Naval history of Great Britain by William James - Lord Hood at Toulon


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Naval History of Great Britain - Vol I


British and French Fleets


On the 24th, also, the Colossus 74 arrived, with 350 Sardinian troops, from Cagliari. On the 28th 800 more arrived from Conti, in the Bedford and another 74, which had been detached to bring them ; and, on the same day, arrived Marshal Forteguerri from Naples, with the two 74-.gun ships Guiscardo and Tancredi, and four smaller vessels, having on board 2000 troops. On the 30th Rear-admiral Gell, having received his instructions from Lord Hood, sailed from Genoa with the St.-George, Bedford, and Captain, British line-of-battle ships, two British frigates and five sloops; one royalist French, three Spanish sail of the line, and eight or nine French or Spanish frigates and corvettes formed part of his squadron.

During the night of the 30th the republicans, availing themselves of a thick fog, surprised a detachment of Spanish troops, and thereby got possession of the heights of Pharon, immediately over Toulon. On the next day, however, just as they had established themselves in their new position, the French were driven from it, with great slaughter, by a detachment of Spanish, Sardinian, Neapolitan, and British troops, under the command of Brigadier-general Lord Mulgrave (who had arrived on the 6th), assisted by Rear-admiral Gravina and Captain Elphinstone. The republican forces were stated to have amounted to 1800 or 2000 men, and to have lost nearly three-fourths of the number in killed, wounded, and missing. The loss of the combined forces consisted of eight killed, 72 wounded, two missing, and 48 prisoners.

Napoleon Buonaparte was present in these attacks. The following anecdote of him is extracted from a French historical work: " Un jeune hornme de vingt-trois ans fut jugé capable et digne du commandement de I'artillerie; on la Iui confia. Ce jeune homme avait reçu une éducation toute militaire, et l'on remarquait déjà qu'un amour ardent pour la gloire enflammait le génie de Buonaparte. C'était lui-même. L'habileté et la hardiesse de ses dispositions se font remarquer. A l'attaque du fort Pharon, un commissaire de la convention critique et condamne la position d'une batterie. Buonaparte Iui dit avec fierté : Melez-vous de votre métier de représentant ; laissez-moi faire le mien d'artilleur : cette batterie restera à, et je réponds du succès." * The battery, it appears, did fully succeed, and Buonaparte received the applause of the generals present: shortly afterwards he was himself made a brigadier-general.

On the 5th of October a second division of 2000 Neapolitan troops, escorted by a Neapolitan 74, the Samnita, arrived at Toulon. On the 8th it was resolved to attempt the destruction of three batteries which the enemy had recently erected, one on the height des Moulins, and two to the southward, on the height de Reinier; and all of which forts, particularly the two latter, me

* Dictionnaire historique, tome iv., p. 131.

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