Brompton Regis "The Blessed Virgin Mary" Parish Registers Events
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Surname     Christian  Spouse    Date of Marriage Reg No By Witness     Witness     Comments 
SADLEY Thomas Ann DAVEY 13 Jul 1795 176 banns Thomas Davey Mary Norman -
SADLEY Ann Francis WHITFIELD 23 Feb 1819 24 banns Ann Pasmore John How -
SADLEY Richard Elizabeth Baker 22 Oct 1846 55 banns William Follett Jonathon Weldon carpenter
SAGE Susannah Henry SPURWAY 25 Jun 1811 - licence James Perryman Richard Spurway Henry a widower x Bampton, Devon
SALTER Aaron Jane BLACKMORE 30 Dec 1782 132 banns William Blackmore James Blackmore Aaron x Kentisbeer, Devon
SALTER William Elizabeth GILLARD 06 Jan 1857 107 banns John Gillard Ann Gillard labourer
SATCHELL Susanna Thomas JOYCE 02 Feb 1795 175 banns Ann Satchell John Satchell Thomas a widower
SATCHELL Ann John MARSH 16 Aug 1796 184 banns Mary Marsh John Satchell John x Dulverton
SATCHELL John Elizabeth MARSH 23 May 1796 181 licence Susanna Joyce Thomas Joyce Elizabeth x Dulverton
SATCHELL Elizabeth Robert MELHUISH 02 Oct 1799 194 licence Thomas Vicary Ann Vicary Elizabeth a widow
SAUNDERS Rebekah Thomas TAKLE 30 Jul 1876 200 banns James Farmer Harriot Farmer labourer
SAUNDERS John Mary Jane CARTER 11 Aug 1880 222 banns T Takle Rebecca Takle gardener
SCOTT Elizabeth George CATFORD 21 Aug 1804 - banns James Perryman Joshua Scott George a widower
SCOTT James Sarah HOLE 17 Mar 1808 - banns Joseph Scott Elizabeth Catford -
SCOTT Sarah James BENN 18 Apr 1862 135 banns Joseph Scott Harriet Scott mason
SCOTT Eliza Joseph Mark HURFORD 25 May 1863 141 banns Joseph Scott Mary Ann Scott labourer x Withycombe
SCOTT Elizabeth Charles George CASE 08 Jul 1865 154 banns James Bevin Sarah Bevin miner
SCOTT Eliza Ann David RAWLE 10 Feb 1877 203 banns Thomas Jones Elizabeth Rawle blacksmith
SEALY Mary John DAVY 14 Jan 1663 - - - - -
SEAMAN John Joan CONYBEARE 08 May 1755 4 banns George Collard Samuel Coneybeer Joan x Skilgate
SEATHERTON Elizabeth John BAKER 14 Apr 1881 226 banns Charles Baker Jane Baker labourer
SHOPLAND John Elizabeth BLACKMORE 03 May 1764 57 banns William Blackmore John Shopland snr Elizabeth aka Betty
SHOPLAND John Mary TOUT 23 Oct 1851 85 banns John Tout Ann Tout labourer
SHOPLAND Rosa James BLACKMORE 11 Oct 1882 233 banns George Hole - carpenter
SHORNEY Robert Ann GAD 18 Apr 1861 133 banns Francis Shorney Sarah Gad labourer
SIDMAN George Sarah DAVY 24 Sep 1810 - banns James Perryman Betty Reed John aka SYDENHAM
SIMMES William Sarah BLACKMORE 26 Mar 1783 136 banns Mary Melhuish Robert Blackmore William aka SYMES
SIMMS George Elizabeth DAVY 30 Mar 1808 - banns Thomas Davey Mary Sims -
SIMS Jane Benjamin JAMES 08 Sep 1813 2 banns Elizabeth Purchase Elizabeth Sims -
SLOCOMBE Mary William HOWE 21 May 1770 83 banns Thomas Slocombe Ann Slocombe Mary a minor
