HMS Bulldog

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Bulldog, 1782
Type: Bomb ; Armament : 8 and 2 mortars,
Completed : 1782 ; Disposal date or year : 1829

March and April 1794, operations at the Islands of Martinique, St. Lucia, and Guadaloupe.

27 Apr 1796 Sainte-Lucie. A squadron, including the Bulldog, George Frederick Ryves, arrived with troops, to reduce the Island, which was achieved by 26 May.

28 Nov 1798, when in company with the Santa Dorotea, Strombola, and Perseus, captured a Spanish man of war brig, 16, and 88 men off Alboran.

2 Feb 1799 arrived off Alexandria. On the following days the bomb-vessels stood towards the town throwing in their shells as they approached.

7 Mar 1799 departed to join Nelson off Palermo.

18 Mar 1799 arrived at Palermo from off Alexandria.

1 - 2 May 1800 prize money resulting from the operations at the Islands of Martinique, St. Lucia, and Guadaloupe due for payment.

11 Sep 1800 on the Lisbon, Gibraltar, and Mediterranean Station, (Capt. B. Dacres).

12 October 1800 captured on the Mediterranean station, the French Vessel Jeune Alexandrini, from Toulon bound to Barcelona, laden with 4,000 x 4-Pounder and 1,500 x Eight-Pounder shot ; and 791 muskets.

27 Feb 1801 captured at Ancona, having entered unaprized of its being in the possession of the French. Captain Barrington Dacres.

25 May 1801 captured a small vessel just out of Ancona, and attempted to re-capture the late British bomb-vessel Bulldog.

Sep 1801 re-captured the late British bomb-vessel Bulldog.

17 Sep 1801, Gulf of Tarento, the Mercury having received Information that HM late sloop the Bull Dog had departed from Ancona on the 25 of August, with several trabacolos for Egypt or Tarento, laden with cannon, powder, shot, &c. I went immediately in pursuit of them with the Champion; and on the morning of the 15th, just entering the Gulf of Tarento, we had the satisfaction to discover the St. Dorothea in chase of the above-mentioned vessels, but at a very great distance to windward, and it was impossible to get near enough to keep sight of them after dark ; however we continued beating to windward all night, and at day-light the Champion made the signal for seeing them to leeward, close in with Gallipoli ; but she was unable to prevent their anchoring under the guns of the garrison ; this was, however, no check to the gallantry of Lord William Stuart, who persevered in a very distinguished manner, notwithstanding the fire from the batteries and the Bull Dog, until he had got close in under her stern, and then gave her so warm a return, that in a few minutes she hauled down her colours, and the cable being cut was soon without reach of the batteries. There were four trabacolos and a tartan with the Bull Dog, all of which had warped close to the walls of the garrison, except one trabacolo, which was also well in and defended by the batteries ; but the Mercury was enabled to get so near as to drop a boat and bring her off without mischief ; she is laden with brass mortars, field-pieces, &c. and was destined for Tarento. Lord William Stuart reports one man killed on board the Champion, and several shot in the masts and hull, chiefly from the batteries.

Circa 26 Dec 1801 Lieutenant Mansel, pro tempore, to the Bull Dog.

22 Apr 1802 arrived in the Solent, the Bull Dog, 16, from the Mediterranean, and put in quarantine on the Motherbank.

5 May 1802 now lying at Spithead, is ordered to be paid off, and is understood she will be laid up in ordinary in Portchester Lake.

Portsmouth 12 Dec 1829 Has been broken up this week