Commuted Allowances in Order that Flag Officers &c. may pay for their Servants in Lieu of at Public Expense - June 1870


At the Court at Osborne house, Isle of Wight, the 5th day of February, 1870.

Present: The Queen's Most Excellent Majesty in Council.

Whereas there was this day read at the Board a Memorial from the Right Honourable Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, dated 23rd day of December, 1869, in the words following, viz.:-

Whereas We have under consideration the subject of the Servants now allowed at the public cost to the Commanders-in-Chief of Your Majesty's Ships and Vessels at the Home Ports ; their Secretaries; and the Superintendents of Your Majesty's Dockyards at Home ; and whereas We are of opinion that it would be for the advantage of Your Majesty's Naval Service, and a saving of expense to the country, if a composition were granted to such Officers to enable them to provide their own Servants ; We humbly beg leave to recommend that Your Majesty will be graciously pleased, by Your Order in Council, to establish the various Commuted Allowances proposed in the following Table:-

Station Rank Commuted Allowance
Portsmouth Commander-in-Chief 500
Devonport Ditto 500
Sheerness Ditto 400
Queenstown Ditto 250
Portsmouth Secretary to Commander-in-Chief 40
Devonport Ditto ditto 40
Sheerness Ditto ditto 40
Queenstown Ditto ditto 40
Portsmouth Admiral Superintendent 200
Devonport Ditto ditto 200
Sheerness Captain ditto 125
Chatham Ditto ditto 125
Pembroke Ditto ditto 125

This change to take place from the 1st April next, except in the cases of the recently appointed Commanders-in-Chief at Devonport and Queenstown, and any other Commander-in-Chief who may be appointed before that date.

And whereas we are further of opinion that the existing Office of Flag-Lieutenant to the Admirals Superintendent of the Dockyard at Home is no longer required, and that unnecessary expense is consequently occasioned to the public ; We humbly beg leave to recommend that Your Majesty will be graciously pleased, by Your Order in Council, to abolish such Offices from the 1st of April next, or before then in case of any fresh appointment of a Superintendent.

And whereas We have also had under our consideration the existing regulations on the subject of the Table Money allowed to the Commanders-in-Chief at Home, and Admirals Superintendent of Your Majesty's Dockyards at Home ; and being humbly of opinion that it would be for the advantage of Your Majesty's Naval service, if, when such Officers are on leave, they should not altogether lose their Table Allowances; We beg leave to submit that Your Majesty will be graciously pleased to sanction our proposal, that, from the first of October last. Commanders-in-Chief at Home and Admirals Superintendent of Home Dockyards, be allowed half the amount of their Table Money during short leave of Absence when granted by the Admiralty not to exceed six weeks in the year. The Lords Commissioners of Your Majesty's Treasury have signified their approval of these proposals.

Her Majesty having taken the said Memorial into consideration, was pleased, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, to approve of what is therein proposed ; and the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty are to give the necessary directions herein accordingly.

(Signed) Arthur Helps.

Source: Navy List for June 1870

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