Medical Officers

Medical Officers

Circular, No. 188.

Admiralty, March 3rd, 1855.

The following Rules and Regulations have been established under Her Majesty's Order in Council, of 25th February last :

Medical Inspectors of Hospitals and Fleets to be entitled to the increased Full Pay of �2. 2s. a day, after five years' service in that rank.

The principle of retirement for Medical Inspectors and Deputy Inspectors is to be assimilated to that of Naval Surgeons, by allowing them to count the whole period of their service in the Navy, instead of limiting it to that period served us Inspector and Deputy Inspector respectively.

Scale of Pay and Half Pay for Inspectors and Deputy Inspectors of Hospitals and Fleets.

Rank Full Pay Half Pay
per diem per annum per diem per annum
�. s. d. �. s. d. �. s. d. �. s. d.
Inspectors of Hospitals and Fleets - 11 6 574 17 6 - 17 6 19 7 6
Inspectors of Hospitals and Fleets after 5 years service as such - 2 0 766 10 0 - 1 0 83 5 0
Deputy Inspectors of Hospitals and Fleets - 0 0 365 0 0 - 15 0 73 15 0
Deputy Inspectors of Hospitals and Fleets after 7 years service as such - - - - - - 0 17 6 19 7 6
With such further allowance when employed in Hospitals on shore as the Board of Admiralty may think proper.

Scale of Retiring Allowances for Inspectors and Deputy Inspectors

Active Service Retirement
per diem per annum
�. s. d. �. s. d.
Inspectors, from date of Promotion to the Rank (unless entitled to a higher rate by previous service). 0 17 6 319 7 6
Inspectors, after 20 years� service including 3 years as Inspector of Hospitals 1 1 6 392 7 0
After 25 years� service 1 4 3 442 11 3
After 30 years� service 1 7 0 492 15 0
After 35 years� service 1 9 8 541 8 4
After 40 years� service 1 12 6 593 2 6
Deputy Inspectors, from date of Promotion to the Rank (unless entitled to a higher rate by previous service). 0 15 0 273 15 .0
Deputy Inspectors, after 20 years� service including 3 years as Inspector of Hospitals 0 17 6 319 7 6
After 25 years� service 0 19 9 360 8 9
After 30 years� service 1 2 0 401 10 0
After 35 years� service 1 4 3 442 11 3
After 40 years� service 1 6 6 483 12 6

An intermediate grade between that of Deputy Medical Inspector of Hospitals and Fleets, and Surgeons, to be instituted and denominated "Staff Surgeons," it will consist of the following Officers, viz. :-

1st.- The Chief Surgeon of any of the Home Dock Yards, and of the Royal Marine Infirmaries, if not holding superior rank.

2nd.-The Surgeon and Medical Storekeeper of Naval Hospitals.

3rd.- The Surgeons in charge of Naval Hospitals whilst so employed.

4th.- The Surgeons of Ships bearing the Flag of a Commander in Chief on Foreign Stations, when no Deputy Inspector of Hospitals is borne on board, these last mentioned Officers under the 4th head to be allowed one shilling per diem, in addition to their established pay as Surgeons, such allowance together with the designation to cease on the Flag being struck, or on the Admiral ceasing to command in Chief.

By the existing Regulations Inspectors retire at 70 years of age, and Deputy Inspectors at 65, and Surgeons employed in the Dock Yard and Royal Marine Infirmaries, will be required to retire from those appointments on attaining the latter age.

The Full Pay of Assistant Surgeons on Sea Service to be increased according to the scale annexed:-

Scale of Increase to Sea Pay of Assistant Surgeons

  From To
  �. s. d. �. s. d.
In ships where no surgeon is borne if above 10 years Full Pay service. 0 10 1 0 10 1
In ships where no surgeon is borne if under 10 years. 0 8 1 0 9 1
In ships where a surgeon is borne if above 10 years Full Pay service. 0 9 1 0 9 7
In ships where a surgeon is borne if above 3 years Full Pay service. 0 7 7 0 8 2
In ships where a surgeon is borne if under 3 years Full Pay service. 0 7 1 0 8 1

It is intended to employ Medical Students as Dressers for temporary service on the Home or Baltic Stations, subject to such regulations as their Lordships from time to time may find it necessary to direct ; their period of service to extend from about the 1st of April, to September or October, and in order that they may have the opportunity of resuming their studies during the Winter, they will be discharged from the service at one of the principal sea ports in this country, about the latter period.

Their pay will be at the rate of six shillings and sixpence a day with rations, and upon their joining the Ship to which they may be appointed. they will be permitted to draw far three months pay to advance ; should they be appointed to a Ship at a distant place they are to be granted a free pass per rail ; their rank to be equal but subordinate to that of Acting Assistant Surgeons : they will be required to join the Midshipman's Mess, paying monthly as supernumeraries their share of the expenses, they are to be allowed to wear the undress uniform of an Assistant Surgeon, R.N., with the cap and band, and a sword ; should these Gentlemen be able to obtain certificates of good conduct from the Captains and Surgeons of the Ship or Ships in which they have served, on being discharged they will be allowed a gratuity, not exceeding Twenty or Twenty Five Pounds.

