HMS Alexandria

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Alexandria, 1806
Type: 5th rate ; Armament 32
Launched : 1806 ; Disposal date or year : 1818

1805 Building

22 Aug 1806 ship's boats unable, in the dark of the night, to discover their quarry and returned on board empty handed.

23 Aug 1806 ship's boats of the Alexandria, towed a part way to their destination by the Gracieuse, being unable to cut out the vessels they were seeking had to destroy them where they lay.

25 Nov 1808 in company with the hired armed ship Hebe captured the Danish vessel Erndte.

Leith, May 18 1813 departed for Greenland.

19-23 Jun 1813 Alexandria and Spitfire discovered the US frigates President in lat. 71� 52' N., lon. 20� 18' E, and departed in chase.

Leith 14 Aug 1813 The Alexandria frigate and Spitfire sloop of war departed this morning on a cruize.

8 Oct 1813 arrived in Leith Roads from off the North Cape.