SLOCOMBE Elizabeth George BOWDEN 20 Jan 1840 17 banns Sarah Moles John Gage labourer, both x Harford
SLOCOMBE John Ellen ATKINS 14 Apr 1864 149 banns James Slocombe Ann Slocombe labourer
SLOMAN Maria William COCKRAM 15 Oct 1859 122 banns William Salter Elizabeth Salter labourer x Cutcombe
SLOWCOMBE Anne William CHILCOTT 01 Jan 1827 52 banns Charlotte Purchase Lucy Bidgood widow & widower
SLOWCOMBE Mary Isaac TAKEL 15 Jan 1834 90 banns Henry Takle Elizabeth Takel -
SLOWCOMBE Susanna John TAKLE 11 Nov 1839 16 banns Elizabeth Slowcombe Thomas Sadley tailor, both x Harford
SMINNEY John Joan HEMBOROW 18 Apr 1731 - - - - Joan x Lydeard St Lawrence
SMINNEY William Mary TUCKS 24 Jul 1731 - - - - William x Treborow
SMITH Ann Abraham HARRIS 14 Jun 1761 40 licence John Melhuish James Hosegood Abraham x Wellington
SMITH Joan James CHAPPELL 12 Aug 1763 50 banns Matthew Mott James Hosegood James x Fitzhead
SMITH John Joan MOORE 07 Apr 1828 61 banns James Smyth Martha Jeffery widow & widower
SMITH John Mary QUARTLEY 31 Mar 1828 60 banns Thomas Crook Susanna Quartley -
SMITH Mary William RIDLER 11 Apr 1840 21 banns - - labourer
SMITH Agnes Thomas PRESCOTT 08 Aug 1845 43 banns Edward Trebble Grace Thorne labourer
SMITH James Elizabeth HANCOCK 05 May 1852 90 banns John Bale Jane Hancock labourer
SMITH Bessie George TARR 31 Dec 1883 237 banns Charles Smith Rebecca Perkins labourer
SNOW William Elizabeth QUICK 27 May 1782 129 banns William Blackmore Ann Quick William x Bradwinch, Devon
SOUTHCOMBE James Anne BAKER 22 Aug 1846 54 banns John Baker Eliza Howe labourer
SOUTHWOOD Jane Anthony BOSLEY 26 Mar 1803 - banns James Perryman John Bosley -
SOUTHWOOD Martha William CUTLAND 09 Apr 1846 50 banns James Down Jane How blacksmith
SOUTHWOOD Fanny George BLACKMORE 11 Jan 1849 66 banns Robert Lee Ann Southwood labourer
SOUTHWOOD Charlotte William DENSHAM 25 Dec 1872 181 banns John Densham Maria Densham labourer
SPENCER Samuel Mary WHITE 13 Mar 1791 167 licence William Blackmore William White Samuel x St Peter, Exeter
SPURWAY Henry Susannah SAGE 25 Jun 1811 - licence James Perryman Richard Spurway Henry a widower x Bampton, Devon
STADDON Rachel John BALL 22 Jan 1783 133 banns William Blackmore Mary Webber widow & widower
STARK Charlotte Edwin THOMAS 21 May 1876 197 banns Albert Thomas Ann Thomas labourer
STARK John Ann DUNN 25 Mar 1889 258 banns William Dyer Caroline Takle labourer, widow & widower
STARK William Mary Ann DUNN 25 Mar 1897 285 banns John Dunn Hannah Dunn labourer
STARR John Elizabeth TAKLE 21 Aug 1873 182 banns James Western Harriet Takle labourer
STEPHENS Robert Elizabeth LANGDON 18 Jun 1759 26 banns George Collard James Stephens -
STEVENS Robert Jane VEEN 30 Dec 1821 36 - John Sally Harriet Bullud aka WEEN
STEVENS Benjamin Elizabeth SYMES 15 Apr 1830 66 banns Robert Priscott Elizabeth Blackmore -
