Warrant Officers - Drawing Pay

Warrant Officers - Drawing Pay

Naval Regulations.

By the Commissioners for Executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, &c.

Whereas by the 12th article, page 134, of the Naval Instructions, it is directed that a warrant officer, on obtaining a certificate from the Captain of his accounts being clear, shall be entitled to draw his pay for the half year by bill on the back of such certificate ; and whereas, by Act 11, Geo. IV, cap. 20, sec. 32, gunners, boatswains, and carpenters are entitled to make an allotment of their pay, but are precluded by the same clause of doing both � that is, from allotting part of their pay and drawing bills for a part ; we do hereby desire and direct that the regulation above referred to, as to drawing bills for their pay, shall be restricted to such gunners, boatswains, and carpenters as have not allotted.

As, however, we are desirous that gunners, boatswains, and carpenters who may allot, and who are thereby precluded from drawing bills for their pay, shall have opportunities of providing themselves with necessaries, which the present monthly allowance of four shillings a man does not afford the means of doing, it is hereby directed that the following scale of monthly allowances to gunners, boatswains, and carpenters, bearing a proportion to their rate of pay and allotment, shall be, in future, established, in lieu of the six months� certificate to which they have heretofore been entitled, and paid to them by the purser, provided the amount of debt on the ship�s books for slops, &c., shall not, in the opinion of the Captain, make it unadvisable (sic.)to permit the officer to receive the full amount of such monthly allowance, viz.:-

  Monthly Pay Monthly Allotment Monthly Allowance,
a sum not exceeding.
Rate s. d. s. d. s. d.
1 7 15 4 4 4 0 1 10 0
2 7 0 0 3 15 0 1 5 0
3 6 4 8 3 7 0 1 2 0
4 5 9 4 2 19 0 1 0 6
5 5 1 8 2 15 0 0 18 0
6 4 14 0 2 10 0 0 16 0

Given under out hands this 26th day of March 1833.

T. M. Hardy,
G. H. L. Dundas.

To the respective Flag Officers, Captains, Commanders, Commanding Officers and Pursers of HM Ships and Vessels.

By Command of their Lordships.

John Barrow.

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