By Command of their Lordships

R. Osborne.

To all Commanders in Chief, Captains, Commanders, and Commanding Officers of H.M. Ships and Vessels.

13th November, 1858.

Service of Surgeons to Qualify Them for the Rank of Medical Inspector or Deputy Medical Inspector of Hospitals and Fleets.

Whereas by Your Majesty's Regulations for the government of Your Naval Service it is ordered that to be eligible for a Commission as Medical Inspector of Hospitals and Fleets, or as Deputy Medical Inspector of Hospitals and Fleets, a Surgeon shall have served four years in Your Majesty's Navy as Surgeon on board a commissioned ship; and whereas we are humbly of opinion that valuable service on shore, at home or abroad, should also be allowed in special cases to count as time for rendering a Surgeon eligible for promotion to the before-mentioned ranks, we do therefore most humbly submit that Your Majesty will be graciously pleased by Your Order in Council to grant us the necessary authority for carrying the foregoing proposition into effect.

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Circular No. 349.

Admiralty, 26th November, 1858.

Qualifications for the Rank of Medical Inspector of Hospitals and Fleets, and of Deputy Medical Inspector of Hospitals and Fleets.

With reference to Chapter III., Article 15, of Her Majesty's Regulations, which renders four years' service as Surgeon on board a commissioned ship necessary as a qualification for the rank of Medical Inspector of Hospitals and Fleets, or of Deputy Medical .Inspector of Hospitals and Fleets, Her Majesty has been graciously pleased, by Her Order is Council of the 13th instant, to direct that valuable service on shore, at home, or abroad, should also be allowed in special cases to count as time for rendering a Surgeon eligible for the before-mentioned ranks ; and my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty hereby make known the same for the information and guidance of all whom it may concern.

By Command of their Lordships.

H. Corry.

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Circular No. 370.
Admiralty, 13th May, 1859.
Medical Officers, Royal Navy - Revised Pay, Half-Pay, Rank, &c. - 1859.
Her majesty having been pleased, by Her Order in Council of the 13th instant, to establish the following regulations with regard to the Pay, Half-pay, Rank, &c., of the Medical Officers of the Royal Navy, My Lords hereby make known the same, for the information of all whom it may concern.

1.- There shall in future be four grades of Medical Officers, viz. :-

  1. Inspector- General of Hospitals and Fleets.
  2. Deputy Inspector- General of Hospital and Fleets.
  3. Surgeon, who, after twenty years' service on full-pay, ten of which in the rank of Surgeon, shall be styled Staff-Surgeon.
  4. Assistant-Surgeon.

2.- No Candidate shall be admitted to the examination for a Commission in the Medical Department of the Royal Navy who does not possess such a diploma as would qualify a civilian to practise Medicine and Surgery; and no such candidate shall receive a Commission as Assistant-Surgeon, until he shall have satisfactorily passed an examination in Naval Surgery and Hygiene before a Board of Examiners appointed by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty.

3.- No Assistant-Surgeon shall be eligible for promotion to the rank of Surgeon, until he shall have passed such examination as the Commissioners of the Admiralty may require ; and shall have served on full-pay, with the Commission of Assistant Surgeon, for five years, of which two, at least, shall have been passed on board one or more of Her Majesty's sea-going ships.

4.- No Surgeon shall be eligible for promotion to the rank of Deputy Inspector General of Hospitals and Fleets, until he shall have served ten years in the Royal Navy, on full-pay, of which three at least must hare been passed in one of Her Majesty's ships, on some one or more Foreign Stations, with the rank of Surgeon.

5.- No Deputy Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets shall be eligible far promotion to the rank of Inspector-General, until he shall have served five years at home, or three years abroad, in the rank of Deputy Inspector-General.

In cases of emergency, however, or when the good of Her Majesty's Service may render such alteration desirable, it will be competent for the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to shorten the several periods of service above-mentioned, in such manner as they shall deem fit and expedient.

6.- The rates of full-pay for the Medical Officers of the Royal Navy will in future be in accordance with the following schedule:-

Rank �. s. d.
Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets after 25 years� Service on Full Pay 2 5 0
Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets after 20 years� Service on Full Pay *2 0 0
Deputy Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets after 30 years� Service on Full Pay 1 14 0
Deputy Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets after 25 years� Service on Full Pay 1 10 0
Deputy Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets after 20 years� Service on Full Pay *1 8 0
Staff Surgeon after 25 years� Service on Full Pay 1 5 0
Staff Surgeon after 20 years� Service on Full Pay 1 2 0
Surgeon after 15 years� Service on Full Pay 0 18 0
Surgeon after 10 years� Service on Full Pay 0 *15 0
Assistant-Surgeon after 10 years� Service on Full Pay 0 13 0
Assistant-Surgeon after 5 years� Service on Full Pay 0 11 0
Assistant-Surgeon under 5 years� Service on Full Pay 0 10 0

* Or on promotion, should those periods of service not have been already completed.