STEVENS John Joan BOUCHER 28 Oct 1830 69 banns Robert Priscott Mary Ann Stevens -
STEVENS Thomas Jane WENSLEY 28 Nov 1837 3 banns James Wensley Betsy Palmer labourer
STEVENS James Mary MIDDLETON 14 Dec 1847 60 banns Joshua Blackmore Mary Takle labourer
STEVENS Benjamin Margrett DIBBLE 27 Jun 1850 76 banns William Arnold Mary Arnold labourer
STEVENS William Ann WILSHER 02 Sep 1858 118 banns Charles Wilsher Mary Taylor labourer
STEVENS James Ann BAKER 21 Jan 1864 146 banns Samuel Gregory Eliza Burge labourer
STEVENS Bessie John DART 17 Apr 1878 213 licence John Rawle Jane Rawle smith, x Winsford
STEVENS Margaret Isaac Thomas MILTON 17 Apr 1880 220 banns William Stewart Mary Dyar labourer
STEVENS Robert Mary CORDING 16 Apr 1885 244 banns Gregory Cording Laura Phillips farmer
STEVENS Mary William Francis BAWDEN 28 Jan 1893 266 banns Thomas Tarr Ellen Bawden gardener
STONE Mary James HAIR 16 Dec 1755 5 licence George Collard Sarah Cox Mary a widow
STONE Sarah James HOSEGOOD 24 Sep 1757 15 banns George Collard Thomas Gage -
STONE Thomas Elizabeth BOZLEY 09 Sep 1763 51 banns Matthew Mott John Bagg -
STONE Betty Benjamin BRYANT 05 Jan 1764 56 banns Matthew Mott Thomas Perrrot Benjamin x Clatworthy
STONE Mary John TEMLET 08 Oct 1770 84 licence George Blackmore Thomas Lewis -
STONE Mary William HOWE 06 Jan 1778 108 banns William Blackmore John Pleass -
STONE Elizabeth George COX 25 Mar 1779 113 banns William Blackmore Robert Webber -
STONE George Joan HOW 19 Oct 1781 124 banns William Blackmore Thomas Langdon -
STONE George Elizabeth NORMAN 28 Jul 1783 138 banns William Blackmore Mary Stone widow & widower
STONE Elizabeth George BRYANT 08 Nov 1784 143 banns William Blackmore Robert Pearce Geo a minor aka CROCKER, Sus widow
STONE Benjamin Diana STUART 09 Apr 1787 154 banns William Blackmore Robert Webber Diana aka Dinah
STONE George Jane BASS 27 Mar 1787 153 banns William Blackmore Thomas Lewis George a widower
STONE Mary Christopher HAYES 05 Jan 1788 157 banns Marianne Blackmore Diana Stone -
STONE William Ann JONES 02 Nov 1798 189 banns Thomas Gage Jane Jones Ann x Upton
STONE Benjamin Elizabeth HERD 11 Apr 1821 35 banns Elizabeth Herd jnr James Perryman -
STONE James Isabella HOW 19 Oct 1857 112 licence Thomas How Harriet Beamer farmer
STUART Diana Benjamin STONE 09 Apr 1787 154 banns William Blackmore Robert Webber Diana aka Dinah
SURRIDGE John Mary GREENSLADE 13 Aug 1827 57 banns Ann Escott Henry Purchase -
SURRIDGE Martha Richard BARTON 08 Apr 1841 25 licence William Surridge Ann Barton farmer x Langford Budville
SURRIDGE James Catherine MELHUISH 12 May 1842 31 banns Thomas Melhuish Jane Melhuish shoemaker x Bampton
SURRIDGE Thomas Jane DOWN 06 Sep 1858 119 banns William Goss Elizabeth Surridge shoemaker
SURRIDGE Elizabeth Thomas Eli SUTTON 25 Dec 1875 194 banns W J Reed Mary Jane Reed labourer
