1809 - Expedition to the Scheldt


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1809 Lord Collingwood and M. Ganteaume 141

instance), and by the notorious tardiness of the military commander-in-chief. The French say of the Earl of Chatham, that he was the most temporizing general in the British army, " le plus temporiseur des généraux de l'armée Britannique ; * and further, that " his countrymen reproached him with being occupied almost exclusively about his health and his turtle-soup, instead of troubling himself with the details of the expedition placed under his command." " Ses compatriotes lui ont fait le reproche de s'être occupé presque exclusivement de sa Santé et du soin d'avoir de bon bouillon de tortue, au lieu de se livrer aux details de l'expédition qui lui était Confiée. " We now quit the fogs and damps of the Scheldt, for the more genial climate of the Mediterranean.

The rival commanders-in-chief on that station were still, as at the close of the preceding year, Vice-admirals Ganteaume and Lord Collingwood. On or about the 26th of April, during the period of unavoidable absence on the part of the blockading fleet, a French squadron, of five sail of the line, two frigates, one corvette, and 16 brigs and settees, under the command of Rear-admiral Baudin in the 80-gun ship Robuste, sailed from Toulon roads with troops and provisions for the relief of Barcelona. It appear that the ships arrived there, landed their succours, and returned to Toulon in the middle of May, followed, at no very great distance, by the fleet of Lord Collingwood ; who, with 11 sail of the line, resumed the blockade of the port.

By the early part of October the fleet at anchor in Toulon road consisted of the following 15 sail of the line, exclusive of six Russian sail of the line, six or seven French frigates, and several armed transports and store-ships, either the whole fleet, or a division of it, waiting for a second opportunity to throw supplies into Barcelona.

130 Austerlitz Vice-adm. Zac.-J.-Théod. Allemand
Captain André-Louis Gaultier
  120   Majestueux Admiral Honoré Ganteaume
Captain Pierre-François Violette
Captain Romain Duranteau
Commerce-de-Paris    Rear-adm. Ju.- M. Cosamo-Kerjulien
Captain Gabriel-Auguste Brouard
80 Robuste Rear-adm. François-Andre Baudin
Captain François Legras
Donawerth Captain Louis-An: Cyprien Infernet
74 Ajax Captain Jean- Nicholas Petit.
Génois Captain Ant.-Marie-Fran. Montalan
Breslau Captain Joseph Allemand.
Bores Captain Gaspard Laignel.
Suffren Captain Auguste-François Louvel.
Annibal Captain L.- C.- A.- La Marre-la-Meillerie   
Magnanime Captain Nicolas Jugan
Danube Captain Antoine Henri
Lion Captain Eus.-Marie-Joseph Bonami
Ulm Captain C.-J.- César Chaunay Duclos

* Victoires et Conquêtes, &c., tome xix., p, 268

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