7.- Every Medical Officer on the Active List, now on half-pay, and those who may be placed on half-pay, subsequently to the 13th instant, will be allowed the half-pay to which his period of service on full-pay shall entitle him, according to the following schedule:-

Rank �. s. d.
Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets after 30 years� Service on Full Pay 1 17 6
Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets after 25 years� Service on Full Pay 1 13 6
Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets after 20 years� Service on Full Pay *1 10 0
Deputy Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets after 30 years� Service on Full Pay 1 5 6
Deputy Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets after 25 years� Service on Full Pay 1 2 6
Deputy Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets after 20 years� Service on Full Pay *1 1 0
Staff Surgeon after 25 years� Service on Full Pay 0 18 6
Staff Surgeon after 20 years� Service on Full Pay 0 16 6
Surgeon after 15 years� Service on Full Pay 0 13 6
Surgeon after 10 years� Service on Full Pay 0 *11 0
Assistant-Surgeon after 10 years� Service on Full Pay 0 10 0
Assistant-Surgeon after 5 years� Service on Full Pay 0 8 0
Assistant-Surgeon under 5 years� Service on Full Pay 0 6 0

* Or on promotion, should those periods of service not have been already completed.

8.-With a view to maintain the efficiency of the service, all Medical Officers, with the ranks of Staff Surgeon, Surgeon and Assistant Surgeon, will be placed on the Retired List, when they shall have attained the age of 60 years. Deputy Inspectors General will be placed on such Retired List, when they shall have attained the age of 65 years, and Inspectors General when they shall have attained the age of 70 years. Officers thus superannuated will receive the rates of half-pay mentioned to the preceding schedule.

9.- The relative ranks of the Medical Officers of the Royal Navy will be as follows :-

An Assistant Surgeon will rank as a Lieutenant is the Army, according to the date of his Commission, and after six years, service on full-pay, as a Captain in the Army, according to the date of the completion of such service.

A Surgeon will rank as Major in the Army, according to the date of his Commission, and a Staff Surgeon as Lieutenant-Colonel but junior of that rank.

A Deputy Inspector General of Hospitals and Fleets will rank as Lieutenant- Colonel, according to the date of his Commission and after five years' service on full-pay as Deputy Inspector-General, will rank as Colonel, according to the date of completion of such service.

An Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets will rank as Brigadier-General, according to the date of his Commission, and after three yours' service on full-pay as Inspector General will rank as Major-General, according to the date of completion of such service.

Provided always, that no Medical Officer, while borne on the books of one of Her Majesty's ships, or employed in establishments on shore, shall be deemed superior in rank to the Officer appointed in command such ship or establishment ; but such Commanding Officer shall, under all circumstances, be held to be superior in rank and precedence to every officer under his command.

10.- When medical Officers of the Navy may be employed on shore, on joint service with Her Majesty's Land Forces, such relative rank will carry with it all precedence and advantages attaching to the rank with which it corresponds, and shall regulate the choice of quarters, rates of lodging money, servants, forage, fuel, and light, or allowances in their stead ; but Medical Officers serving in the Fleet, notwithstanding the relative rank thus conferred upon them, will, in all such details, and also in all matters relating to the duties of the Fleet, and to the discipline and interior economy of Her majesty's ships, be subject, as heretofore, to the authority of any executive officer of the Military Branch, while on duty, under the General Regulations which may from time to time be prescribed by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty.

11.- Medical Officers will share Prize Money according to the Proclamation or Proclamations which may be in force at the time being, for regulating the distribution of the proceeds of Prizes in the Royal Navy.

12.- Medical Officers will be entitled to the same allowances on account of wounds and injuries received in action as combatant officers holding the same relative ranks.

13.- The families of Medical Officers will in like manner be entitled to the same allowances as granted to the families of combatant officers holding the same relative ranks.

14.- Medical Officers will be held entitled to the same honours as other Officers of the Royal Navy of equal relative rank **

15.- A Medical Officer retiring, after a full-pay service of twenty-five years, may, in cases of distinguished service, receive a step of honorary rank, but without increase of half-pay.

16.- Good Service Pensions will be awarded to the most meritorious Medical officers of the Royal Navy under such regulations as shall from time to time be determined upon.

17.- Four of the most meritorious Medical Officers of the Royal Navy will be named "Honorary Physicians," and four " Honorary Surgeons," to Her Majesty.

By Command of their Lordships,

H. Corry.

To all Commanders-in-Chief, Flag Officers, Captains, Commanders. and Commanding Officers of Her Majesty's Ships and Vessels.

** This clause does not extend to the compliments to be paid by Garrisons or Regimental Guards as laid down in pages 29 and 30 of Her Majesty's Regulations for the Army, nor to corresponding honours paid on board Her Majesty's Ships.

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