Hired Armed Cutter Earl St Vincent

Naval Database

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Earl St Vincent, 1801
Type: Brig ; Armament 16
Hired : 1801 ; Disposal date or year : 1801

26-28 Jan 1801 in company with the Oiseau, Amethyst, Sirius, Immortalite, and Atalante, at the capture of the French 36-gun frigate D�daigneuse, afterwards added to the British navy under the same name.

26 Aug 1801 arrived a French schooner, name not known, laden with culm, detained on the 6th inst by the brig Earl St Vincent, 16, the crew of the schooner having deserted the schooner.

4 Jun 1802 prize money resulting from the capture of the Dedaigneuse due for payment.