The Emigrant Ship Artemisia

The Emigrant Ship Artemisia

[We take the following from the Illustrated London News, of the 12th August, [1848]. The article is embellished with two spirited woodcuts, one of the Artemisia at anchor, and the other of the deck of the vessel. The same paper also contains an article descriptive of Moreton Bay.]

About a fortnight since we received an intimation that in a few days the first emigrant ship would leave the port of London for the new settlement of the Moreton Bay district of New South Wales, or Cooksland. There was promise of considerable interest in the announcement, more especially at the present time, when the experiment of emigration on a large scale is occupying so prominent a share of public attention. Accordingly we resolved to visit the vessel (the Artemisia) before her departure, and, by aid of one of our most accomplished artists, illustrate and describe the general economy of the subject.

We should first explain that it is not as generally known as it should be, that the Government give free passages (including food) to New South Wales and South Australia, to agricultural labourers, shepherds, female domestic and farm servants, and dairy-maids ; also, to a few blacksmiths, wheelwrights, carpenters, and other country mechanics. The vessels are first-class and proceed every month to Sydney and Port Phillip, in New South Wales ; and to Port Adelaide, in South Australia. The ships sail from London and Plymouth, where depots are fitted up for the emigrants.

The conditions may be learned from the Colonization Circular, issued by her Majesty's Colonial Land and Emigration Commissioners, so that we need not here enter into the details ; more especially as they have already appeared in our Journal, No. 102, for April 13, 1844.

We may, however, mention that the emigrants must be of good character, and recommended for sobriety and industry.

Each must provide himself with clothing, and, on being accepted, must pay �1, and 10s. for every child under fourteen, as some security that he will come forward and embark.

During the voyage they are placed under the exclusive superintendence of a surgeon, not only as their doctor, but as their sole superintendent ; and on their arrival a Government agent gives them advice as to wages, and places where they will get work. No repayment is required.

Full particulars are furnished at the Government Emigration Office, 9, Park-street, Westminster, or by the agents in most of the large towns.

The Colonization Circular may be purchased for 2d., of Mr. Knight, 90, Fleet-street ; of Messrs. Smith and Elder. Cornhill ; or, by order, of any bookseller. The last issued (No. 8) is in its third edition ; it is dated July 24, 1848. The next circular will appear in the spring of the ensuing year. We give this circumstantial information as much for the use of persons intending to emigrate as for those who are disposed to aid such individuals, by making for them the necessary inquiries, and superintending their departure.

Saturday, the 29th ultimo, was the day fixed for the departure of the Artemisia. She lay off the stairs adjoining the Royal Dockyard at Deptford, near which, also. is " the Depot." This is a house rented by Mr. Cooper, who receives here any persons who may produce an embarkation order for any ship chartered by the Government Commissioners. The premises are situated in Czar-street, Deptford, nearly upon the spot where Peter the Great, a century and a half ago, learned practical shipbuilding. There is a fine memorial of the circumstance in a wide-spreading mulberry tree, called to this day "Peter the Great's Tree," on the side of the street facing the depot. This, by the way, has more the character of a homestead than an official residence ; and, viewed with the mulberry tree, is a little bit of old English scenery, though the association is soon dispelled by a direction board inscribed " Emigration Depot." Here the applicants, provided they appear on the day specified in their order, are boarded and lodged at 2s. per day, paid by the Commissioners : they are kept until they have been examined as to the state of their health by the surgeon appointed to the ship in which they are to embark , and by Lieut. Lean, R.N., the emigration officer, or his assistant Mr. Smith, as to their answering the description given. of themselves as to their previous occupation. During their stay here, they are treated with kindness and attention. The above enquiries are, however, indispensable ; and should the applicants appear in every respect eligible for free passage, arrangements are made for berthing and messing the passengers ; a ticket with the number is affixed to his or her berth ; the bags and mess utensils are given out, and on the former is marked the number, so that each knows his or her berth, on going aboard. To each adult is also supplied bedding, which is put into the respective berths. These preliminaries usually occupy three days.

The Artemisia is a fine ship of 558 tons, spick-and. span new ; owner, Mr. A. Ridley ; captain, John Prest Ridley. On board we found Lieutenant Lean, whose obliging attention to our inquiries it is our pleasant duty to acknowledge.

The number of emigrants on board we ascertained to be as follows :



Married couples (42)


Male children


Ditto, (infants under twelve months)


Females (between 1 and 14)


Ditto infants


Single men


Single women




More passengers were to be taken on board at Plymouth.

