Mediterranean Station - Health of the Navy - 1864

Health of the Navy 1864

Mediterranean Station

Table No. 1

Showing the number of cases of all diseases and injuries, and the number of invalided and dead, with the ratio per 1,000 of force.

Disease or Injury. Number of Cases Ratio per 1,000 of Force Number Invalided. Ratio per 1,000 of Force Number Dead Ratio per 1,000 of Force
Continued and Remittent Fever 611.00 77.10 8.00 1.00 9.00 1.10
Intermittent Fever 114.00 14..3 3.00 0.30 - -
Small-pox 9.00 1.10 - - - -
Measles 24.00 3.00 - - - -
Scarlatina 17.00 2.10 - - 1.00 0.10
Disease of the Brain 5.00 0.60 6.00 0.70 2.00 0.20
Apoplexy 2.00 0.20 - - 1.00 0.10
Epilepsy 30.00 3.70 16.00 2.00 - -
Paralysis 8.00 1.00 1.00 0.10 1.00 0.10
Insanity 7.00 0.80 5.00 0.60 - -
Delirium Tremens 32.00 4.00 - - 3.00 0.30
Neuralgia 20.00 2.50 1.00 0.10 - .-
Vertigo 43.00 5.40 - - - -
Somnambulism - - 1.00 0.10 - -
Inflammation of the Lungs and Pleura 100.00 12.60 11.00 1.30 1.00 0.10
Phthisis and Haemoptysis 75.00 9.40 60.00 7.50 12.00 1.50
Influenza and Catarrh 1,004.00 126.70 - - - -
Cynanche 425.00 53.60 - - - -
Asthma 2.00 0.20 1.00 1.00 - -
Mumps 4.00 0.50 - - - -
Disease of the Heart, Functionall and Organic 58.00 7.30 21.00 2.60 5.00 0.60
Haemorrhoids 42.00 5.30 - - - -
Varix 11.00 1,3 5.00 0.60 - -
Aneurism 1.00 0.10 - - - -
Disease of the Stomach and Bowels 6.00 0.70 - - 2.00 0.20
Dysentery 15.00 1.80 - - - -
Diarrhoea 676.00 85.30 3.00 0.30 - -
Constipation and Colic 103.00 13.00 - - - -
Disease of the Liver 3.00 0.30 - - - -
Jaundice 21.00 2.60 - - - -
Disease of the Bladder and Kidneys 9.00 1.10 - - - -
Syphilis 280.00 35.30 5.00 0.60 - -
Gonorrhcea 81.00 10.20 - - - -
Orchitis 106.00 13.30 2.00 0.20 - -
Stricture 24.00 3.00 4.00 0.50 - -
Incontinence of Urine, &c. 8.00 1.00 5.00 0.60 - -
Rheumatism 652.00 82.30 45.00 5.60 - -
Gout 3.00 0.30 - - - -
Disease of the Bones and Joints 19.00 2.30 7.00 0.80 -- -
Inflammation of the Eyes 78.00 9.80 1.00 0.10 - -
Amaurosis and Cataract 5.00 0.60 8.00 1.00 - -
Otitis and Deafness 53.00 6.70 4.00 0.50 - -
Erysipelas 34.00 4.20 1.00 0.10 1.00 0.10
Scrofula 11.00 1.30 1.00 0.10 - -
Bubo (Symp.) 63.00 7.90 - - - -
Phlegmon and Abscess 2,244.00 283.30 5.00 0.60 - -
Ulcer 777.00 98.10 20.00 2.50 - -
Psora 121.00 15.20 - - - -
Eruptions, &c. 154.00 19.40 1.00 0.10 - -
Dyspepsia and Debility 373.00 47.00 14.00 1.70 - -
Scurvy 4.00 0.50 - - - -
Dropsy 10.00 1.20 - - 1.00 0.10
Worms 14.00 1.70 - - - -
Headache, &c. 61.00 7.70 1.00 0.10 - -
Cancer 1.00 0.10 - - - -
Wounds and Injuries 2,057.00 259.70 20.00 2.50 8.00 1.00
Burns and Scalds 71.00 8.90 - - - -
Hernia 5.00 0.60 5.00 0.60 - -
Drowned - - - - 15.00 1.80
Poison 1.00 0.10 - - - -
Colica Pictonum 4.00 0.50 - - - -
T0TAL 10,791.0 1362.4 291.0 36.7 62.0 7.8

Last Updated on 24/01/2007

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