SUTTON Thomas Eli Elizabeth SURRIDGE 25 Dec 1875 194 banns W J Reed Mary Jane Reed labourer
SUTTON Harriet James HOIL 10 May 1879 216 banns Isaac Sutton Maria Hoil miner
SWEET Charles Ellen EDWARDS 01 Sep 1863 143 banns Mary Jane Sydenham John Baker labourer
SWEETING Eleanor Robert LOVEWELL 02 Apr 1804 - banns James Perryman Ann Kerslake Robert a widower
SYDENHAM William Maria BLACKMORE 28 Aug 1839 12 banns James Hobbs Elizabeth Blackmore mason
SYDENHAM James Mary Anne DOWN 18 Feb 1842 28 banns John Down Betsey Down labourer
SYDENHAM Mary Jane William Thomas REEDY 13 Nov 1873 185 banns James Sydenham Jane Doare labourer
SYDENHAM Sarah James GOSS 30 Dec 1873 186 banns James Sydenham Maria Sydenham mason
SYDENHAM James Mary HOWE 19 Feb 1874 187 banns William Baker Elizabeth Howe mason
SYDENHAM Harriet John GOULD 04 Feb 1876 195 banns James Sydenham Sarah Goss labourer
SYDENHAM Robert Eliza HOBBES 19 Jul 1877 208 banns W J Reed Mary Jane Reed mason
SYMES Elizabeth Benjamin STEVENS 15 Apr 1830 66 banns Robert Priscott Elizabeth Blackmore -
SYMMS Mary Robert PRISCOTT 26 Dec 1809 - banns James Perryman Mary Evans -
SYMS John Mary HEARD 06 Mar 1840 18 banns William Sydenham Jane Heard shoemaker
TACKLE Thomas Mary Anne WENSLEY 17 Sep 1832 79 banns John Wensley Jane Wensley -
TAKEL Salome Thomas MIDDLETON 21 Aug 1780 120 banns William Blackmore Joseph Williams -
TAKEL Elizabeth James HART 09 Apr 1834 93 banns Henry Takle Charlotte Cole -
TAKEL Isaac Mary SLOWCOMBE 15 Jan 1834 90 banns Henry Takle Elizabeth Takel -
TAKLE Mary Thomas LYDDON 16 Oct 1757 16 banns George Collard James Hair -
TAKLE Mary William PURCHASE 03 Aug 1772 90 banns George Blackmore John James Mary aka TACKLE x Exton
TAKLE Thomas Elizabeth CAVILL 28 Feb 1772 88 banns George Blackmore Thomas Joyce Elizabeth aka Betty TACKLE
TAKLE Grace Archangel GAGE 24 Sep 1811 - banns James Perryman Thomas Takle -
TAKLE Elizabeth Ezekiel HEARD 11 Oct 1818 22 banns Martha Quartley James Perryman -
TAKLE John Susanna SLOWCOMBE 11 Nov 1839 16 banns Elizabeth Slowcombe Thomas Sadley tailor, both x Harford
TAKLE Mary James MILLS 21 Mar 1850 74 banns Charles Moles Elizabeth Patteson labourer, widow x Hartford
TAKLE Jane James WESTERN 26 Apr 1854 99 banns John Takle Sarah Heard labourer
TAKLE Charles Eliza TOUT 22 Sep 1859 121 banns George Barnes Charlotte Takle labourer
TAKLE John Jane DAVIS 08 May 1862 137 banns Isaac Takle Bessy Forgan labourer
TAKLE Mary Ann John BAKER 07 Oct 1865 155 banns Henry Wedlake Elizabeth Takle miner
TAKLE Isaac Charlott PERROTT 12 Oct 1865 156 banns John Takle Elizabeth Jones labourer
TAKLE Elizabeth John STARR 21 Aug 1873 182 banns James Western Harriet Takle labourer
TAKLE John Fanny GRIFFITH 11 Nov 1876 202 banns William Griffith Eliza Baker labourer
TAKLE Harriet John HOW 17 Aug 1876 201 banns John Stark Elizabeth Stark labourer
TAKLE Thomas Rebekah SAUNDERS 30 Jul 1876 200 banns James Farmer Harriot Farmer labourer