It is not requisite to describe the interior of the vessel : the arrangement of the ship chartered by the Commissioners is generally the same, and that has been given and illustrated in our Number 102, page 230. The upper deck of the Artemisia is handsomely fitted, so as to accommodate passengers of the better class. Here we tasted the provisions for the emigrants, the biscuit, beef, and pork, and found them of excellent quality.

Soon afterwards, Lord Ashley arrived on board, and made the détour of the vessel. Among the emigrants were nine from the Ragged Schools in Westminster, in the promotion of whose philanthropic object his Lordship has evinced unceasing interest. There were seven boys and two girls : the eldest of the boys had been found in the street in a wretched condition, almost without clothing - he was sent to the Ragged School of the district, where be soon showed aptitude for learning, and now enjoys the benefits of a good plain education, fitting him for the duties of middle life. He and his companions are the first individuals from the Ragged schools that have left this country as colonists; they were sent out at the private expense of a lady and two gentlemen. The Government, we learn, are about to send to one of our colonies 150 individuals from other Ragged Schools of the metropolis.

Our artist has depicted the deck of the Artemisia, with several of the emigrants, and here and there leave-taking friends, &c. The passengers were agricultural labourers and artizans froth various parts of England and Scotland - from the infant in its mother's arms to those past midlife. It was curious to note how unconscious the children appeared of their new position, or rather how soon they had become accustomed to it. All save these seemed to be hard workers ; many who had scarcely reached manhood, bore the strong lines of care on their faces ; and any one who had not been apprised of the conditions on which they had obtained their passage, would have set them down among the industrious classes.

We now inspected the accommodation between decks, where a number of the passengers were seated - some playing with their children, others reading, and here and there might be seen one whose thoughtful air rather denoted sorrow for the past than fitting spirits for the future. We were glad to find so many books in hand: what a friend must a huge entertaining volume be upon a long voyage ! We were happy also to see the officers of the Prayer-book and Homily Society distributing their publications; what hopes must they nourish, in time of peril upon the waters. By and by came the dinner - the meat well cooked, and of good quality ; though, of course, the table had not all the snugness of the cottage meal. The parties were in " messes" of six or eight individuals ; and the comfort of the voyage is much studied by berthing near each other those who come from the same part of the country, and messing as nearly as possible those who are friends. The great order maintained on board is also indicated by the "Regulations" and " Dietary Scales" hung up in conspicuous places between decks.

The time had now arrived for Lord Ashley quitting the ship ; before which his Lordship took leave of each of the " Ragged " Scholars, receiving from each a promise to write to his Lordship, and acquaint him of their fortunes. As the boat conveyed the benevolent nobleman from the ship, there was a warmth of cheering which it was delightful to hear, and an earnest expression of gratitude upon many faces which it was delightful to witness. We should add that his Lordship declared himself highly gratified with his visit, a feeling in which all around him fully participated.

Towards evening the Artemisia made ready to sail ; our artist has represented the fine ship getting under way, fore-topsails set. and heaving up anchor, &c. She was next taken in tow by a steam-tug to Gravesend ; we proceeded in her a short distance, and then, with the heartiest wishes for a safe voyage, we bade adieu to the new ship freighted with so many anxious souls.

The emigrant ship signalled to the southward on Saturday evening last, was the Artemisia, 558 tons, Captain Ridley, from Plymouth the 15th August, bound for Moreton Bay, with 241 emigrants, Mr. G. K. Barton, Surgeon-superintendent. She hove too within three miles of the heads about 6, p.m., and made the signal for a pilot, when Mr. Gibson immediately proceeded to her. Upon getting on board, however, he was informed by the captain, who was ill in bed from a disease of the liver, that it was not his intention to come into this port, and that he wished him to remain on board the ship outside the Heads during the night, while the chief officer came up to Sydney to procure a chart of Moreton Bay. This Mr. Gibson declined doing, and advised the captain to allow him to take the vessel into harbour. Captain Riddle not falling in with Mr. Gibson's suggestion, the latter quitted the vessel, and had a narrow escape of losing his own life, and those of his boat's crew, for, on the boat entering the heads, a gale commenced from the southward, and a terrific sea instantly rising, the men were unable to pull against it. On two or three occasions they were almost buried in the sea; but fortunately, with a great deal of exertion, were enabled to run up North Harbour, where they encamped, for the night, returning to Watson's Bay on Sunday morning. The only recompense we believe Mr. Gibson received from Captain Ridley was �2.

SG & SGTL ; Vol 5 ; pages 300. 16 Dec 1848

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