Navy List - June 1849

Ships Paying-Off

Men - Leave and Pay etc.

Admiralty, 1st September, 1946.

Circular No. 22.

In all future cases when any of Her Majesty's Ships are about to he paid off, their Lordships desire it may be distinctly explained to the Men, that if they choose to continue in the Service, they may have a Month or six weeks' leave of absence, during which time their Time and Pay will go on, and that they will be at liberty to join any of Her Majesty's Ships fitting out at any of the Ports upon their return from such leave.

Their Lordships further desire that every facility may be given to the men to deposit their Hammocks, Clothes, &c. in the Dock Yards during their stay on shore, in the manner prescribed by their Memorandum dated April 13, 1842, the object of which their Lordships desire may be fully impressed upon the men, and the Regulation strictly attended to.

By command of their Lordships,

H G. Ward

Entry of Men on Board Flag Ships after having been Paid Off.

Circular No. 59.
Admiralty 29 Jan 1850.

With reference to their Lordships Circular of 1 Sep 1846, No. 22, and to their General Orders of 5 March and 11 October 1849, signifying their Lordships' desire that when any of Her Majesty's Ships are about to be paid off, it may be distinctly made known to the Ship's Company that, if they wish to continue in the service, they may, if their certificates of character are satisfactory, have their names entered on the books of the Flag Ships at any of the Home Ports, with the ratings they formerly held, and be granted six weeks leave of absence, during which their Time and Pay will be continued ; and on their return from leave they will be at liberty to join any Ships fitting out at the Port they may select, provided they are found fit for the service ; and that if any circumstance should prevent their returning at the expiration of their leave, No R will be placed against their names, neither will they be deprived of any part of their servitude previous to their having been paid off : my Lords are pleased to extend the period of six weeks' leave, above mentioned, to the term of eight weeks.

My Lords are further pleased to direct, that if any of the ship's company should no, when about to be paid off, wish to avail themselves of the advantages held out in the above Orders, they will be entered on board the Flag Ship at any Port they may choose, provided they present themselves within a period of eight weeks from the date of their last discharge - that their certificates of character are satisfactory - and that they are found, after the usual examinations, fit for Her Majesty's Service ; and will be allowed Time and Pay from the date of such re-entry ; and may further be granted leave of absence, provided the same does not extend to a longer term than eight weeks, computing from the time they were paid off, and on their return from leave they may volunteer for such ships as they may select : and in the event of their not returning from leave at the period specified, no R is to be recorded against them. But Petty Officers, under these circumstances, can only be entered on the books of the Flag Ship as Able Seamen ; but may be re-entered at their former ratings by the Captain of any ship for which they may volunteer.

Men who, under the foregoing Order, avail themselves of the eight weeks leave, and who wish to re-enter at another Port than that at which they have been paid-off, are to have their names transmitted to the Commander-in-Chief, or Senior Officer, at such Port, according to the following form :

List of Men paid off from H.M.S ________ at __________ who are volunteers for further service, and whose names are to be entered on the books of the Flag Ship at _________.

Name Rating Character Date of Discharge Leave
A.C. Captain Fore-top Very Good 10 Jan 1850 8 weeks.

And the said list is considered to be sufficient authority for inserting their names on the books of the Flag Ship, their personal appearance being dispensed with.

The foregoing Orders have reference only to Petty Officers, Able and Ordinary Seamen, and Boys ; and do not apply to Cooks, Servants, Landsmen and Musicians.

Every facility is to be given to the men to deposit their Hammocks, Clothes, &c., in the Dock-yards during their stay on shore, as pointed out in their Lordships Memorandum dated 13 April 1842.

By Command of their Lordships,
J. Parker.

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