TAKLE Isaac Rose HILL 29 Sep 1897 287 banns Charles Wensley Maria Hill labourer
TAMBLYN Henry Ann TAYLOR 21 Oct 1827 58 banns William May George Holloway -
TAMSON William Ann YEANDLE 24 Jan 1757 11 banns George Collard John Blackmore William x Wiveliscombe
TAMSON Mary John PHILLIPS 25 Apr 1791 169 banns William Blackmore William Tamson -
TAR Mary Ann Jesse DELSCOLBE 15 Apr 1893 267 banns John Delscolbe Mary Jane Hanford labourer
TARR George Mary LANGDON ?? ??? 1698 - - - - day/month date un-readable
TARR John Mary QUICK 03 Sep 1758 23 banns George Collard Samuel Webber John aka HEARLY
TARR Joan Robert QUICK 14 Nov 1759 29 licence Martin Langdon John Pleass -
TARR Thomas Ann MIDDLETON 26 Oct 1759 28 licence William Chidzey Robert Quick both minors
TARR Elizabeth Andrew BLACKWILL 05 Mar 1777 101 banns George Blackmore Albert Tarr Andrew x Exton, Eliz. Aka HEARLY
TARR Grace James WINTER 19 Oct 1781 125 banns William Blackmore Thomas Langdon -
TARR William Jane TARR 10 Aug 1791 171 banns Robert Quick Elizabeth Moore -
TARR Jane William TARR 10 Aug 1791 171 banns Robert Quick Elizabeth Moore -
TARR Mary Robert HOW 29 Jan 1805 - licence Daniel Norman Joan Howe -
TARR Mary Anthony FISHER 28 Oct 1806 - banns James Perryman Mary Fisher Anthony x Crowcombe
TARR Martha James ALLEN 19 Oct 1807 - banns James Perryman John Tarr James x Crowcombe
TARR Thomas Elizabeth DOWN 31 Mar 1814 3 banns Mary Brewer John Down Thomas x Morpeth
TARR Jane John PASSMORE 27 Sep 1820 31 banns Ann Pasmore John Down widow & widower
TARR Joan William MOORE 12 Dec 1823 45 licence Anne Follett William Escott -
TARR James Anne HILL 17 Mar 1826 50 banns James How James Perryman -
TARR Anne Richard MOORE 25 Mar 1831 71 banns William Purchase Ann Purchase -
TARR Thomas Margaret HOWE 31 Oct 1836 103 banns Charles How Eliza How Thomas x Clatworthy
TARR William Charlotte DAVEY 15 Nov 1851 86 banns Thomas Burge Mary Burge mason
TARR George Elizabeth VEYSEY 30 Mar 1854 97 banns George Tout Ann Tarr labourer
TARR James Rebecca BROUGHTON 04 Dec 1860 128 banns Thomas Hole Susannah Tarr mason
TARR John Mary BROOKS 19 Sep 1870 173 banns William Tarr Mary E Tarr soldier
TARR William Mary Jane TARR 18 Aug 1875 193 banns James Tapp Fannie Tarr farmer
TARR Mary Jane William TARR 18 Aug 1875 193 banns James Tapp Fannie Tarr farmer
TARR William Eliza BURGE 17 Dec 1877 212 licence James Burge Elizabeth Cottrell mason, widower x Exton
TARR William Fanny TARR 28 Jan 1880 218 banns John Tarr Betsy Tarr innkeeper
TARR Fany William TARR 28 Jan 1880 218 banns John Tarr Betsy Tarr innkeeper
TARR Sarah Ann James HAYES 30 Oct 1883 235 banns John Tarr Betsy Tarr farmer
TARR George Bessie SMITH 31 Dec 1883 237 banns Charles Smith Rebecca Perkins labourer
TARR Ellen Thomas PAVIOUR 25 Nov 1897 289 banns George Tarr Emma Jane Paviour labourer
