Boy's Manual Of Seamanship And Gunnery - Whippings

Boy's Manual of Seamanship and Gunnery


A Common Whipping

To whip the end of a rope (twine is generally used for this purpose) lay the end of the whipping in the lay of the rope, in the same direction as the end of the rope, pass a few turns of the whipping over its own end to keep it in place, then lay the other end of the whipping pointing in an opposite direction to the first, and on the top of the turns already passed, and pass the remainder of the turns on the bight round the rope, and the both ends of the whipping, hauling the end through when sufficient number of turns have been passed, to keep it taut in place, and cut it off.

The turns of the whipping are always passed up towards the end of the rope.

A West Country Whipping

Is used for putting a mark on braces, &c., bracing up mark on fore-brace. It is formed by middling the twine round the part of the rope to be marked, and half-knotting it at every half turn, so each half knot will be on opposite sides; when sufficient number of terns are passed, finish it off with w reef knot.

American Whipping

Is used for the ends of hawsers, as it is not so liable to come undone. It is commenced in the same way as a common whipping, bet finished off by having both ends out in the middle of the whipping, and forming a reef knot. This is done by leaving the first end out, when you commence to pass the turns on the bight over the last end.

A Sailmaker's Whipping, for Sennit, such as Topgallant and Royal Sea-Gaskets, or Jib-Tyers,

Is put on with a needle and twine. The needle is entered where the whipping is to commence, and the twine is drawn through the sennit, leaving about an inch of end, then pass a number of roundabout turns round the sennit, and over the end of the twine, so as to keep it in place ; when turns enough are passed, stick the needle through the sennit again, and pass two cross-turns from end to end of the whipping, passing the twine through the sennit with a needle at each turn - securing it with two half-hitches at the upper end of the whipping.

A Sailmaker's Whipping, which is used for the Reef Points of Fore and Aft Sails,

Is commenced in a similar way to the other, but these points being made of round rope, the twine is drawn through the lay of the point by a needle, leaving about an inch end, over which the roundabout turns are passed. After passing the last turn of the whipping, stick the needle through the lay of the rope, and pass a cross turn from end to end of the whippings through each lay of the rope, thus. forming three cross turns, and finish off with two half-hitches above the last turn; each point has two such whippings, the second being about 3 ins. from the first.

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