Grants of Land No Longer Available to Military or Naval Officers in North America

Grants of Land No Longer Available to Military or Naval Officers in North America

Military and Naval Officers:

The following official document has just been issued from the Colonial Office.-

"Downing-street, Colonial Department, 1834.

Sir,-I am directed by the Secretary of State to acquaint you, in reply to your letter of the ------, that grants of land are no longer made to military or naval officers proceeding as settlers to North America, but on producing to the governor of the province testimonials of unexceptionable character from the General Commanding-in-Chief, or from the Board of Admiralty, they will be entitled to a remission of the purchase-money in buying land, according to the undermentioned scale :

Field Officers of 25 years' service and upwards, In the whole �300 ;

Field Officers of 20 years' service and upwards, In the whole �250 ;

Field Officers of 15 or less years' service, in the whole �200 ;

Captains of 20 years' service and upwards, in the whole �2001 ;

Captains of 15 years' service or less, in the whole �150 ;

Subalterns of 20 years' service and upwards, in the whole �150 ;

Subalterns of 7 years' service or less, in the whole �100 ;

They will be subject to the usual conditions of actual residence and cultivation of the land purchased by them within a limited period. The expense of the passage to the Colonies is not defrayed by the Government in any case.-

I am, Sir, your most obedient servant.

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