TAY William Joane GREENSLADE 11 May 1669 - - - - -
TAYLOR David Mary WITHILL 24 Apr 1670 - - - - -
TAYLOR Jane Thomas GAGE 10 Jul 1789 163 banns William Blackmore Mary Blackmore -
TAYLOR Ann Henry TAMBLYN 21 Oct 1827 58 banns William May George Holloway -
TAYLOR James Harriet PINE 13 Jul 1837 2 banns John Taylor Joan Gage both minors, James labourer
TAYLOR Ann William BRYANT 29 Aug 1850 78 banns Joseph Taylor Martha Taylor labourer
TAYLOR Mary Charles WENSLEY 12 Sep 1860 127 banns Richard Wensley Caroline Wensley carpenter
TAYLOR William Alice DENSCOMBE 13 Jun 1900 298 banns Richard Dunscombe Mary Goss labourer
TEMLET John Mary STONE 08 Oct 1770 84 licence George Blackmore Thomas Lewis -
TEMLETT Ann Joseph PHILLIPS 28 May 1764 58 banns Matthew Mott John Temlet snr Ann x Dunster
TEMLETT Mary John VENN 21 Nov 1768 78 banns George Blackmore George Brailey John a widower, Mary a minor aka CHORLEY
TEMLETT Elizabeth Ann Alfred John HOSEGOOD 27 Mar 1900 297 banns Robert Tudball Eliza Hosegood labourer
THOMAS Elizabeth John HAYES 22 Apr 1672 - - - - -
THOMAS Charles Martha PURCHASE 01 Jun 1830 67 licence Joseph Raols Sophia Purchase -
THOMAS Edwin Charlotte STARK 21 May 1876 197 banns Albert Thomas Ann Thomas labourer
THORN Joan John HOW 12 Apr 1705 - - - - -
THORN Amos Joan HOPPER 17 Jan 1706 - - - - Joan x Brushford
THORN Katharine William APPLIN 19 Mar 1759 25 banns George Collard Matthew Mott Wm x Brompton Ralph, Kath aka COLE
THORN Ann Matthew BOWDEN 02 Jun 1760 34 licence John Langdon James Hosegood Matthew x Bampton, Ann aka COLE
THORNE Marian John VEN 10 May 1636 - - - - Marian x Luxborough
THORNE Henry Joane JOYCE 18 Apr 1640 - - - - Henry x Marrians Leigh
THORNE Mary Robert VENN 28 Jul 1754 2 banns George Collard Nath Wood Robert a widower
THORNE Mary Robert EONN 28 Jul 1754 - banns - - Robert a widower
THORNE William Ann BOWDEN 22 Nov 1756 9 banns George Collard Henry Simms THORNE aka COLE
THORNE Thomas Ann VENN 24 Dec 1771 87 banns George Blackmore John Thorne -
THORNE Jane Thomas VENN 26 Mar 1781 122 banns William Blackmore Mary Melhuish Thomas aka WEEN
THORNE Thomas Sarah GADD 01 May 1799 192 banns William Blackmore Ann Cooksley Thomas x Freborough
THORNE Grace John PITTS 21 Oct 1807 - banns James Perryman Joan Thorne -
THORNE George Sarah BOSLEY 30 Dec 1816 10 banns Mary Bosley James Perryman -
THORNE William Mary BLACKMORE 28 Jul 1842 33 banns Joshua Blackmore Elizabeth Whitfield carpenter & widower x Upton
THORNE James Caroline VENN 01 Apr 1858 115 banns Michael Thorne Maria Venn labourer
THORNE William Perry Sarah HOBBS 25 Sep 1878 214 banns John Bistow Elizabeth Hill blacksmith
THORNE William Emma Jane LOCK 17 Feb 1886 250 banns William Tarr Elizabeth Tarr labourer
THORNE Emma Edward COLEMAN 28 Mar 1888 255 banns Alfred Colman Alice Hunt labourer
