Hired Armed brig Hirondelle

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Hirondelle, 1804
Type: brig ; Armament 16
Taken : 1804 ; Disposal date or year : Mar 1808
Disposal Details : Wrecked near Tunis crew, except four, saved. Lt Joseph Kidd

May 1805 Mediterranean

31 Dec 1805 in company with the Spider captured vessel Andromeda. Unfortunately the problems with respect to prize money due for the Madonna, see next para., were also visited on this vessel.

23 Feb 1807 with the Glatton, captured the vessel Madonna.

24 Apr 1817 it was announced that copies of accounts of sale and proceeds' of the Madonna, to be lodged in the Registry of the High Court of Admiralty, on the 12 May 1817. Unfortunately though, for those entitled to the prize money from that time on things didn't seem to go as smoothly as they shoulda : the estate of the agent responsible for paying the prize money had gone bankrupt and therefore subsequent payments of the prize money were made in instalments, thus, presumably not amounting to the full sum due.
25 March 1822 notice was given that distribution of the dividends received by the Treasurer of this Institution, from the estate of Messrs Lark and Woodhead, in the undermentioned prize cases, will commence on 10 Apr next. Whether any dividends were paid in the interim I know not, but the final dividend of 5�d. in the pound due in this respect, didn't become due to be paid by the Examiner of Prize Accounts until 2 Jul 1850.

1 Mar 1807 ship's boats of the Glatton, covered by the Hirondelle, capture a former French corvette from the Turks in the port of Sigri.

4 Mar 1807 with the Glatton captured an unnamed Turkish vessel. Unfortunately the problems with respect to the prize money due for the Madonna, see above, were also visited on this vessel.