Affliction) and take off their own; as they had been advifed. This was the Effect of it: As the Liquor begun to grow hot, a Stone came and broke the top or mouth of it, and threw it down, and fpilt what was in it; which being made good again, another Stone, as the Pot grew hot again, broke the handle off; and being recruited and fill'd the third time, was then with a third Stone quite broke to pieces and fplit; and fo the Operation became frustrate and fruitlefs.

On August 2. two Stones in the Afternoon I heard and faw my felf in the Houfe and Orchard; and another Window in the Hall was broke. And as I was entring my own Chamber, a great fquare of a Cafement, being a foot fquare, was broke, with the Noife as of a big Stone, and pieces of the Glafs flew into the Room, but no Stone came in then, or could be found within or without. At Night, as I, with others, were in the Kitchin, many more came in; and one great Stone that lay on a Spinning-Wheel to keep it steady, was thrown to the other fide of the Room. Several Neighbours then prefent were ready to testifie this Matter.

Upon August 3. On Thurfday the Gate between my faid Landlord and his Neighbour John Amazeen was taken off again, and thrown into Amazeen's Field, who heard it fall, who averr'd it then made a Noife like a great Gun.

On Friday the 4th, the Fence against Mr. Walton's Neighbour's Door, (the Woman of whom formerly there was great Sufpicion, and thereupon Examination had, as appears upon Record); this Fence being malicioufly pull'd down to let in their Cattel into his Ground; he and his Servants were pelted with above 40 Stones as they went to put it up again; for fhe had often threatned that he fhould never injoy his Houfe and Land. Mr. Walton was hit divers times, and all that Day in the Field, as they were Reaping, it ceas'd not, and their fell (by the Mens Computation) above an hundred Stones. A Woman helping to Reap (among the rest) was hit 9 or 10 times, and hurt to that degree, that her left Arm, Hip, Thigh, and Leg, were made black and blue there with; which fhe fhowd to the Woman, Mrs. Walton, and others. Mr. Woodbridge, a Divine, coming to give me a Vifit, was hit about the Hip, and one Mr. Jefferys a Merchant, who was with him, on the Leg. A Window in the Kitchin that had been much batter'd before, was now quite broke out, and unwindow'd, no Glafs or Lead at all being left: a Glafs Bottle broke to pieces, and the Pewter Difhes (about 9 of them) thrown down, and bent.

On Saturday the 5th, as they were Reaping in the Field, three Sickles were crack'd and broke by the force of thefe lapidary Instruments of the Devil, as the Sickles were in the Reapers hands, on purpofe (it feems) to obstruct their Labour, and do them Injury and Damage. And very many Stones were cast about that Day; infomuch, that fome that affisted at that Harvest-Work, being struck with them, by reafon of that Disturbance left the Field, but were follow'd by their invifible Adverfaries to the next Houfe.

On Sunday, being the 6th, there fell nothing confiderable, nor on Monday, (7th) fave only one of the Children hit with a Stone on the Back. We were quiet to Tuefday the 8th. But on Wednefday (9th) above 100 Stones (as they verily thought) repeated the Reapers Difquiet in the Corn-Field, whereof fome were affirm'd by Mr. Walton to be great ones indeed, near as big as a Man's Head; and Mrs. Walton, his Wife, being by Curioufity led thither, with intent alfo to make fome Difcovery by the most diligent and vigilant Obfervation fhe could ufe, to obviate the idle Incredulity fome inconfiderate Perfons might irrationally entertain concerning this venefical Operation; or at least to confirm her own Sentiments and Belief of it. Which fhe did, but to her Cost; for fhe received an untoward Blow (with a Stone) on her Shoulder. There were likewife two Sickles bent, crack'd, and difabled with them, beating them violently out of their Hands that held them; and this reiterated three times fucceffively.

After this we injoy'd our former Peace and Quiet, unmolested by thefe stony Disturbances, that whole Month of August, excepting fome few times; and the last of all in the Month of September, (the beginning thereof) wherein Mr. Walton himfelf only (the Original perhaps of this strange Adventure, as has been declared) was the defigned concluding Sufferer; who going in his Canoo (or Boat) from the Great Ifland, where he dwelt, to Portfmouth, to attend the Council, who had taken Cognizance of this Matter, he being Summoned thither, in order to his and the Sufpect's Examination, and the Courts taking Order thereabout, he was fadly hit with three pebble Stones as big as ones Fist; one of which broke his Head, which I faw him fhow to the Prefident of the Council; the others gave him that Pain on the Back, of which (with other like Strokes) he complained then, and afterward to his Death. 

Who, that perufes thefe pr‘ternatural Occurrences, can poffibly be fo much an Enemy to his own Soul, and irrefutable Reafon, as obftinately to oppofe himfelf to, or confufedly fluctuate in, the Opinion and Doctrine of Daemons, or Spirits, and Witches? Certainly he that do's fo, must do two things more: He must temerarioufly unhinge, or undermine the Fundamentals of the best Religion in the World; and he must difingenuoufly quit and abandon that of the Three Theologick Virtues or Graces, to which the great Doctor of the Gentils gave the Precedence, Charity, through his Unchristian and Uncharitable Incredulity.



-- pictures of the George Walton house