TIDBEALD John Mary PALMER 27 Dec 1841 27 banns Harriet Tidbeald James Dream farmer x Withypool
TIMEWELL Francis Jane HOW 02 Apr 1789 160 licence Mary Baker John How Francis x Brushford
TODD Thomas Mary Louisa LUCAS 08 Aug 1805 - licence Stucley Lucas Caroline Lucas Thomas the Parish Clerk
TONKIN William Ann LEWIS 28 Feb 1805 - licence James Perryman Sarah Rice William x StAgnes, Cornwall
TOOZE Catherine John HOW 06 Aug 1810 - banns James Perryman Sarah Tooze -
TOUT James Dorothy HOW 24 Mar 1774 93 banns Margaret How Matthew How James x Dulverton
TOUT Ann John BRYANT 27 Aug 1782 130 licence William Blackmore Jesse Hosegood John x Wiveliscombe
TOUT Thomas Florence VICARY 28 Jun 1796 183 banns William Vicary Elizabeth Vicary -
TOUT Richard Elizabeth VICARY 26 Aug 1804 - banns James Perryman Joan Vicary -
TOUT James Mary MELHUISH 17 Nov 1819 28 licence Margaret Melhuish James Melhuish -
TOUT William Florence WEBBER 06 Jun 1824 46 banns Harriet Tout James Perryman -
TOUT William Maria DAVEY 14 Mar 1827 53 banns John Surridge Mary Greenslade William a widower
TOUT Harriet William BOUCHER 05 Jun 1830 68 banns Thomas Tout Harriet Tout -
TOUT Thomas Martha DARBY 23 Jan 1832 76 banns George Court Harriet Tout -
TOUT Harriet Richard GOULD 10 Feb 1834 91 banns Mary Jeffery James Tout -
TOUT Mary John SHOPLAND 23 Oct 1851 85 banns John Tout Ann Tout labourer
TOUT Ann Thomas Smith BLACKWILL 11 Aug 1854 101 banns Robert Tarr Mary Blackwill tailor
TOUT Mary Anne Robert BLACKMORE 24 Dec 1857 114 banns Thomas Tout Emily Tout shoemaker
TOUT George Elizabeth LYDDON 29 Jul 1858 117 banns Charles Takle Eliza Tout labourer
TOUT Eliza Charles TAKLE 22 Sep 1859 121 banns George Barnes Charlotte Takle labourer
TOUT George Hannah BUDD 28 Jan 1864 147 banns James Browne M J Greenslade thatcher & widower
TOUT Eva Walter HARRIS 22 Jul 1882 232 banns Elizabeth Tout Charles Baker smith
TOUT William Elizabeth Esther TOUT 05 Feb 1885 243 banns William Goss Ellen Tout mason
TOUT Elizabeth Esther William TOUT 05 Feb 1885 243 banns William Goss Ellen Tout mason
TREBBLE Edward Elizabeth HOBBS 18 Apr 1848 62 banns Jane Hobbs John ?? labourer
TREBLE Jane Thomas HOWE 03 Jul 1837 1 banns John How Mary Anne How Tho. widower & tailor
TRIMBY George Mary WEBBER 02 Oct 1793 174 licence John Webber Alice Pepper George x London
TUCKER William Mary MELTON 01 May 1816 9 banns William Tarr James Perryman -
TUCKS Mary William SMINNEY 24 Jul 1731 - - - - William x Treborow
TUDBALL John Joan PEARCE 06 Mar 1780 117 banns John Pearce John Clendon -
TUDBALL Thomas Mary WEBBER 17 Apr 1817 11 banns William Webber James Perryman -
TUDBALL Elizabeth Thomas BAKER 22 Apr 1863 140 banns Thomas Farmer Diana Tudball labourer
TYLER George Mary Jane JEFFERIES 21 Apr 1874 189 banns Andrew Mailer Elizabeth Mailer gamekeeper, MJ x Richfont, Wilts

Updated 16 May 2003

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