Colonies of the different powers


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Naval History of Great Britain - Vol I


Colonial Expeditions.


came within his reach, returning at proper intervals to right the vessel ; that, with the pike and musket, he killed or disabled several men, and continued his astonishing exertions for upwards of an hour and a quarter.*

Colonial Expeditions.

An enumeration of the principal colonies possessed by the several powers at war, as well as by those far from disinterested lookers-on, the neutral nations, may usefully precede the accounts which, under this head of the work, we purpose [sic] to give, but only, except where the navy is exclusively concerned, in a summary manner.

There were possessed in


Upper and Lower Canada; Settlements in Hudson's Bay; Provinces in Nova-Scotia and New Brunswick; Islands of Cape-Breton, Newfoundland, and St.-John, or Prince Edward ; the Magdalen islands, and the Bermudas or Somers islands.

France Small fishing islands of St.-Pierre and Miquelon, on the coast of Newfoundland.
England Island of Jamaica, Bahama islands, and the bay of Honduras, to leeward ; and, to windward, Barbadoes, Grenada and the Grenadines, Antigua, St.-Vincent, Dominique or Dominica, St.-Kitt's, or St.-Christopher's, Nevis, Montserrat, and the Virgin islands.
Holland Islands of Curaçoa and St.-Eustatia, and part of St.-Martin ; Dutch Guiana, on the coast of Terra-Firms, contiguous to the river Oronoko, with the settlements of Surinam, Demerara, Berbice, and Essequibo.
Spain Islands of Cuba, Trinidad, Porto-Rico, and the east part of St. Domingo and ; Mexico, Peru, East and West Florida, &c. ; great part of the east coast of South America; the rich settlements of Monte-Video and Buenos-Ayres on the Rio de la Plata, and part of the coast from that river to Cape Horn.
Portugal A large tract of country on the east coast of South America, including Pernambuco, Rio-Janeiro, St.-Salvador, and St.-Sebastian ; and from Para to the Rio de la Plata.
Denmark Islands of Santa-Cruz, St.-John, and St.-Thomas
Sweden Island of St.-Bartholomew.

Islands of Martinique, Guadeloupe, the Saintes, Désirade, Ste.-Lucie, Tobago, and Marie-Galante ; also part of St.- Domingo and St.-Martin ; French Guiana, or Cayenne, on the coast of Terra-Firma.

England Fort-James, on the river Gambia; Sierra-Leone; Cape-Coast Castle.

* The Jamaica House of Assembly, with its wonted liberality, as soon as the gallant conduct of the Antelope's officers and crew was made known, voted the sum of 500 guineas to be distributed among them.

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